
actual sorority ranks


1. Kappa, APhi
2. PiPhi, DZAXO
3. Zeta,Gphi
4. Kd, DG, Theta, Aephi
5.. Axid, PhiMu, Aopi
6. AGD, Chio, SK, SDT, Adpi
7. TPA, ASA, Dphie

Posted By: Venus
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Page 1 of 3

This is it

By: It
by: Pnms   

dear pnms, sadly this is just another desperate self rank from kappa who at best is 3rd in rankings and highkey doesn’t deserve the title “top house“. to prove my point this will probably still get dislikes from the kappa girls who can’t take their eyes off this site.

By: Pnms
by: I believe this   

This is the most accurate rank yet

By: I believe this
by: @pnms   

Your comment is clearly coming from a very desperate APhi who thinks that ranking yourself first every day is going to make your chapter look better. News flash, it's not. Everyone on campus knows how superficial and spoiled y'all are.

By: @pnms
by: omg   

the second comments point was literally proven, look at all the dislikes they said they were going to get from salty kappas

By: omg
by: No   

Do you think PNMs care about this? Lololol

By: No

This is the one

By: Finally

this AINT IT hahahah

By: Lol

more dislikes then likes, just more kappa self rankings HAHA

By: see
by: Lol   

Lololol....You have the most dislikes on here

By: Lol
by: What   

^^^What are you talking about?

By: What
by: Not true   

Likes don’t mean anything

By: Not true
by: Hmm   

Unless you have more likes?

By: Hmm
by: What   

Kappa is everything you are not

By: What

It’s actually the opposite! The desperate houses come on here self-ranking. The confident houses could not care less. You are desperate to convince someone you are all that

By: What???

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by: True   

So the ones not self ranking are the bottom houses because y’all are desperate for any shrewd of attention some can give you

By: True
by: Hmmm   

I never see bottom houses move in the rankings. The ones who put themselves at the top are obsessed with it

By: Hmmm

Now this is it

By: Venus

Looks good to me for most part

By: haha

Finally honest post

By: Yes

Lmao dg really thought

By: Wtf

Really think Chi O should be lower. Why are they even on here

By: Venus

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