
dg video


What does everyone think of the DG video?

Posted By: Curious
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What video. Haven't seen anything.

By: Maybe

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Thought it was cute!

By: Jen

I love it!!!!

By: Rebel Fan
by: Ehh   

It was alright. Kind of weird though it really didn't reflect who they were as a chapter

By: Ehh

The entire video only featured a handful of girls doing things that had nothing to do with what girls can expect to be doing when they join a sorority. Odd that a sorority with over 400 girls would do a recruitment video only showing 10 or so girls doing random things.

Sure the girls were pretty, but what, was that all the pretty girls you could come up with?

PNM, you will not go water skiing with your entire pledge class. You will not visit Faulkners house with your entire pledge class, and when you do visit the square it will be in huge groups when you attend swaps and other events. Honestly, one girl on a horse? How can that possibly reflect the entire sorority?

Honestly, it looks like perhaps the "Popular" girls, you know the cliquish ones from Memphis or perhaps Jackson, who always exclude people from joining their cliques, decided to video all the great things that only the "popular" girls will be included in. Only a handful got to experience all the cool things they did in this video. Chances are, you will not be included in this clique. How mean to rub all this fun in your faces!

By: not great
by: woof.   

You sound like the kind of person that ruins people's fun. Haven't seen the video, but I'm sure it's cute and really similar to every other recruitment video on the planet.

By: woof.
by: @woof   

Go see it for yourself! @not great his the nail on the head!

DG really dropped the ball on this one.

By: @woof
by: Lol    

You are a sour puss

By: Lol
by: Omg   

You are so right.

Go look at the video! It is a terrible portrayal of sorority life.

By: Omg
by: honestly   

agreed! It's not an accurate portrayal of sorority life. I mean, come on, there is a part where they focus on ONE girl on a horse. ONE GIRL ON A HORSE! How in the world does that fit in with what girls can expect when they join a sorority?

I have been in a sorority for three years now, this is my forth. I can say with 100% honesty that I have NEVER even seen a horse while I was in the company of one of my sorority sisters!

I have never gone to a sorority function that had a boat, or a rope swing, or even water for that matter.

By: honestly

I thought it seemed more like a "Visit Mississippi" tourism type video than a sorority recruitment video. Remove the DG references and I would think hey, look at this beautiful place where I can ride horses and play with puppies. I should visit Mississippi.

By: mixed

If it did not say DG at the beginning you would not even know it was a sorority video. outdoor recreation?

By: Not Good

If it did not say DG at the beginning you would not even know it was a sorority video. outdoor recreation?

By: Not Good

Guys come on. Look at ALL the sorority videos out there. Maybe 1 in 20 comes close to an accurate portrayal of sorority life. Do you hang out at the lake with your sisters? Sure, but do you do it in full make up and covered in glitter? What about the ones where people run around with their school mascot while primping and posing? What about the ones that focus on slow-motion dancing or jumping up and down for five minutes?

None of them are accurate portrayals of our sisterhoods. No video will ever do it. Do I think DG could have done a better job? Sure. Do I think they "dropped the ball"? Not necessarily. I'd rather something like this than another "blow glitter into the camera' shot like every other sorority video I've seen in the last 5 years.

By: ....
by: Right    

Thank you!

By: Right
by: yes, but   

We will have to agree to disagree. Sorority life is not all glitter & rainbows, but in my sorority spontaneous dance parties happen all the time! Laughter is all around. When in the Grove, we do primp & pose for pictures with mascots! Our pledge class will attend many large functions where they will bond with each other, not just a beautiful few.

DG should have "sold" their entire sorority, not just a select few. Makes them look super snotty to have excluded close to 400 girls from their recruitment video!

The chapters that videoed their rush workshops with hundreds of girls jumping around is an accurate portrayal of what they can expect. When you do anything with a large group, there is excitement and fun and shenanigans. We don't all sit in a boat, or on a horse making our hand signals. We pose for pictures like that, but it's not what we do!

By: yes, but
by: true but   

There's a difference between the moments you're talking about with your sisters and the ones you see in videos. I would much rather see a bunch of cell phone videos cobbled together than a professional drone shot promo because one is real and one will always feel posed. One of my chapter sisters has pulled out a camera while we're dancing around in between parties when no one is watching and while on one hand I would never want those photos to see the light of day, on the other hand they're amazing because they are us at our most comfortable with each other, when we're not trying hard for anyone but ourselves.

By: true but

Poor dg's no spontaneous dance parties for you!

By: Lol

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