
phi mu/ kappa


Are Phi Mu and Kappa only taking 80 girls this year? I heard they were only allowed this many.

Posted By: curious
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There will be variable quotas this year, but no quotas have been set yet.

By: Who knows

i don't understand this quota i know it's because the lower tier houses needs girls but no one wants to be in those houses.... if i get cut from top and middle and only have lower tier left ill drop out and im sure a lot of people will

By: herhrt
by: Yup!   

So will I.

By: Yup!
by: Omg!   

Life is not equal, it's not fair, and there will always be people who do better than others.

Sororities are no different. They are not all equal.

Top girls know they belong in top sororities.

By: Omg!
by: seriously   

Oh wow, mom raised a pretentious, self entitled one here..... I'm sorry that you feel the need to reassure yourself of your alleged heightened status and importance through a sorority ranking.

The letters on your shirt don't automatically make you better than another girl.

Anyone who knows the system knows that the majority of rush has to do with connections. There are plenty of girls who are in "bottom tier" who have the exact same qualities that "top tier" is looking for, but just didn't have the connections to make a name for themselves.

A lot of girls in bottom tiers would be able to fit into a top tier house, and vice versa. I know so many girls who are best friends even though their sororities are on opposite ends of the totem pole. If you try to argue otherwise, you're just lying to yourself. Hell, by junior year no one gives a crap what fraternity or sorority people belong to.

By: seriously
by: Go Greek   

If this is your attitude, then you don't have the attributes to be a good sorority woman

By: Go Greek

^^^^^^^ is correct....as you go through recruitment you will see each house is filled with the same type of girls, beautiful, sweet girls. As more oos girls come to Ole Miss, tiers matters less and less. Most aren't going back to Jackson to live, but to states all over.
Don't count yourself out of having a great time in any sorority. Tiers only matter to the small minded Jackson girls.

By: seriouslyyes
by: Lol   

Y'all keep telling yourself that! You will be just like that little girl in the mirror telling herself how great she is.

By: Lol

I'm in a bottom tier chapter and it hurts my feelings to know that girls think they are above me and deserve better. I'm proud to be in my chapter and my friends are amazing. I preffed a "top" tier house and a "bottom" tier house. Would it have been awesome running to the other house on bid day, sure, but when I opened my bud day card I was still excited bc I know girls that would have killed to even get a bid to a sorority due to grades. I ran to my house, and I am so thankful I gave this chapter a chance. We might not have a greatest reputation on chapter, but that is also due to girls going through rush with pre conceived notions of which houses are the best. I'm proud to be a theta, even though I had the opportunity to be a tri delt. My chapter opened their doors to me, and if any house, regardless of their so called tier, does the same for you, shame on you if you don't run there on bid day.

By: Give them a chance

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Thing is every single house on campus is so interchangeable....honestly if you held a big mass open rush out in the grove with no one wearing any letters the majority of PNMs would not be able to tell you which sorority was which (the ones who could obviously are ones with friends or relatives in a particular house). Every single house on this campus is filled with smart, pretty fun girls as well as not so smart, not so pretty not so fun ones. Listen up and listen good NOT ONE SINGLE PNM out there is "better than" any house on this campus.

By: Thing Is

Nothing but stuck up legacies and their cronies in the "top" tier houses. May be from different towns but you can bet they had serious connections.

Grades, service, beauty nothing matters. It is ALL ABOUT WHO YOU KNOW!!!! But the tier system is falling apart at State and Ole Miss they are cutting their own throats because Smart Good Pretty girls are going to other houses and they can cherry pick what they think is best but the tier system can only take so much inbreeding.

I am sick of hearing it in my house..... we only want girls with connections. I really want to go inactive but my mom is one of those crazy legacy moms. UGGHHHHH

By: Crap
by: Ummm   

Oh, please. Nobody ever says they only want girls with connections! Give it a rest!

Legacies no longer hold any power. Well chapter legacies do, but that's about it.

We bid our friends. Plain and simple. If we know you and like you, we want you! Easy as that.

However, we do look for girls who fit the "ideals" we are looking for. For example. Chi o's are looking for girls who fit their symphony. If they have friends to fit, those are the girls who will get bids. Not strangers we have never met before.

By: Ummm

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