
okay, now tell us the truth.

by: Wondering

Any actual PNM's on here that want to tell us the truth about recruitment? How brutal were the cuts? I've heard stories. I've seen the shell shocked faces of girls as they came through our house.

I am in a top sorority and I can honestly say that we had actives break down and cry when their friends were not on our lists. We released legacies. We cut into our top list of girls. We had to cut short our number of rounds because Panhellenic asked us to release far more girls than we were prepared to.

As a senior, I've never seen carnage like I did tonight.

My advice: if you were cut from a house you loved, or a house you had friends in, or a legacy house, please know that it wasn't because we didn't want you back. It was because of this new quota system and the huge cuts we were expected to make.

Posted By: Wondering
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Page 1 of 2
#1  by: !   


By: !
#2  by: Anon    

It was brutal

By: Anon
#3  by: Hoping   

It was brutal. I've never seen so many girls crying. I got cut from 2 houses I loved! Girls were not only crying because of their schedules but crying when their friends were cut from houses they thought they would join together.

A girl on my floor said she is dropping her legacy house because they cut her friend. Many girls only have bottom houses left, but you can tell that everyone is making the most of it and are keeping their hopes high that the larger pledge classes will make a better sorority.

The general feeling is that the top houses will become even more exclusive making it harder for oos girls to get into.

By: Hoping
by: CuriousOct 11, 2016 8:44:28 AM

So I'm curious about your particular circumstances and story. For example, southern OOS or no? (Don't say which state) Connections with your fav sororities? GPA? Did you meet girls in HS at spring parties?

How about your friends who all got bottom houses?

By: Curious
by: HopingOct 11, 2016 10:25:43 AM

To answer your questions (without giving myself away)
I am from a southern OOS. I knew one or two girls in each of the sororities that dropped me, but have many more connections in the sororities that kept me. My GPA is a 3.25 from an exclusive private prep school well known in my hometown. I attended 2 spring parties and stayed with girls I was introduced to by alumni. One of my favorite houses surprised me when they cut me because the alumni who wrote my rec was one of their advisers and had introduced me to their rush team. But, I still have three houses left that I am excited about and a few others that I'm keeping an open mind with.

The girl who is being very vocal about dropping her legacy chapter because they cut her friend is from Jackson. The rest us us are kind of making fun of her. Some are upset, because she is bashing a house we would LOVE to receive a bid from. Can't believe the entitled attitude we see from Jackson and Mississippi girls in general.

The girls with nothing but bottom houses are surprising. Cheerleaders, honors students, pretty girls. All from OOS, but mostly southern states. We are realizing that one or two connections doesn't help much.

By: Hoping
by: thoughtOct 11, 2016 10:42:35 AM

I see what you mean by she's complaining about a house that other girls would love to get into, but don't assume all of the girls from Jackson or Mississippi have the entitled attitude. I'm from OOS and I've become friends with a lot of them and live on the same floor with a few, so they all aren't like that. I don't think anyone should be bashing houses at all this week.

By: thought
#4  by: Another view   

Those massive cuts can work two ways. The "bottom houses" now have a chance to improve. BUT IF - AND ONLY IF - the pnms give those "bottom houses" another look.

When the chapter sizes level out, then there can be a return to the former system of setting invites and not doing variable quota. But the playing field has to be level, and it hasn't been level at Ole Miss for decades. Girls want a few houses and reject the houses which are not tops here. Those houses are great houses elsewhere and connections are amazing. Whereas the top houses here may be "meh" elsewhere. That's how it goes, at the end of the day. Every chapter has its own strengths and weaknesses.

So, this (variable quota) can go two ways - it can be a massive failure, and the top houses stay exclusive, while the bottom houses struggle and eventually fold (and then there will be new bottom houses, that's how it works). OR the bottom houses can improve by picking up quality pnms who are open minded and willing to take on a new challenge of improving a chapter. It can happen. But will it?

By: Another view
by: not reallyOct 11, 2016 9:42:45 AM

I am a senior and went through rush the year Adpi colonized. That year there were only nine houses participating in formal recruitment.

With the exception of Theta, ALL the other houses ALWAYS made quota. The house totals were all within 20 members of each other (with the exception of Theta). Before you jump down my throat, remember that with only being on campus 25 years, Theta is still "relatively" new. Theta, Pi Phi, and AOPi were the only chapters who ever participated in Spring recruitment. Pi Phi & AOPi only to replace the members who dropped.

The new variable quota system will certainly help ADPi. No questions about that! They are already closing in on Pi Phi & Aopi, and this year will be a stellar year for them. APhi will only benefit it they quit playing their "exclusive" game they played last year. They took way too little of a pledge class! This year till tell a lot!

This new variable quota system will hurt Theta. I'm actually scared for those girls. They lack the tradition & leadership of the older chapters & the new excitement of the colonies.

DG, Phi Mu, & Kappa are all considered good, respectable sororities. None have had trouble with their house totals. They might get between 10 and 20 additional quota numbers, but not many more. Their new pledge classes will be amazing.

A bid to any of these three will be fantastic!! Top three houses will become uber exclusive, moving them into a separate "class" all together.

By: not really
by: MeOct 11, 2016 10:05:37 AM

@Not really

Theta has been on campus for almost 38 years. My mom was here in the early to mid 80's and has said they were respected as a new house at that time. A lot of Texas girls pledged them. Not sure happened to cause the change.

By: Me
by: ^^^Oct 11, 2016 10:36:34 AM

"Relatively New"

Chi O - 1899
DDD - 1904
Phi Mu - 1926
DG & KD - 1927
Kappa - 1947

AoPi - 1958
Pi Phi - 1962
Theta - 1979

Adpi - 1961-1995. Recolonized in 2013

The popularity of our sororities has a lot to do with time on campus. The longer on campus, the stronger the traditions & alumni support.

By: ^^^
by: lolOct 11, 2016 12:42:12 PM

Sorry but how would the new quota rule help ADPi and Alpha Phi, but hurt Theta? That makes zero sense. The new rule will help ALL the sororities with lower numbers improve. For the record, Alpha Phi and ADPi have the lowest numbers. But Theta and AOPi aren't that much higher!

PNMs, consider ALL the houses you're going back to this week! They're all good houses and you'll find your fit. Even on bid day if you get a house you didn't think you wanted, give it a shot. Things happen the way they're supposed to and you'll get a sisterhood and best friends wherever you go if you are open-minded and fair.

Actives, if you're using Greek Rank to tear down other houses then shame on you. It's not fair to PNMs when they see girls being negative about a house that they may love! The new quote rule helps the sororities become better overall! You should want that for your sorority and the rest of the sororities. So STOP being negative about other houses to try to make your house seem better. Just work hard during your rounds and with the girls who come back to your house. That's where the work pays off.

By: lol
by: ParityOct 11, 2016 3:32:42 PM

^^^ @another view
The size of the chapters and # of members were relatively even in the 80's. I guess that is "decades ago". Lol
ADPi-98,AOPi-106, DG-146, Kappa-140, PhiMu-140, PiPhi-116, Theta-125, Zeta folded.
ADPi-119, AOPi-110, DG-145, KD-143, Kappa-150, Theta-134, PhiMu-155, PiPhi-133.
1988-ADPi-119, AOPi-110, ChiO-176, DDD-179, DG-150, KD-165, Kappa-157, PhiMu-151, PiPhi-151, Theta-141.
ADPi-119, AOPi-112, ChiO-190, DDD-190, DG-159, KD-179, Kappa-164, PhiMu-153, PiPhi-152, Theta-142.
There was a much more vibrant, thriving environment for all the chapters. The "tiers" weren't that big of a deal and the conversation about "top" and "bottom" houses just didn't exist. Sure wish that was the case today. All of the houses are great houses! Seriously!
Yeah, it was ChiO, TriDelt, and KD. Then DG, PhiMu, Kappa, Theta, and PiPhi were all interchangeable. AOPi and ADPi were great too, just a little smaller. ADPi was in the midst of folding. Zeta had just folded. Fraternities didn't care about tiers. Sweethearts and little sisters were represented from all chapters and everyone helped each other. And recruitment was held before school started...The good ole' days.

By: Parity
#5  by: Itsy Bitsy   

I was so shocked when I got my schedule. I got cut from all but 4- including one of my favorite houses. I have spent 13 years in/working with their philanthropy program and still got cut. I hate the idea of top and lower tier houses- simply because all the organizations are great- and being rejected from an "exclusive sorority" due to lack of connections. I hope the rest of the week goes well, but this is not what I expected at all.

By: Itsy Bitsy
#6  by: ummm   

I think it is a good idea to ride this out and go all the way to preference night. If after preference you do not feel comfortable with your choices then don't sign a bid card. At this point you already have the time invested.

Look around at preference and see who else is in the group. This will tell you who the new members at that house might be. It will give you an idea of the future of the house.

I am not a theta but it seems that if they have a bunch of seemingly great people attending their preference rounds then those might be largely who the new member class is made of. This is not 100% as many of those girls may end up on bid day somewhere else. But it gives you a general idea. Same for the newer groups.

By: ummm
#7  by: pissed   

two houses rushed me really hard, one more than the other. the house that rushed me harder had told me i would be in the pledge class and for sure get a bid. I got cut from pretty much every house except three. i had so many connections in those two houses and got cut. other sororities cut me because they thought i was going into that certain sorority. this system is so confusing and messed up. there are going to be a lot of upset girls this year.

By: pissed
by: MSUOct 11, 2016 2:18:35 PM

I attend Mississippi State but was checking here to see how things were going. The only word for recruitment under variable quota is BRUTAL!! I was lucky during our recruitment but many of my friends were crushed. I can say that they found a home and are happy even though they had a rough experience. Stick it out and see what happens.

by: ummmOct 11, 2016 2:38:40 PM

If in fact you had sorority actives guarantee you a bid, that would be called dirty rushing, you should report them to Panhellenic.

While it might be true that other sororities cut you because they thought you were going into another sorority, this is unlikely unless you were an in-house legacy. Most houses don't assume anything.

I had several Chi Omegas tell me to back off rushing one of their PNM's because she was one of their in-house legacies & she was for sure going Chi O. I backed off rushing her, but I didn't tell my rush team because I know this is just how Chi O works. They like to "mark" their girls. I didn't pull any strings for her or call in any special favors, but I didn't want to write her off completely. I didn't see her yesterday. I am hopeful to see her today. At this point it's up to our rush team. They are the only ones who know for sure where girls appear on our lists and the only ones who can say for sure why a girl was cut.

By: ummm
by: FriendsOct 11, 2016 3:01:51 PM

Find out if any of your pnm friends have the same houses left as you do and then maybe consider joining the same one together?

Stick it out through preference before dropping. Keep your options open for now.

By: Friends
by: pissedOct 11, 2016 7:16:34 PM

i was in a lot of pictures with those two certain sororities so that's why people assumed. i went into rush with an open mind and loved so many of the houses and got cut. I've heard of this happening to so many other girls

By: pissed
by: ^^^Oct 11, 2016 8:39:04 PM

If you had read earlier posts in this site, you would have known that posing for pictures with actives was a huge Nono!

Your mistake.

By: ^^^
#8  by: Theta   

Just FYI in 2013 Theta actually had the largest pledge class of all time. They had 134 girls. So you are very wrong.

By: Theta
by: QuestionOct 11, 2016 8:40:22 PM

And how many of those girls did you retain? Hi we many dropped out before graduation?

By: Question
#9  by: advice   

PNM's on bid day if you're truly not happy you don't have to accept the bid you receive. But I urge you to stick it out throughout the whole recruitment process, with cuts as rough as this everyone should consider themselves lucky to have any house ask them back regardless of the rank or status. Even if a house you don't like at the moment asks you back, continue through the process keeping every option open because you might grow to like a house you originally weren't thrilled about.

By: advice
by: Bid dayOct 11, 2016 8:44:57 PM

If you're unhappy with the bid you get, go to bid day!! Try it out for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, if you're still unhappy, then drop and go through recruitment again next year. Chances are though, if you really have an open mind during those first two weeks, you'll make a few friends and decide to stick it out. I know several girls who gave it a try when they got the bid they didn't want, and they are all obsessed with their sorority now.

By: Bid day
#10  by: Why   

Did zeta fold here? Can anyone tell me? They are so good in the south.

By: Why
by: answerOct 11, 2016 9:08:29 PM

Yes. Sometime in the 80's I think. Their house is now owned by the university (it's between Kappa and DG).

By: answer
by: ...Oct 11, 2016 9:51:11 PM

It was in the 80's and it was due to general decline over the years and a bad reputation. The Zeta chapter at MSU struggles even though they are the second oldest chapter on campus. It is odd considering how strong they are at other schools.

By: ...
by: zetaOct 11, 2016 10:01:43 PM

Hopefully we can get Zeta to recolonize. With the large number of pnm's coming through rush, another sorority is certainly needed! Maybe they could get their old house back???

By: zeta

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