
rushing numbers?


What is wrong with our greek system that we can have more chapters than a school like Mizzou, have them rush more girls than we do and yet more of their girls get into houses than ours. Shouldn't we be initiating more members than them yearly just based on the numbers?

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We are selective and exclusive. We don't take just anyone like other schools. We all get to live in our houses and they don't. Not as much sisterhood then and definitely more randoms.

By: Hiiiii

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by: OMFG   

Selective? Is that what you psychos here are calling it? Darling, as a sorority woman at Ole Miss I can tell you we are beyond selective and we can still rush more girls than you, pledge more girls, and have a stronger greek community because better girls come to school here.

You ladies are selective because nobody of quality goes to IU, they come down South. Hell, even Mizzou is a better choice. They had the second largest rush in the nation and only one in three girls got bids there. That's being selective by choice, not because you have to be.

Keep talking up your pathetic greek system because none of us real Greeks want it. You should visit Ole Miss some time and see what a REAL greek system looks like. I'll even wait to your on the plane home to bless your little heart. Mkay?

by: ^   

Blahblahblah go away and mind your own business Greek chat mom! We don't care what you think and our nationals are obviously fine with the exclusive way we do things.

By: ^
by: Hoosier    

You can't honestly be saying that you are selective or exclusive with a straight face because pictures online line don't lie.... Really who care and thankfully girls of all looks can rush and get into houses but you calling the IU Greek system selective is a JOKE.

Also, like 21 and 22 year old women on other Big Ten, SEC or ACC or universities on par with UI size and caliber.....our women WANT to live out of house!! If you have real sisterhood it will never be broken and certainly won't by living out your senior year as your ready and transition yourself to graduation.

By: Hoosier
by: @Hoosier   

Go away. You don't go here and aren't even in school. We don't care what you think about the way we do things.

By: @Hoosier
by: Hoosier   

Touché...you do care as you clearly are stalking this thread and answering in simple minded secular ways.....good luck in the real world where absolutely Not a single person cares about the IU Greek system.....which I know as I am a part of.

By: Hoosier
by: Get a Life   

Clearly, you have no sense of irony, nor grammar (ending your post in an preposition). You berate age-appropriate members of the IU Greek system for posting the reality of IU's recruitment system, but don't find it at all dysfunctional/irrational that you, a self-proclaimed member of the "real world", are also stalking a thread on a collegiate website and doling out gems of Greek wisdom regarding a system in which you are not a part? Hi, pot? Meet kettle.

By: Get a Life
by: Hoosier/Pot ;)   

Hey Kettle or Engkish Major....am I missing anything?!?
Actually the ironic part is I am a senior in a house but I'm pre med....though the good news is I've been accepted into my MD program already so yep, I will be part of the real world next year. Anywho, the fact that I'm part of am elite, selective, exclusive Greek system that you are so proud of, played 0 I mean ZERO, role in how I got into med school.
You keep telling yourself whatever it is that you need to to boost your self esteem about our Greek System but the truth is the truth. Ponder it over planning how you can stay active for a super senior year since you seem to think you talk for all of us in wanting to continue to live it.....I will be planning for real life.
Oh, and humor my friends and I and try not to respond in 3 mins.

By: Hoosier/Pot ;)
by: @Hoosier   

You certainly have an active fantasy life!

By: @Hoosier
by: @Hoosier2   

Hahahahahahahahahaha. Seeking validation much? Omg, Med School? You must be brilliant!!! And so much more mature than everyone else in the Greek system of which you claim to be a part!

So, I'm wondering...why are you a sorority member here if the system pains you so? Maybe a better question is, since the recruitment system at IU is so awful, have you done anything to try and change it? You know, since participating in the treachery would just be perpetuating the problem and make you complicit? Oh, and btw, pretty sure that continuing your education doesn't actually qualify for the traditional definition of the "real world".

By: @Hoosier2

Yo I'm not that person who you were talking to, but what the hell are you doing on our school's page when you go to Ole Miss

By: Yo

Moms need to get off this page. Greekrank is for college students. Let your daughters fight their own battles. IU's Greek system is unique. It is certainly not the fairest or most inclusive, but neither is life in general. My best friend goes to Wisconsin where the Greek system is far less competitive, but still is selective. After rush this year, she said that a ton of moms flooded their greekrank page with posts about how Wisco's rush is unfair and that everyone should get a bid and deserves to be part of Greek life. Just no. It's like the parents who thinks that every kid on the rec department soccer team should get a trophy for just participating. Life isn't fair, and sometimes achievement is arbitrary. Get over it. My rush at Indiana didn't end up like I thought it would, but I didn't let the houses that "rejected" me determine my self-worth. My room mate at the time didn't get a bid at all, and guess what? She survived, and is still an awesome person and has found other ways to have a fulfilling experience at IU. She said that she just looked at rush like one long job interview, and she for whatever reason just didn't get the job---a much more mature and REALISTIC outlook than demanding that a process that's worked for the organizations involved and been in place for decades must completely change because of her disappointment in its outcome.

By: Some Advice
by: uh huh   

amen "some advice" Most girls want to live in the house for at least a couple of years, which is why we have the bed quota system. That means not everyone makes it, and it is hurtful, but we move on.

By: uh huh

IU takes a smaller amount of girls than other schools because they do recruitment based on a bed quota, meaning they can only take as many girls as seniors leaving. Unlike other schools who can have live outs at any grade.

By: .

We're not moms, we're women in REAL Greek communities. Mizzou right here and let me just say that your system is an absolute joke. And if you think it's not then take a look around your own page. I've seen plenty of your girls here commenting how your Greek system is no fun anymore and how it's failing by the wayside. Now you're going to claim your Greek system rocks?

WHAT ABOUT IT? It must be how big you do Homecoming right? Oh wait, that's us.

Well then it must be how you had the largest rush in the nation, right? Nope, that's Bama.

Second largest, surely! SURELY you have the second largest rush in the nation considering how wonderful your school is. Nope, that's MY school.

You losers would die if you rushed here. I'd bet money half your chapters would fail immediately and seventy percent of the girls you pledge here wouldn't even get bids to our bottom tier. But go ahead and keep trying to convince yourself otherwise.

By: Yikes
by: Hahahahahahaha   

Oh right Mizzou person. I'm sure some sorority member there has all the time and interest in trolling some other school's GR. Go away mom! The longer you hold onto this bitterness the longer your rejected daughter will take to get over it.

By: Hahahahahahaha
by: Hmmm   

Trying decide what's more pathetic...Actually being a current student at another school and trolling IU's page or being a 40-60 year old woman pretending to be a Mizzou student trolling IU's page. Either way, get a life.

By: Hmmm

Short girls with brown hair>>>>

By: Short
by: nah   

i'm def into the tall blondes

By: nah

I just finished rush at IU for the spring of 2014 and didnt get a bid. Yes the system may be screwed up (especially this year, with all the weather issues) but I don't blame anyone but myself for not ending up where I wanted to be. It sucks that not even half the girls that rush get in, but that's just how it is. Most of the houses have a live-in policy which constricts space, and since greek life is such a huge part of IU, a lot of girls go through recruitment. Even though I was disappointed in the end, I the experience I got from rushing was unique, and beneficial in learning more about myself. If there should be ANYONE hating on the IU greek system right now, it should be me, but I am not because I am mature and take heartbreak with grace. Now can everyone shut up and stop fighting over the internet?


I just finished rush at IU for the spring of 2014 and didnt get a bid. Yes the system may be screwed up (especially this year, with all the weather issues) but I don't blame anyone but myself for not ending up where I wanted to be. It sucks that not even half the girls that rush get in, but that's just how it is. Most of the houses have a live-in policy which constricts space, and since greek life is such a huge part of IU, a lot of girls go through recruitment. Even though I was disappointed in the end, I the experience I got from rushing was unique, and beneficial in learning more about myself. If there should be ANYONE hating on the IU greek system right now, it should be me, but I am not because I am mature and take heartbreak with grace. Now can everyone shut up and stop fighting over the internet?

by: amen NPC   

Speak it sister. You are so right.

By: amen NPC
by: Pledge   

That was a made up stupid response.
As are the two responses above.

I just finished rush as well and did receive a bid to a house and couldn't be happier. 80% of my floor didn't receive a bid and I know so many others that didn't either. Not one of these girls would write that. That's written by an active pretending to have been cut...NO girl who just went through rush would write that or even care to.

I'm so happy to be in my house and feel lucky to have made it through and love IU but this whole thread is terrible starting from where the first poster said we like our elite system....no we don't but it's the card we have been forced with. I don't take pride looking at all my friends who are bidless and saying chalk it up to us being an elite system. Then you have the top thread right now ripping on two houses, real elite.

Change will come and hopefully it's the 17's who bring it.

By: Pledge
by: ^   

You'll feel different in a year, trust me. Unless you're in one of those poor chapters without houses.

By: ^

^^^ do you feel better about yourself now??

By: ...

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