
soph rush


Are there any particular sororities that are lenient about taking sophomores during rush? Is it even worth it to rush as a sophomore?

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One of the newer chapters (DPhiE, ASA, TPA) would be probably open but you're definitely in a tough spot as a sophomore. Unless you have great connections or are willing to settle for an unhoused (read: low tier) chapter I wouldn't even bother.

By: bro in the know
by: Srrat   

You're dumb. the unhoused ones accept the same amount or fewer than housed sororities. geed.

By: Srrat

I know several girls who ended up in great houses as sophomores. Honestly just keep an open mind and you never know what could happen

By: .
by: ^^    

true dat

By: ^^

if you have a good personality, good grades (sophs require a higher gpa to rush), and are above average looking then you'll be fine.

I rushed as a sophomore and got the house I wanted from the start.

Don't let being a sophomore define you as a person. Just be kind and fun to everyone you talk to - even the chapters you aren't interested in (word gets around if you're rude to another chapter) and you'll end up where you're supposed to! Good luck! :)

By: easy

to get into a "top house" - zta, pi phi, tri delt : it is extremely difficult to get in as a sophomore. you have to be extremely aesthetically pleasing, great personality, and pray to god you have someone rooting for you in the house during rush.

to get into a "upper mid house" it gets slightly easier, and so on.

you might not get what you want at first, but you never know! the process is complete bs, but just trust it.

By: truth here

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