
brotherhood / sisterhood


What houses have the best brotherhood/sisterhood? relevant houses only

Posted By: What really matters
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FIJI is super insular and they only hang out with eachother. idk if that's "brotherhood" but all the brothers seem tight
Pikapps seems meh cuz there are so many guys.
I've heard good things abt the Delts brotherhood as well. they just seem to embrace who they are as people and not try hard and that's refreshing

I cant really speak for other sororities. I know mine is fairly cliquey but i think all are to a degree. the pledge classes at IU are too big for everyone to be close

Honest rule of thumb, as a house gets increasingly bigger, the brotherhood goes down cuz cliques form in pledge classes. that goes for guys and girls

By: me

Delts has a terrible brotherhood. They're very cliquey and brothers are always fighting almost every week. Besides them, most fraternities have good brotherhoods.
Sororities are just the opposite. Most don't really have a "sisterhood", and it gets worse as you move up the tier system.

By: Stupid girls

Not sure who wrote the reply above, but most of the fraternities have good brotherhoods, Delts included. The greek system has alot of advantages here at IU.

By: IU

Best: Fiji, Sig Chi, ATO, Phi Delt, Sammy
Worst: Pi kapps, Delts, Beta

Best: Gamma phi, Chi O, Axid, AXO
Worst: Pi phi, Alpha phi, Tri delt, Zeta


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by: K   

Hate on all the top houses why don't you

By: K
by: @K   

lol you're obviously in one of those houses

By: @K
by: hahah   


By: hahah

AXID is not relevant

by: also   

heard the sisters are really cliquey and their sisterhood kind of sucks

By: also

150 people in a house. So if you expect to get along with everyone.. guess again.

By: A Guy

I feel like Pi Kapps has a good brotherhood?? They have their cliques but their
mostly friends with everyone in their house imo.

By: Muh

Pi Phi has bad sisterhood since their entire executive board tried to steal over 20k from the rest of the house. I wouldn't call that sisterhood.

By: Liveout
by: Well   

It wasn't the entire exec, it was one psycho senior.

By: Well
by: Uhmmmm   

Who was it from the exec?

By: Uhmmmm

Who would ever want to be a PiPhi?

By: Pi Phi
by: Well   

Is that a serious question?

By: Well

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