


Example: I have a lot of friends in one certain sorority and when I have visited I stayed with girls from that sorority. Those girls often comment on my pictures and text me offering advice and well wishes.

Is it a bad idea to get the vibe that they want me to rush their sorority even though it's slightly obvious? Also, since it is so obvious is that going to look bad when girls from other sororities creep on me? Aside from other sororities, within this sorority for the girls that don't know me will it look bad that it seems like I'm very connected to this sorority already?

Posted By: Pnm
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It is generally a good sign when you know multiple girls in a sorority that have taken an interest in you. Kd is the only sorority that does this with literally everyone, so if it's any other sorority than kd you should be in good shape.

One of two things will happen with other sororities seeing all the interest coming from active's on social media. Either it will make them want you more, we love stealing favorites from other sororities, OR, more than likely, we will back off because we will assume you will be "happier in that other sorority".

When I was going through rush, I had three sororities take an interest in me and I came up on three seperate occasions to stay with girls from each sorority. Two of those sororities I preffed, the other dropped me after skit (just before pref). So I'd say that any sorority taking an interest in you is a good sign.

Kd was the sorority that dropped me just before pref. I was actually shocked because up until I was dropped,I had four of their active's texting me through out rush telling me that I was going to be a Kd.

For the record, I wasn't completely crushed, they were actually my number 2 house and they made my decision so much easier for me.

Anyway, for the other two houses, I felt their love too throughout rush and knew that whichever I received a bid from that I was going to be happy. Bid day was the best day ever.

By: Yes and no
by: @ yes and no   

Listen to this advice !!! I did not find this with KD ,however DDD did me this way. I do think DDD wanted me, but my sorority had me higher than DDD had me on their list. Be nice to everyone and go in with a open mind !

By: @ yes and no

Yes, it's a good sign that they're interested in you, BUT, don't go around assuming you'll get a bid or not trying to get to know other girls in other houses because:
1. You don't want to give the impression to all the other houses that you're only interested in this house.
2. Rush is crazy and even though some girls in the house love you, it may not be enough to get you in.

By: Me

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You only need connection in the top six sororities. If your friends are in one of the bottom five, then sounds like you have no worries at all.

If your friends are in one of the top six, you will need way more than friends to pull you through to pref!

As the above poster said, girls may really want you in their sorority, but the alumni and rush teams control the order of the lists. By this I mean that everyone may vote yes for you, or rate you high, or whatever method individual sororities use, but active's do not order girls on their lists. You may be a yes, along with 500 other girls, but less than 200 will receive bids.

By: Honestly

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