
variable quota


Will this new variable quota system help or hurt our Greek system? Realistically.

Posted By: Curious
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It's hard to say. Alpha Phi and ADPi will benefit if it works as it should and it will help control chapter size across the board. It didn't work as planned at Mississippi State where ADPi was expected to take 120 new members but only got 65 or so due to PNMs dropping out of recruitment when cut from larger houses. Many in the larger chapters resent having to cut their best friends and more legacies than normal especially since ADPi fell far short of their quota. Many alums were furious with some cuts made. It was difficult on all PNMs and the three largest groups Chi O, DG and KD. It worked well for the other houses because they were able to pledge girls who they would typically not have a chance pledging.

The University of Arkansas used the same quota this year. Not sure how it worked for them.

by: MSU2   

ADPi got 80 something girls, not 65.

By: MSU2
by: Girl   

So ADPi took 40 less than quota? That means a lot of PNMs and the sororities forced to make bigger cuts than usually (Chi O, KD and DG) were screwed. The only positive about something similar happening here is reducing chapter size for the huge groups on campus.

By: Girl
by: MSU2   

I mean ADPi tried to take more, but girls dropped all together, didn't show when their bid card said ADPi, or refused their snapbids.

By: MSU2
by: Msu   

MSU....you are misinformed. Just because ADPi at State was given an opportunity to take 120 members doesn't mean they were going too. They were very selective and have a great pledge class of 85+ Each sorority was allowed up to chapter total. Since ADPi is the newest on campus, they are the smallest and could potentially take 120. They choose not too....

By: Msu
by: ...   

I was not misinformed. I am well aware of ADPi's decision which totally screwed many girls out of a bid and I also know huge numbers of girls dropped out instead of pledging ADPi. If the larger sororities had not been required to make bigger cuts for ADPi there would have been ZERO issues with recruitment. The whole variable quota was done to increase ADPi's size. The rest of the sororities made sacrifices by cutting girls they really wanted.

By: ...

As a senior, I would guess it would help the larger chapters because the smaller the pledge class, the more bonding can occur. It's not easy trying to find your place in large groups!

That said, it will allow some of the other chapters get great girls the larger chapters will be forced to cut.

I'm guessing it will backfire. Top tier pnm's who deserve top tier sororities will end up dropping rather than join lower sororities. Sorry, but it's true! Lower chapters don't have the numbers largely because of drop out rates. That signifies girls aren't happy in those sororities.

Instead of forcing girls to join by implementing variable quotas, the smaller chapters need to look around and figure out why they lose so many active's every year.

I'm a pi phi and trust me when I say it's disappointing every year to watch my pledge class dwindle every year because sisterhood is so bad.

By: Senior
by: Yes   

Yes. No doubt it backfired at State. One positive is it kept chapter size around 310-315 which is a perfect size. The biggest negative is backfiring exactly as you described. I know this is an Ole Miss board but I'm very interested to see how it works here. I know some PNMs are nervous after seeing what happened to some friends at State.

By: Yes

I'm guessing it's going to create issues.

If top houses are limited in the number of new members they can take, and alumni are hell bent on taking legacies, I see backlash!

Lets face it, most of the top houses have very less than desirable chapter legacies that are essentially guaranteed bids. Without the top non-legacy pnm's they attract each year also receiving bids, the top houses will go down hill quickly in looks, grades, and participation. Top sororities will either have to cut more legacies, or pass on those great non-legacy girls.

I don't see this ending well for top houses.

A word for alumni: drop the less than desirable chapter legacies and keep only the good ones who fit the profiles you are looking for! Go ahead and piss off you alumni members! In the long run, your chapter will benefit! Don't settle for lower grades and social skills!

Also, if you are an alumni, raise your daughters to be the material your chapters are looking for! That way there will be no issues.

By: Not fair

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by: True    

Top chapters at State cut many more legacies than typical this year and omg the moms/alums were pissed!! They blew up Greekrank, advisors' phones, and many contacted MSU's president. Numerous PNMs dropped out of rush and school and plan on attending USM instead since they aren't using variable quota like MSU and Ole Miss.

By: True
by: You need to understand   

That the alumni do not vote they actually have very little say!! We can pick whoever wewant! Seriously! If a legacy is really weird and no one likes her even if she has alumni support we won't give her a bid. There are so many great girls that we want we're not going to take girls we don't want.

By: You need to understand

My friend is in a top house at state and said they were even having to cut legacies with in house sisters because they weren't good enough.

By: Msu
by: Hoping   

If this is true, then I would say it helped their greek system!

Something for Alumni to think about:

At Ole Miss, our sorority chapters are heavily influenced by our very active alumni. It creates a huge problem when legacies are given special treatment. Not only do girls get into chapters that they honestly don't fit into, but chapter gpa's suffer as well. It doesn't stop there. Look at most sororities, their officer positions (high executive board positions) and rush team positions are all held by legacies, who in turn push for legacies to receive bids each year. THIS PRACTICE IS HURTING OUR CHAPTERS!

If Mississippi State sororities cut legacies, I say GOOD FOR THEM! That in my opinion is the only way top sororities will stay on top.

If alumni don't get the message and still continue to play favoritism,top sororities are going to hurt, and bottom sororities will come out huge winners. The entire system will shift.

Will it hurt the entire greek system? No! Will tiers fall apart, yes!

By: Hoping

UGA has done it this way for years & the top houses still manage to do well. It does make the top houses work harder to get the best girls.

By: UGA sorority girl

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