
variable quotas for top tier


Does anyone know what the exact(ish) quotas are for DDD KD and XO?? I have heard around 100 but not sure if that's right

Posted By: i
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You've heard rumors. Nobody, not even Panhellenic knows the answer to this. Quota won't be set until after pref.

By: Nope
by: Franklin   

So who will have the lowest quota's? Chi O, Tri Delt and KD?

By: Franklin
by: Franklin   

Hearing in the 80's...All three want to get smaller

By: Franklin
by: Same   

They will all be pretty similar. Chi o historically takes more quota additions than the other two. They are also more loyal to their legacies than the other two as well. Kd has no problem slashing legacies and alumni favorites!

By: Same

It's right. Sorry!

By: Yes
by: Franklin   

Chi O and Tri Delt will have at least a 100 or more legacies come through.

By: Franklin

You heard right! Totals won't be exact until pref night but the preliminary numbers have the top three retaining houses around 100 and the bottom three retaining houses around 200.... This will mean about 1/3 of the girls going through this year will end up in the bottom three houses according to retention rates. It's the facts! So the exact numbers we don't know yet but the percentage is accurate! It will be a great year for the houses but possibly a lot of dashed dreams for the pnms

By: Sorry
by: Unfair!   

I think it's sad and unfair to force a third of the girls going through rush into low performing or new houses.

I get the fact that all these houses have something to offer, and that they hope to make the houses better by doing this, but honestly, it's not fair.

Theta has problems. We can't sugar coat this! Something in their structure and traditions has gone wrong, but forcing girls into that sorority that don't want to be there is wrong.

The new houses have promise, but lack tradition. Most girls don't want to start new traditions when we want to belong to the others. We didn't chose ole miss over a new school. We chose ole miss for the traditions that a new school wouldn't have.

By: Unfair!
by: frustrated   

After reading the message from unfair, I had to respond. Do you want Theta to leave campus? Do you not want the new groups to be successful? Because Theta having to close down and the new groups not succeeding; that will solve the problems of how big our groups are getting. Seriously, why is it assumed that everyone that doesn't get into a "top" group would have a bad experience? There are people who actually like and wanted to be with these groups but then second guess themselves because all of the bad mouthing. It is time Ole Miss sororities learned to support each other. A strong system is a benefit to all of us.

By: frustrated
by: Nonono    

I'm all for theta getting better. I just don't want to be a part of the struggle.

I love the idea a more sororities, I just don't want to join a sorority without the history on campus.

I'm sure there are girls who want this, but not all of us do and it just doesn't sit well with many of us who feel we are being forced into something.

By: Nonono
by: ?   

I wouldn't say the new sororities lack tradition, it's not like they're locals here, every sorority has 100s of years of tradition whether they're new to campus or not

By: ?
by: frsutrated   

I want to make sure I understand the thought that we should just shut down all the struggling chapters and bring in new ones. So does that mean that all the Chi-O chapters that are struggling should be shut down...and KD...and Tri-Delt, and Phi Mu, etc. Every group has struggling chapters. How naive are you? It is so expensive to bring a new chapter onto a campus, and beyond cost, so extremely hard. And the people you say the lower tier pledge, where do you think they are going to go if they are not going into the "top" chapters? As someone else said, just because a chapter does not have "traditions" at Ole Miss, doesn't mean they don't have traditions. Some have 125+ years of traditions. The world is bigger than Mississippi ladies.

By: frsutrated
by: No   

No, I don't think struggling chapters should close down. I think strugggling chapters need to work to help themselves.

I don't think variable quotas are fair to all chapters or fair to all PNM's.

One quota for all chapters. If theta can't make quota, they need to figure it out. Without forcing girls to accept bids because the chapters they fit better in had to cut them.

Variable quotas help struggling chapters. It shouldn't be the responsibility of everyone else to fix their problems.

By: No
by: Franklin   

Will houses like DG have to take 150? Kappa? 150

By: Franklin
by: Ummm   

Xo has more members than the other chapters. Ddd, kd, DG, phi mu, kappa, phi phi, and adpi are all within roughly 20 members of each other.

The super large quotas will go to adpi, theta and aphi. The rest will all be pretty close to each other.

By: Ummm

You are wrong. If retention rates and Ole miss enrollment keep going the way they are... Sororities would be up to 500 members very soon. That is a ridiculous number and creates country club like communities rather than sisterhoods. You want to join a sorority and the work be done. If you are unhappy on bid day, you will be with a lot of other girls that are also unhappy too but you must realize... You are one of them!!! You will have to work together to improve your sorority. This is the purpose of variable quota. Try to have some humility.

By: @unfair
by: YES   


by: Not the way   

Forcing girls to join struggling sororities is not the way we should be doing things!

It's no secret that adpi is already doing better than theta. The more sororities we get in campus the better. Get rid of the struggling ones in favor of stronger newer ones. Let's see how aphi does this year. Invite other sororities to come.

Let's strengthen our Greek system by getting rid of the ones that can't retain or gain new members.

Also, if we want a stronger Greek system, we need to up our gpa requirement. Let's get more girls who are self motivated and less who simply join the Greek system to have a place to party until they turn 21.

By: Not the way
by: No   

1) you're mental to say anyone would be forced to join a struggling sorority, our "worst" sorority holds one of the most successful events on campus every year - if that's the kinda struggle they're dealing with it can't be that bad

By: No
by: Stop Theta   

Are you talking about Theta Encore? The event that every single sorority participates in to help Theta?

The truly sad part is that every sorority comes out to support Theta, but when other sororities have philanthropy events, they are missing! I've never seen a single Theta show up for any event my sorority has hosted.

Wonder why that is?

Also, with the way Derby Days went down last year and everybody complaining that sororities shouldn't force their members to participate in events, I wonder what would become of Theta Encore if sorority members had the option of not participating.

First semester freshman year is hard enough without the overwhelming hours we spend practicing!

By: Stop Theta

If you are not a chapter legacy, from Jackson or from Memphis...
Forget it!!!You will not get a "top" house. The cuts are going to be horrific. Of course let's be honest... the "top" houses are only perception. They are full of legacies.

PNM it does not matter how AWESOME your resume, how pretty and sweet you are, your GPA, etc....

All that matters is who you know that is active in the house, which private school you attended and who is your mom's friend.

Variable quota will devastate girls who thought they would get bid's from "TOP" houses. so.... don't expect anything... rank the houses you hate and then expect to get invited back to them.

By: Reality
by: yes   

exactly. everyone needs to stop getting their hopes up

By: yes
by: Hmmm   

IMO variable quota will force the largest legacy heavy chapters to release more legacies than usual. I think there will be a lot of upset moms and PNM legacies after recruitment.

By: Hmmm
by: lol   

THB I don't agree with this I think its going to hurt Jackson girls. They are way too many of them and they all want to be in top tiers and not enough spots. If the quote for the top tiers are 100 they can't take as many Jackson girls as they did in the past. Also each city/state depending on the sorority has a limit of the girls they can take from each town. The Jackson area is considered to be Jackson, Ridgeland, Madison,Brandon, Ect. its not just Jackson. Those are a lot of girls I have a feeling their are going to be a lot of hurt feelings on bid day for the Jackson girl.

By: lol

State was horrible. There were lots of girls who just withdrew. However, phi mu, pi phi and tri delta certainly benefited from the other houses taking fewer girls. Those 3 got awesome pledge classes.

KD, DG and XO really stuck to the Jackson - legacy mindset and to be honest they got exactly that. They idea of a "TOP" house has got to change and the mindset of "certain" houses are better is what has created this drama. Instead of bashing PNM about you think you are too good for some houses..... The "TOP" houses have got to change their mindset--- which kind of girls do we want? The same old small circle that we have decided is elite? Because variable quota is ultimately going to hurt the "top" houses the most after 2-3 pledge classes

By: Reality
by: My Op   

One of the existing sororities not considered 'TOP' by the archaic standard (born in Jackson, Memphis, legacies, daughters of mom's friends--yawn) should wake up and decide to be the BEST with OOS! I mean, there are a boatload of OOS PNMs who are smart, gorgeous, personable, philanthropic and come from states like Illinois, California, New York, and Missouri, with resumes boasting 4.0+ GPAs and 30+ ACT scores. Why? Aside from the beauty of the campus, SEC, etc., UM gives TONS of scholarship money to these elite PNMs to balance out the low end applicants it accepts. Which sorority is going to decide to be 'TOP' and crush it with the BEST OOS PNMs available? Right now, these sororities are getting the southern leftovers that your 'TOP' three passed on.

By: My Op
by: DG   

I'm a DG here but have the bid list from a family member at the MSU chapter. Of the 81 girls pledged only 12 were from Jackson and the surrounding areas. In case you were wondering, the breakdown is:
Prep: 4
JA: 3
Madison/MRA: 2
Brandon: 2
East Rankin: 1

By: DG
by: Yeah   

But the thing is, 12 out of 81 girls? That's 15% of a pledge class at a large state school from one city. That's not normal.

By: Yeah
by: Chi O   

I'm a Chi O at State. You are way off on your Jackson legacy comment. Our New Member class is much more diverse than what you describe.

77 New Members
13 from Jackson, Rankin Co, and Madison Co
24 out of state (various states and towns not just Memphis or Birmingham areas)
40 members from various towns in Mississippi

Recruitment was extremely difficult and making bigger cuts than usual was not fun at all. You can't stick with friends or legacies. You have to try to get the best new members.

By: Chi O
by: DG   

No that's actually about what we would aim for. 10-15% from Jackson, 5-15% from Memphis, 30-40% OOS, and the rest other places in MS. Can't speak for everyone, but I think that's ROUGHLY what the "traditional MS houses" here and at MSU would aim for.

By: DG

When I read things like "we shouldn't force girls to join struggling sororities... blah, blah blah" I want to slap people. Joining a sorority and participating in recruitment is A CHOICE. If you can't even handle the possibility of an alternate outcome, you probably should have found another campus to join a sorority. It is competitive, this is Ole Miss, not Podunk state. Panhellenic can choose to conduct it however they choose, this is not a democratic process. Just like a beauty pageant, we all know that the prettiest, best qualified candidate may be overlooked, but that is just part of the game... and if you don't like it, you don't have to throw your hat in the ring.

By: Ahem

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Whether its variable quota, or another quota strategy, we have to come to terms with the simple fact that the pledge classes at Ole Miss are WAY TOO LARGE, and that "limiting" a few of the largest groups to around 100 girls each is not such a bad thing. I mean, come on, 100 girls is not even that super exclusive. Its just a pretty normal quota number for many SEC sororities. Its still A LOT of GIRLS. And then maybe the next 2 largest groups get like 115-120, something like that, and so on down the list? Again, that's A LOT OF GIRLS. People say all the time that its just so hard to bring new sororities to Oxford, and that they never do well." Well if we have this many girls going thru rush, something has to be done to try and support the the other groups. We cant just say, "oh well, they just have to try a little harder to fix themselves?" No. Or, wait Maybe we should just kick all the other sororities off the campus and just have 4-6 MEGA SORORITIES for like 500-700 people each? Just walk in and be sorted into the 4-6 houses, no rush at all? Kinda like Hogwarts? NO. Seriously, there needs to be lots of choices of different homes for everyone, and we need to at least try this variable quota for a a few years to open things up a little bit, and then see where we go from there. Don't be scared, girls. Look around. There are SO many beautiful, smart, talented girls coming through here at Ole Miss. If they don't drop out, they can all make this place even better!

By: But seriously...
by: Well...   

Here's the deal. Eight of our sororities are all within 20 members of each other. Two of those eight participate in spring informal recruitment to help their numbers. None of the eight are struggling.

If the remaining three, two are new.

I hear you that 100 girls is enough, but do you have any idea what will happen to the struggling chapters if they take 200 girls each????? I'll tell you, mass chaos! Aphi lacks any sort of history on campus and adpi has only a few years under their belt. I honestly question whether such inexperience can succfully navigate a 200 member pledge class.

I see no harm in allowing new chapters to grow naturally without inflating their numbers overnight.

Just food for thought.

If 100 is plenty for an existing established chapter, 100 should be enough for a growing chapter.

Variable quota is not the answer. It's a way for top chapters to become even more exclusive and bottom chapters to implode.

By: Well...

I heard that the top 3 houses are only taking legacies . Is this true ?

By: ???
by: omg   

Not at all this is so wrong. We know who we want and most of them are our friends or family members. Definitely all PNMs with an in house sister will get a bid though.

By: omg
by: well omg   

If every in house legacies get bid,how many bids are left ? So, mainly legacies are taking all the spots this year.

By: well omg
by: To well omg   

We can choose whether we want to take a chapter legacy or not, they aren't for sure guaranteed a bid this year because of variable quota. If they are really weird and their mom isn't an advisor and there is a great girl we want we will choose her over the chapter legacy. The only girls guaranteed bids are in house sisters. There are about 15 all together, which isn't that much in a pledge class of under 130. We have to take all girls who have sisters in house because their sister is actually a member right now and that would be a bigger upset than if we cut a weird socially awkward chapter legacy. You are confusing chapter legacies and in house sisters.

By: To well omg

The poster above who suggested that one of the lower tier sororities make an effort to become the best among OOS students is on to an excellent recruitment strategy. Chapters at some other SEC schools have done this in the past few years with great success. Let the traditional top tier groups fight over the Mississippi and Memphis girls who will only be happy pledging those groups. Moms and alums will be happy. OOS girls don't come in with the same preconceived notions about houses, and the newer chapters who target them can grow and really strengthen themselves in a few years. It would be a win-win for everybody.

By: Great Strategy!

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