
out of state wants top national sororities


Ole Miss comes to my school every year to recruit, they want Texas students to come to Ole Miss. With UT and A&M becoming very selective and accepting only top 7-10% of high school classes, more Texas kids will be coming to Ole Miss. And girls will want to pledge the top Texas and national sororities - Pi Phi, Kappa, Tri Delt, XO, Theta. No one pledges KD in Texas, Phi Mu does not exist, and DG is not strong.

Posted By: hillcountrygirl
Page 2 of 4

said Theta, Kappa, and PiPhi are good everywhere is wrong. They are some of the lowest tier houses at many of the SEC and ACC schools.

By: Whoever
by: Overall   

Kappa is very strong in the SEC, Theta is great at a few schools, and Pi Phi is kind of obscure. For whatever reason there seem to be some Texas girls who have to project how awesome they think those 3 are on every Greekrank page they can find, and want to make sure everyone knows they're top tier everywhere, always.

By: Overall

forgot Arkansas - XO,Kappa, PiPhi

By: SEC!!

if you want to be in the strongest national sororities, you're going to try for (in no order because its different everywhere):
KKG, DG, PiPhi, DDD, ADPi (think they're coming next year?), XO, Theta, KD

join any of those and you can't go wrong

By: look
by: National??   

Noo....ADPi is well known but not top tier nationally, way more southern. KD is an SEC sorority too. Natioanlly it's more Kappa, Theta, Pi Phi, DG, DDD, XO=top 6. Next=Zeta, Alpha Phi, ADPi If you are staying in the south forever=KD, Phi Mu, Alpha Gam

By: National??
by: ^   

I'd put KD and Phi Mu both ahead of Alpha Phi. Unless you want to live in the Midwest Alpha Phi is not that big. I'd say being big primarily in SEC/Southern schools is better than being big at mostly Big 10/Midwest schools.

By: ^
by: Xxxx   

While KD is considered an "SEC" southern sorority it is also well known nationally as well. Most of their chapters are just south or on the east coast with few chapter in the west, but greek severity declines the more west and north you go..

By: Xxxx

If you look at the top public and private schools in each state, a handful of sororities are consistently on campus - KKG, Pi Phi, Theta, DG, DDD - and these 5 sororities are very selective in the campuses they will put chapters to keep up their strong alumnae base and academic standards. These are the top 5 national sororities. And - the top two at the majority of the top public and private schools is Theta and Kappa.

By: National!!
by: Throw   

XO in the top. It's more a top 6.

By: Throw

This topic is like dragging a dead horse. ALL the sororities at Ole Miss have Great girls, crazy girls, party girls, smart girls and not so classy girls no one sorority has only oe kind. The only people that believe in the old tier rankings are the girls from little ole Mississippi. They want to be in the supposed top three because everyone from their hometown was in a particular sorority and they would rather die than come home in a Theta shirt. It doesnt matter what kind of girls are in the sorority or that they would love the sisterhood it had to offer it is all about preconceived ideas based on ladies 30 years older than them makes them want to be in a sorority that may have no sisterhood but certain letters. Out of state girls are not immune to this either because they could not care less if every Jackson girl thinks they have to be a Chi O or die, they cant go home with a KD shirt or risk ridicule. Even though all the Mississippi girls would love to think the rest of America somehow values their judgement or thinks they are superior in picking sororities its not true. That is why the whole "tier" system or top sororities are just opinions. Or take the letters off some composites and ask girls to rank them based looks alone or take letters off and rank based on friendliness and kindness and I assure you there would be drastic changes to your so called ranks. Quit with the ranking nonsense.

By: outta stater

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XO is not top nationally. They have lots of chapters at schools the top sororities would not consider colonizing. Lots of chapters does not mean anything, it just means you have lower standards for where you will consider having a chapter. XO gives less to charity nationally than almost all of the national panhellenic council members. Newsweek article confirms this.

By: Nope on XO

Alpha Phi is stronger than ZTA, ADPi and KD nationally. They have very strong chapters in NE, Midwest, Arizona, California, and West Coast.

By: update
by: actually   

alpha phi not stronger than ZTA, ADPI, and KD nationally because there are more Greek schools in the south and the east than in the west coast. so with that being said... even though kd, zta, and adpi are usually considered "southern" sororities, they have a lot of national attention since more greek schools nationally are in the south and east. also greek life is a much bigger deal and the strongest in the south east than anywhere else in the country.

By: actually
by: what?   

APhi may be stronger than ZTA but never ADPi or KD

By: what?
by: okay   

then name three strong alpha phi chapters in the SEC please...

By: okay
by: @what?   

I might argue that Zeta is stronger than KD or ADPi nationally, but I'd put all 3 ahead of APhi. I think the South is certainly a stronger region for Greek life than anywhere else, and I'd say that being strong SEC/ACC groups is a bigger deal than being a strong Big 10 group.

By: @what?
by: narrow minded   

Alpha Phi is strong at some great universities that are huge greek schools. These schools have more sororities and are much better academically than 90% SEC Schools. Alpha Phi is top tier at Indiana University, University of Michigan, University of Illiniois, Northwestern, Arizona, USC, UCLA.

By: narrow minded
by: Um, no   

Alpha Phi is not a top tier sorority at Illinois. Middle tier, yes.

By: Um, no

AXO and KD are two of the fastest growing sororities and are starting to get a ton of good national attention

By: _____

Lets get this straight , Texas girls join a sorority based on how they are nationally??? What is that going to get you unless you plan on transferring back to Texas and if that is the case do like lots of girls do go to UTSA, Blinn or one of those other schools then transfer in. I know Texas schools are harder to get in because of them selecting certain ranked students but every high school in Texas is not to the same standard so don't think Texas only gets the brightest of students. Plenty of students who get in after they have gone to other colleges first , so don't cut down other Universities because you think Texas schools are superior. Pick a college because you like it and feel comfortable there and if you can pick a sorority for the same reason. Unfortunately every girl doesn't get their top choice but I would never recommend picking a sorority because of their national ranking.

By: <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by: YES^^^   

AMEN thank you thank you!

By: YES^^^

Nobody is saying that Texas girls join because of National rankings. They do what girls in their home towns do because that is where their friends are. They can feel pressure from Moms,Aunts and sisters who were in a different sorority than apparently every elderly female in Mississippi. Much to the amazement of the shallow minds of Mississippians not every girl from out of state comes in with a preset notion of the so called Top Sororities based on Miss. folklore and if they read any posts on this ridiculous site they can see that those soroties are obviously filled with narcissitic, uppity girls who get a charge from downgrading others and feeling superior who feels that if anyone dare actually like another sorority they must be either self ranking or cut from the precious top.Or here is an idea they get here drink the Koolaid and think the top are great until they get to know them and realize not so much and choose to go somewhere else on bid day and have a blast in a "lower Tier sorority".Any girl who wants to be in a particular sorority just because of its ancient reputation not because of the actual girls or sisterhood currently in it has egocentric motives and will fit right in with those "TOP" girls. THat is why they are filled with such "loving" "classy" girls as demonstrated on this page in the previous mean posts prove my point. Keep hating girls and see how happy you are in the end. Those in glass house should not throw snap bids...I mean rocks at each other.

By: duh
by: Yeah   

except whoever made this post was doing it to knock on the top sororities at Miss, they (maybe you?) didn't have good intentions in doing it. No one said you couldn't have fun, they just said people don't purely choose a lower tier house because they want to be "big in Texas." The original post wasn't innocent, it was fishing for this kind of response. It's not like the top sororities at Texas aren't run by "ancient tradition" the Big 6 hasn't changed since the 70s and you can see them being plenty nasty to the lower tier sororities. If you come one here saying the top sororities at the school don't matter cause they aren't top where you came from, that's not classy, it's hostile.

By: Yeah

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