
sigma chi appeal


Did they win their appeal? And if so what happens now?

Posted By: Rebs
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I heard they can be a part of rush however, they will still be on social probation for fall semester. I don't know if this is true or not. I sure hope so !

By: Not sure ?
by: Yes   

This is exactly what I was told by a few of their members.

By: Yes

So happy that sigma chi at least can take a pledge class. One semester with no socials won't be the kiss of death!

I understand the whole sensitivity thing, but somebody needs to fine or revoke the social privileges of aopi as well.

It's one thing to be upset because somebody offended you, it's another issue all together when you set out with malicious intent to distroy an entire group for telling bad jokes. Shame on aopi for backing this type of behavior! I get that she has a voice and a right to speak it, but there were other more respectable platforms that airing ole miss dirty laundry on social media.

By: Happy

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by: OK   

but that was one girl in aopi...i know a lot of aopi girls were upset with her because she made them all look like that was their opinion as a whole when a lot of them were on sigma chi's side. no need to punish the whole sorority.

By: OK
by: Well   

There are a lot of girls in other sororities who support the AOPi who spoke out. Sigma Chi officially apologized when it happened. We'll see what happens for Derby Days next year. Will Sigma Chi follow up with what they said and be respectful, or will nothing change because they just got a slap on the wrist and only apologized to save their butts?

By: Well
by: Sthu   

Shut up Tri Delt ....

By: Sthu

The few gentlemen (??) that were offensive should be let go in Sigma Chi. A lesson should be learned.

By: Haha
by: @BS   

We're not talking about prime time tv. Those people get a paycheck to do that and anyone can choose to watch or not. No skin off my nose. But when guys are talking directly to me or one of my sisters in front of a couple thousand people, when we're spending considerable time and effort participating in their charity event, and I think they are being rude, disrespectful, and ungrateful, I am going to say so.

Guys need to quit being so offended when we say we are offended.

By: @BS

We think EX got a slap on the wrist so we are considering not participating in Derby Days next year. The things that were said are only a small part in our consideration of not participating. It really is time they put more of an effort into their own philanthropy! Too much rests on the shoulders of sororities. We are doing way too much work for their benefit.

And no, I am not an AOPi.

By: Not participating
by: Wrong    

I hope you are wrong! We all help each other! The entire Greek community should be helping each other. Sigma chi comes to my sororities philanthropy events why should we don't help them in their efforts? My sorority participates in all fraternity AND sorority events.

I've eaten pancakes at Ddd, cookies at dg and crawfish and donuts at chi o. I attended adpi's mane man event. Danced and given blood for theta. Bbq at kkg and pies at aopi. Ive fed the hungry and donated books, ive attended basketball tournaments and powderpuff football games and bought shamrocks & lovepacks. Ive cheered and I've attended bonnamu. I attended derby days and laughed at bad jokes and worshipped with sigma chi on another occasion. Ive donated toys for sigma pi and penny' to kappa sig.

The point is, WE SUPPORT EACH OTHER! We don't go on social media and create drama for our brothers! We love them, FORGIVE them, and understand their faults.

By: Wrong
by: Maybe it's time   

IMO, Sigma Chi should split the proceeds with the winning sorority's philanthropy, as many other Sigma Chi chapters already do (because the sororities on their campuses rebelled). They should hold each member accountable for being respectful and appreciative to the members of the sororities, especially during Derby Days. And it wouldn't hurt to ask the sororities if there are certain events or other aspects of Derby Days that we find demeaning, and eliminate them. It would be great if the Sigma Chi's would do all this on their own, proactively, without being forced. If not, then I'd be happy to just say "no thank you" to Derby Days. And the sororities, all of us, need to not be so desperate to please that we accept rudeness and crude humor, directed at us in public, as being okay. It's not okay, and most of these guys do know better, but if we have to remind them of that occasionally then so be it.

By: Maybe it's time
by: Sorry. Not sorry   

My fraternity pledge class danced in our underwear for dg's philanthropy event. Like that wasn't degrading?

Please ladies, the door swings both ways.

By: Sorry. Not sorry
by: @Sorry   

Yes, you are right, the door swings both ways. I'm guessing that if you were required to dance for DG then it was probably one of the lesser degrading things you had to do as a pledge, no? But if you genuinely feel degraded and think that it should stop, and feel that no other guys should ever have to go through that, then you have the right to speak up. To your fraternity, to DG, to the school, to whomever. That would be very difficult, and you would be subject to all kinds of ridicule and scorn and even hate. So you might feel it's not worth it and just say nothing. It's a choice you have, and you have the right to speak up.

By: @Sorry
by: I don't agree with you!   

Honestly, the real party(s) at fault here are the sororities that forced their members to attend events their members didn't want to attend. All because the sororities wanted to win a silly game!

Get mad at your sorority for forcing you to attend! Don't get mad at the fraternity that was only trying to raise money and allow thousands of girls to have fun helping them!

My sorority didn't force us to attend. They encouraged us to participate, but nobody was punished or fined for not attending. Nobody lost any social privileges by not attending or walking out if they were offended. We are each our own women encouraged to make the most of our time spent at ole miss. But, they did ask us not to comment publically on this issue or speak out on behalf of our sorority as a whole. We were to be sisters united. And as a group we agreed! We also went to sigma chi as a group and worked with them to better our Greek community, rather than air a bunch of dirty laundry in a very public manner.

For the record, I didn't mention the name of my sorority! But if I had, I would tell you that I am proud of the decisions we come to as a group. I am happy that they asked us not to comment as individuals and allow our executive committee to speak for us as a body of united women.

Aopi could learn from the examples of other sororitie. They obviously need to quit forcing their members to attend events that make them uncomfortable.

By: I don't agree with you!
by: @ don't agree   

And what did your exec say? Did they speak about it publicly? How did your chapter weigh in...or did they not say anything at all?

By: @ don't agree
by: I don't agree with you   

They met with other execs from other sororities and talked about moving forward in private without speaking to the media. They met with sigma chi in private without speaking to the media to offer suggestions on how sigma chi can improve moving forward. They met with our national reps to make sure that we didn't do anything that was against our national policies.

We discussed it in chapter where we voted on how we wanted to proceed as a chapter. It is against our national policy to discuss anything with the media. And we agreed that this policy was in the best interest of our chapter as a whole.

We agreed as a whole that this was a silly incident and our chapter assured us that we were never expected to participate in any activities where we felt uncomfortable or disrespected.

We also agreed that because sigma chi has supported us in our philanthropy efforts that we would continue to support them and theirs. We agreed change would occur more effectively if we worked together within the Greek system as a whole rather than trying to single out and destroy a group of our own.

By: I don't agree with you
by: more info please   

That was kind of a non-answer, though your "silly incident" comment sounds like your exec decided not to make waves and to give Sigma Chi a pass to continue the same way in future. Boys will be boys and all. Having a shot at Miss Derby Days is, after all, way too important.

By: more info please
by: She isn't me   

I thought she answered your question perfectly. What kind of an answer were you wanting to hear?

Not all sororities agree with her or her sorority.

By: She isn't me

I agree with everything you have said about how this should have been handled. Every college in America is trying to get rid of Greek life so this only gives them more ammunition by going public. Once it gets in the media there is nothing the Greek community or the University can do to handle this internally .

By: @ don't agree

Does the girl that reported all of this still go to Ole Miss ? I heard she wasn't coming back this fall .

By: ???
by: ???   

From what I have seen, aopi stood behind her and encouraged her. I don't think she got in any trouble. Why wouldn't she come back?

By: ???
by: ???   

I just heard she was not coming back. A close friend of mine is an AOPi and she had heard that. Not all AOPi's agreed with the way it was handled. Fraternities will not want to mix with them because they will be afraid of drama and that only hurts AOPI . When we let it get blown up by the media it only hurts everyone !!! For now on ,if you are not comfortable with participating in something then don't participate !

By: ???
by: She isn't me   

If Abby Bruce wants to be a feminist and an activist, that's great, but she had no right to speak on behalf of all Greek women, and she had no right to single out just one fraternity when she knows all too well that is isn't just socially acceptable behavior within the Greek system, or the university, but within society as a whole.

She singled out one fraternity and went for the throat. She she got national attention through the media, she became a fame w h o r e throwing herself into the limelight and becoming some sort of one woman crusade to "save the woman race".

im glad she is not one of my sisters or friends. I would hate to see what she does to them when they upset her. Doesn't seem like she has much Christian forgiveness in her heart. Nor does it seem like she is loyal to anyone but her own agenda.

Of course she is coming back to ole miss next semester. We aren't lucky enough to lose her.

By: She isn't me
by: Whatever   

She attacked, very publically, a fraternity that we all have friends in, and You want us to support her?

Most of her supporters don't even attend ole miss!

Most of us don't disagree with her opinions, we just despise how she went about destroying a group of our Friends.

To be quite honest, if she came to me for a job, I would never hire her! I wouldn't want my company dragged through the mud every time she disagreed with me! Heck I wouldn't even want to be friends with her because I would be afraid of what she would do if we ever had a disagreement.

By: Whatever

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