


Im a freshman boy rushing in the fall. Can i get thoughts/reputations on the houses i plan on rushing?
- Pi Kapps
-Phi Delt
- Phi Psi
- Delts

Posted By: Rush
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you will always be a geed

By: haha

Pi Kapps - top tier house, athletic guy rep, rushing here will be tough if you don't know anybody

Phi Delt - good house, preppy clothes, upper-mid tier, respected group of guys

Phi Psi - upper mid tier, relatively diverse (geographically) group of guys, big new house, currently on probation

Delts - don't rush here if you're going for business and aren't a direct admit (or if you care about your GPA in general) , good reputation, uppermid tier, party hard

By: bro in the know

pi kapps is one of the top houses
the other 3 are the upper middle houses

It is hard to get a bid at all of them if you dont know anyone before you rush

By: yo

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