
new this year


The variable quota is brand new this year. What that means, for now, is that none of us knows what is going to happen, or what your chances are.

Here's what we do know, or what our chapters have been telling us.

1. Larger chapters will be taking less girls. Smaller chapters will be taking more girls.

2. Chi o has the most members ahead of the rest by 20 some-odd members. Then Ddd, kd, dg, phi mu, kappa, pi phi, and aopi all are with in 20 some-some odd members of each other. Then adpi, theta, and aphi.

3. Chi o will probably be limited with a smaller quota than the rest. (Hope all your legacies and alumni favorites you bid in the past were worth it). I see their alumni getting very upset this year, but the active's are happy not to be forced by alumni to take the girls they don't want.

4. Then the sororities in the middle will take only 20 something more girls than xo. This will benefit Ddd similar to xo because they will no longer be forced into taking the girls their alumni tell them to. Kd and dg will do fine, their alumni seem to be better about letting them choose their own girls. Phi mu and kappa might hurt a little with not being allowed to take as many quota additions as they have in the past.

I see pi phi and aopi hurrying the worst. Hopefully they will be allowed to take more girls to make up for the fact that they have a lot of members drop every year.

5. The rest will be forced to take more girls than they are comfortable taking.

Posted By: Just saying
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Will legacies take the spores in Chi o KD. And Tri Delt

By: ???
by: Maybe   

Maybe, but that's not what we are being told by our recruitment committees. Chapter legacies will always take spots, that will not change, but non-chapter legacies, especially those without connections probably be cut.

What will be different this year will be those PNM that know alumni, but don't have significant relationships with actives will also be cut. Alumni will have less of a say.

As a senior, I can say that every year we look around on bid day and see new members that we have no idea who they are. These are usually the girls the alumni are fighting for and the girls who get bids based on those relationships. Girls the alumni advisers place on our lists without our voting for them) Those are also legacies with bad reputations that the alumni purposefully keep hidden from us. (they know if we start asking around, we will dig up skeletons). Those girls will be cut this year. Unless multiple "active" girls know you, and multiple girls are fighting for you, you will be cut.

Not much else will change. Top sororities already have their working lists made. We know who our target girls are.

Only the girls who are maybe's for us going into rush will feel the cuts a little more. This year, we won't have to take girls unless we absolutely love them, without having to worry about whether or not we make quota.

At least that is how our recruitment team described things to us in an effort to get us to vote yes to variable quotas.

By: Maybe

I sounds like it is going to be rough !

By: ???

The cuts at MSU were awful. Chi O, KD, and DG had to make HUGE cuts. Many legacies and even girls with strong in house connections were cut because we wanted to take the best girls period. Chi O took 77, DG 81, and KD 82. It was brutal and ended with MANY upset legacy moms.

Variable quota benefited the middle size sororities the most. Phi Mu which is comparable to the Ole Miss chapter was able to get girls from towns typically taken by Chi O, KD, and DG (Delta girls and private school Jackson girls). I still think the larger three ended up with the top PNMs but Phi Mu and others will have a foothold in schools they haven't in the past. It should make future recruitments interesting.


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This definitely helps mid tier houses the most. Top houses are able to be selective regardless of quota, but they'll have to cut some girls they would have really wanted and have to deal with legacies taking up spots. Bottom tier is going to be forced to take the leftovers even more so than in the past. Mid tier chapters however, will get the best girls that the top houses don't have room for, allowing them to them weed out more of the PNMs that they don't want

By: Hi
by: YEs   

I believe you're right. Middle Tier will benefit the most. I am in a top tier house and an very anxious this year.

In my sorority we have over 100 legacies coming through. Half of those are Chapter legacies. Half of those chapter legacies have sitting sisters (biological sisters who are currently active members).

According to our national policy, we are encouraged, but not required, to invite them back to invitational events. HOWEVER, my chapter is extremely loyal to legacies. I get it, but when you are passing on really superior girls in favor of mediocre legacies, you are weakening the chapter. Our alumni don't seem to care about our chapter, all they care about is getting their daughters bids, no matter what hot messes they may be.

So, to all the middle tier houses, congratulations in advance on your superior new pledge classes. Unless your alumni are caught up on legacies as well, then my congratulations go to the bottom tier, who will essentially "sweep the row".\n\n\n\n\n

By: YEs

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