


So I'll be going through recruitment this fall at Ole Miss and am a DDD legacy, but Im from out of state. I have good grades too. Will DDD give me a chance or probably not because I'm not from MS?

Posted By: Future rebel
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Not a chance

By: Olemissgirl

but most likely not. it depends how big of a legacy you are (double, triple, etc.), if you're an Ole Miss legacy, if you're from Mississippi, and MOST importantly if you know girls in tri-delt that like you, or if you're known in tri-delt for the right reasons. It's all about who you know with the Greek system at Ole Miss. connections, connections, connections. This also isn't just for tri-delt, it applies to most of the sororities at Ole Miss (at least the top: XO/KD/DDD/DG/PM/KKG) anything other than that you can get a bid by making a good impression, even in KKG and PM, they're split with girls they know and good rushes

By: sorry

If you have good friends in any sorority, it will go a long way towards a bid. None of them have to take legacies any more. Keep your options open.

By: mary jean

Tri Delt has girls from missouri, north carolina, texas, etc. You will be fine as long as you make a good impression and are a legacy.

By: asdf

There are too many legacies going through now in many of the sororities so it just doesn't matter (especially in nationally strong ones like DDD). Their website even states that out of courtesy, they will invite you to one round after open house and that's it. After that, you are voted on just like any other PNM. And at Ole Miss, you really need those connections. So my advice to you is to consider ALL the chapters at Ole Miss to find where you fit best.

By: TexasDelta

After one round, if you make it to preference night however, they have to give you a bid.

By: Greekgirl

If you have lots of friends in the house already & are a legacy you should have a decent shot as getting to the next round. If you don't have a lot of friends there, then its entirely possible that you will find another house that you connect with, Just bc your mom was a tridelt doesnt mean YOU will love them! ALL houses get cut by girls......it works both ways. Just keep an open mind and you will be happy bid night.

By: be cool

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Go in with an open mind, Tri Delt is not as good as people think

By: Hotty Toddy

They DO NOT have to give you a bid even if you attend Pref. The guidelines have changed for some sororities regarding that! I know a girl last year who was a legacy and went to Tri Delta pref but did not get a bid. Her 2nd choice assumed she would go her legacy so they didn't put her up high enough and so she got her 3rd choice (still a GREAT one!) and pledged that (she is from my hometown which is how I knew about it).

By: TexasDelta

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