
rush probs :-/

by: scared

I only have theta and alpha phi left, as do a lot of girls. I don't want to drop because I don't want to be a quitter just because rush didn't go how I had imagined. I haven't been to Aphi yet this round but the girls I have talked to at Theta weren't awkward or weird like everyone has made them out to be. I don't know what to do. I'm very scared for APhi to cut me and all I'll have is theta but I'm scared of theta because everyone says it's "embarrassing". I don't know what to do!!!

Posted By: scared
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#1  by: trust your gut   

If i were you id go with what your gut tells you. But just a heads up, apparently rushing as a sophomore is near impossible unless you're very smart with good connections so this might be the only chance you get.

By: trust your gut
#2  by: Dumb   

Go with who you like, it's not embarrassing if you like the girls plus your pledge class will be full of girls like you

By: Dumb
#3  by: heart   

Go with your heart.

By: heart
#4  by: Honestly    

I was in a similar situation with Theta my freshman year and I was super upset on bid day TBH. I wanted to drop so many times but I'm so glad I didn't. I have made my best friends through Theta and even though I'm not active I'm so glad I gave Theta a chance bc to be honest it's about YOU not anyone else. I can tell u for a fact no one even cares about any of it after freshman year and that's a fact.

By: Honestly
by: Honestly Oct 13, 2016 11:15:31 PM

Just to explain what I mean by "not active" is that I'm still a Theta I'm just currently not active.

By: Honestly
#5  by: active   

don't listen to what people say. it's not embarrassing. if you love it that's all that matters. people will think whatever but they're the ones that need to grow up

By: active
#6  by: looking back   

looking back, if i had gone theta, i would have made amazing friends and had a great time. theta has improved leaps and bounds over the past four years, and they don't get enough credit. all the thetas i know are amazing and real and completely themselves! i have so much respect for their chapter even though i joined another house. i was worried about other people's opinions, but that's not what matters. i guarantee that no matter what house you join, you will find lifelong friends and have an amazing experience. good luck!

By: looking back
#7  by: Scholarship   

Think about who's telling you that. Stop for a moment and consider their motives or perspectives. I honestly doubt a Theta herself is telling you that you will be embarrassed. So many people are caught up in appearances and prestige and that's all that matters. Those girls end up choosing a house for the wrong reasons. This time next year, do you want to be the sophomore active in a "top house" who is lonely, doesn't fit in, and still hasn't found a group of close friends within the chapter, and is left out of so many things? It can happen. I know someone in this position currently. Or do you want to be happy and be a part of a an amazing group of girls who actually want you and you can be in a place that's comfortable for you? What good iis it to be a member of a "top house" but always feel left out and on the fringe of all the activities? Sometimes, girls simply fit better somewhere else but don't go with their heart for whatever reason and the situation never improves. My advice,...go where is best for you and the current membership. If you like the house, members, and all they stand for and represent and the members like you, then that's where you should be. Don't make a "square peg try to fit in a round hole". You will find a forever home in a strong chapter with amazing girls, period. They are all tops in my opinion.

By: Scholarship
by: TRUTH!Oct 14, 2016 7:30:48 AM

My roommate last year did this- chose a "top tier" one over the "lower tier" one she liked better because she thought the letters "meant something"... she has found out that the letters only mean something when they are backed by the girls behind them. She is unhappy, never found her "group" and all though she loves telling people "Im an XYZ"... she honestly never spends time at the house or with her sisters and wonders what would have happened if she had gone with her heart.

#8  by: Theta Alum   

I am a Theta Alum (another school) with a son at OM. I decided to check out how rush is going here and have been reading all the nasty put-downs of Theta and others. I am a very proud Theta, a great national sorority, top at many colleges and. Universities. It has struggled here but I am hopeful that things will turn around for them this year. My lifelong friends are those in my pledge class, so if tons of great girls "only have Theta left", you will have an awesome pledge class at a very fine sorority. I never knew what a "tier" was when I went through and I am glad I didn't. I chose Theta because I felt comfortable there (above so called "better" sororities) and never regretted my choice. Everything happens for a reason and Theta might just be the right home for you!

By: Theta Alum
#9  by: Listen   

You said yourself that a lot of girls still have them! You aren't going to be some sort of social outcast. Make your decision based on actually meeting and talking to the girls, not by anonymous posters on a website who are prob feeding you a bunch of BS anyway. Think of how you will feel if you drop, then watch all of the girls who stuck with it having the time of their lives. You won't be comforted knowing that you you followed gossip on GR rather than your own feelings.

By: Listen

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