
adpi and alpha phi


So how does everybody think they'll do?

I was kind of surprised that they'd bring back ADPi since they didn't close that long ago, relatively speaking.

I think APhi could do well here since they'd be starting with a clean slate and they've gotten off to a good start at schools like Bama and Kentucky. (They're also recolonizing at LSU.)

Posted By: Ole Miss Observer
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No sure why Alpha Phi was selected. They only have three chapters in the SEC....Bama, Kentucky and LSU...and opps...actually they really only have two technically since LSU hasn't started yet. And...agree about ADPI.

By: Rebel
by: Thompson   

Because they raise the bar on women taking care of themselves and don't sit around and eat all day.

By: Thompson
by: Thompson   

Because they raise the bar on women taking care of themselves and don't sit around and eat all day like a good many sororities at Ole Miss.

By: Thompson

I'm not sure about A Phi because they're weaker in the South but who knows? ADPi will probably do great because they're so strong in the SEC, lots of top tier chapters there

By: OM

APhi is almost always terrible at southern schools.

By: Really
by: Honestly   

ADPi is very hit or miss. They either seem to be the very top or the very bottom, but they are traditionally stronger in the deep south. And have a strong national. Aphi is very strong in the north, west and midwest though not a traditional southern sorority. UT and Tech have good chapters and they must have some impressive folks at nationals lately because I have heard really good things about Bama, Kentucky, and OU. You do hear the negative too, but that is part of a growing chapter...some hits and misses in recruitment. I think their nationals are really trying to get it going in the south.

By: Honestly
by: Alpha Phis   

Are drop-dead gorgeous at Bama. Lots of non-Southern girls who were cut from the Old Row houses just because they were from out of state.

By: Alpha Phis
by: No   

At Bama mostly gorgeous girls that got cut from top tier because mostly grade risks and a few reps.

By: No
by: Kk   

What? That is ridiculous. Alpha phis are one of the top sororities at almost every school. I am a Tri Delta, but A PHI was my first pick.

By: Kk
by: ^   

LOL no one at bama picks alpha Phi over Tri Delt. Go away Alpha Phi alum

By: ^

ADPi is huge in the south! Hopefully they will do well. And Aphi nationals are working hard in the south. They are also doing well at Georgia Tech and have a top chapter at Virgina Tech I think it will be interesting to watch both of them. They could possibly be quite strong over time.

By: True
by: Agree   

ADPi is very strong at Georgia too.

By: Agree
by: Haha   

No, ADPi at Georgia Tech is not a good ADPi chapter. They ride the reputation of UGA's chapter but there are better sororities at Georgia Tech. They like to say they are top but they just have attitudes.

By: Haha

I think ADPi and Alpha Phi will both do well! ADPi is definitely strong in the South and Alpha Phi is becoming stronger. Alpha Phi has really good chapters at Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, and Clemson (which i believe is newer). Can't wait to see how they do here at Ole Miss

By: OleMissGirl
by: Lol   

Alpha phi at Virginia tech is not good at all. Who are u

By: Lol

Um, just an fyi, Alpha Phi at GT sucks. Wish Tech had gotten Gamma Phi instead. Seriously, the recruitment leftovers that no one else would touch with a 10 foot pole.

By: Ha

Just because Alpha Phi may not be strong at other SEC schools (and in my opinion A phi is steadily growing at other SEC schools they've colonized at...) doesn't mean they can't grow and become another great chapter at YOUR school. So judgmental....

By: A Phi For Life!

You'd have to meet them to understand. And yeah, it's possible to grow, they could be good at Ole Miss, but it's unlikely since it's extremely traditionally southern and has such a competitive recruitment. Girls from the south are going to want big name, top tier, southern sororities.

By: Hah
by: @hah   

Can you try to be a little positive please? We are all well aware of how caddy and ruthless Ole Miss rush can be but our school is GROWING and with the exciting upswing of our football team and excitement that Hugh Freeze has generated, we need more sororities to handle the enormous influx of pnms. The last two pledge classes were HUGE. Lets embrace the change and make these new chapters feel welcomed! Everyone deserves to be in a sorority if they meet the requirements and not be cut just because there is no room. Thanks.

By: @hah
by: ^^^   

Amen. And what are the alternatives, really, to giving new chapters a chance? Let quota and total go up to the point that chapters have 500 members? Or cap quota and total so that only half of the girls who rush end up with a bid?

By: ^^^

I predict that ADPi will eventually become a strong middle or top tier group with the traditional Southern girls because of their national reputation. I think APhi could become a strong middle tier group if they focused on out of state girls. Both should do very well and both have very strong nationals

By: prediction

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if you honestly think ADpi has any hope of being anywhere but dead last you are delusional. They are the newest on campus, they have failed at Ole MIss before, and their colonizing class is full of dogs. Not to mention they are all dropping because they have no sisterhood, no house, no meals, and despite all of this their dues are still expensive.

by: Exactly!   

What @prediction?! "NOPE NOPE NOPE" told the harsh truth. You are insane! There's no way they will be a middle tier sorority, much less a top. Maybe upper bottom, but that's it. National reputation doesn't cut it here. Theta is one of the strongest sororities nationally, and look how long they've been on the bottom.

By: Exactly!

I see a new bottom tier in formation

By: new
by: Agree   

I see a new bottom tier as well...but I don't think it will be those two. After a two or three years they will rise to middle, lower middle, while some of the other struggling ones will drop below them. Honest opinion.

By: Agree
by: Doubt it.   

They will stay at bottom, maybe (already?) rising above theta. Until the oddball girls they have are gone...there's no talk of middle tier at all.

By: Doubt it.

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