
pi phis


the new baby pledge class for pi phi is known to be one of the rudest to everyone, especially each other. they are extremely cliquey and I heard they even tend to leave girls out in their own pledge class. I guess they're just following the pi phi way...this house changes girls for the worse. i don't understand why anybody would want to be in pi phi when it is one of the meanest houses on campus. Like seriously, who hashtags their own pictures "#cliquey" on purpose? get a life and grow up.

Posted By: truth
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you so jealous. sad really. sorry you didn't get a bid.

By: Oh
by: Yep   

Nailed it!!!

By: Yep

everyone wants to be a pi phi... it just depends on whether or not you're attractive enough to get a bid

By: truth

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by: r u sure?   

not true drop yo asses in rush

By: r u sure?
by: ...   

most likely not true, we dropped you cause you talk like that...

By: ...

God these girls are Actually brain dead, get over your looks which will fade soon enough

By: Seriously?

who gives a damn, they are all smokes now

By: nah

History has shown us 150 girls in one house is never going to go smoothly. It is almost a sci

By: Yep

History has shown us 150 girls are not suppose to live in the same house, it is almost scientific law.

This post stems from jealousy. You name a house I can write a narrative of propaganda about it, and spin it to make the house look terrible. It is very easy.

More curious with the Pi Phi pirates executive board and how tht stealing $20,000 is working out. Has anyone else gone down with the ship? I find it impossible $20,000 went missing and only one person was involved.

By: Yep

dear yep, you might want to change your nickname before you comment on this post multiple times

By: To"yep"
by: Yep   


I made a few posts. I don't care. Are people not suppose to know.....

Unlike you, I don't care what other people say about me.

By: Yep

Man pi phi don't be too obvious that you're the ones posting
BAck to save your asses. Sorry that you guys all hate eachother? Idk what else to say. If you just fight back and say it's not true you're just going to look dumb so shut up. Pi phi is not known to be house that's chosen during rush because " girls are SOO nice to each other!" It's picked on based off shallow reasons.

by: Yep   

You know the entire sorority bid process is selecting people for shallow reasons. Not sure what your point is...

By: Yep

Somebody is very angry at Pi Phi and needs to get laid.... Badly.

By: For real

I'm pretty sure that those pi phis hashtag cliquey in their pictures to make fun of all you guys who claim they are cliquey without even knowing them or their PC, all pledge classes have cliques especially when there are over 45 girls in one. Unrealistic that they could all get along.

By: Lol
by: Liveout   

Yeah whoever made this thread has some issue to grind. Every pledge class that ever existed creates cliques of 5-10 people, maybe even smaller. It is impossible to have 45 close friends. Nobody has that much time and energy on their hands.

You can be friendly (or not) with everyone. But you can only roll with so many people in your crew.

Clashes naturally are formed in pledge classes, as it is impossible for 45 people to get along. ESPECIALLY when so much alcohol is involved in greek life. So many immature drunk people living on their own for the first time.

By: Liveout

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