
fall 2014 frat ranks (housed)


Sigma Chi/Beta
Phi Psi/Phi Delt/ Delts
Sammy/Phi Sig/Sig Pi/Sig Ep

Posted By: Fall 2014
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You must be in Sig Chi or Beta. Pi Kapps Fiji and ATO are in the same group as both of them. There's no 2 top houses at IU, simply just a top tier.

By: Lol

Move sig ep down

By: Frat

These rankings take into account that Pi kapps and ATO were both on social probation last semester so they have moved down slightly. And FIJI just kind of blows and shouldnt be top tier.

By: Ranks
by: eh...   

while this may be true, based on popular opinion it's crazy not to have Pi Kapps and ATO in the top tier

By: eh...

Does Phi Delt just constantly troll this site? They don't even come close to Delts, Phi Psi's, or Kappa Sig's reputation on campus. Sammy should be ranked higher than Phi Delt

By: ?

Does it take into account that Beta sabataged little 500 by taking out all the frats, allowing a GDI team to win the greatest race ever. The biggest frat event of the year and most important! if that is not -1,000 points I don't know what is, or what this world is coming too.\n\n\n\n\n

By: Beta
by: eh   

learn to spell

By: eh
by: Beta   

It's a frat message board!!!! Don't take this seriously enough to care about spelling and punctuation of every word and every sentence.

By: Beta

Can someone list PHi Delts last 4 pairs, please???!

2014 Little 500
2013 homecoming
2013 little 500
2012 homecoming

By: 123
by: These   

Are the only ones I know of
2014 HC - kappa
2014 L5 - gphi
2013 HC - dz

By: These

Phi Delt pairs identically to Kappa Sig and Delts

By: Pairs
by: No   

1.) Don't take last year's pairs into account because everyone was on probation and it threw all the pairs off, Tri Delt wasn't even paired for example.
2.) For weekly pairs(which honestly mean more) Phi Delt does not get the same houses that Phi Psi, Delts, or Kappa Sig consistently get

By: No

Hey, Phi Delt, how about you take a seat.

-Chris Hansen
How to catch a predator

By: Nn

Sammy should be up one, right after delts. Exponentially better than phi sig, sig pi, and sig ep

By: Honestly

Pi Kapps should be in the top for sure, they've had the best pairs out of any frat within the past few years.

By: Hmmm

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