
new tiers for the fall - fraternities


this year has been fairly eventful for the greek system... and not in a good way. EX just got kicked off campus for not registering their parties which cancelled derby days, KA is on social probation for their spring break incident, Phi Delt got on social probation for throwing beer bottles at KE and now can't have their spring party, and Pike didn't make grades. The only 3 fraternities keeping their cool is SN, ATO, and KE. All three have their spring parties within the next three weeks so that will be a deciding factor on their behavior/if the party is fun.

SO new tiers:
KE/Phi Delt
Sig Ep/Phi Psi
Delta Psi/Beta/Sigma Pi
Phi Tau/Phi Kap/Chi Psi

Posted By: Hotty Toddy
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about right to me

By: Looks


By: 100%

Its a shame when this kind of stuff happens to the greek system. hopefully the new top three can hold it together and no one else gets kicked off. Good ranks.

By: yep

these are spot on

By: mhm

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and Phi Psi could be swapped same with Phi Delt and Kappa Sig but other than that these are pretty accurate

By: SigEp

print this out this is how it is right now

By: should

I wouldn't put ATO above KE, but I get that they just got off probation and are just now getting back into the social thing. As far as involvement and quality guys, I'd definitely put KE about ATO though.

By: ---

definitely not top tier

By: KE

ATO? seriously, ato is not top tier by any means what so ever...

By: coKAine

KA isnt under any sort of probation right now so idk what yall are smoking

By: Complete Bull

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