
save greek life


IU’s plan starts with targeting fraternities and kicking them out one by one, this creates a hole in the pairing system where there are more sororities than there are fraternities. Sororities are then forced to not have social events, this discourages more girls from joining ‘lower tier’ sororities. Houses like ADPi and AOPi used to pair with fraternities like SNU and SAE now they need to settle for houses like ASig, Phi Psi, and Beta Sig. Currently, SK might not have a homecoming pair, fewer girls will join sororities due to the lack of appeal. In 4 years, houses like AEPhi will struggle to find pairs, and fewer people will go greek in general.

Posted By: Come Delete This IU
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They are definitely out to close it down. When things like cleaning and rides are deemed "hazing" it's obvious.

By: Flounder

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by: Founder   

Dominique, you're a fool if you believe what you wrote. How do you hold a brother "accountable" for asking a kid for a ride so he doesn't drive drunk? He's doing the right thing. But the ninnys call it "hazing."

By: Founder
by: Founder   

So what about the dealer in Evolve, Smallwood, or countless other apt. complexes? Should those complexes be shut down? People don't turn them in. Do you turn the guy in down the street, or like most people, just not bother? And why does one house with a dealer get kicked (TKE) and another not (theta chi had a kid arrested for dealing 4/28/19 IDS)? Dealers should be arrested and prosecuted, simple.

And there are numerous allegations of hazing in the disciplinary records -- so how many members have been prosecuted criminally (hazing is a crime, no)? None, because cleaning the house, decorating for the holidays, doing projects, driving, running errands, helping a bro out, and the like are not "hazing." Under the current standards an ordinary apprenticeship program, or sports teams, would be considered hazing.

When the "rules" are such that they make breathing a violation, you basically have no rules.

By: Founder

They deleted the IFC Exec Alumn comment LOL

By: Oh man
by: wow   

they deleted Dominique's comments. that's messed up bro.

By: wow
by: IFC Exec Alum   

Wow, they deleted my post in less than 24 hours....aggressive! So far this year, IU has spent a couple hundred dollars of your tuition money or my donations specifically deleting my posts.

Just to be clear, there are posts on this forum that are offensive in all sorts of ways but the only thing university seems to get really upset about is dissent.

In my now removed post, I called for a judicial system that
1. Treats everyone and every organization equally
2. That does not punish people based on favoritism
3. That punishes organizations consistent with their infractions
4. That is accountable to written rules and regulations
5. That affords organizations a trial by their peers as is common at most large Greek universities
6. That allows student organizations to be represented by an attorney

While most people would view these things as very normal, reasonable requests to ensure fairness, IU has apparently viewed them as a threat that had to be eliminated immediately. Is the university really that concerned that maybe 25 fraternity guys reading this over the summer learn they should have rights and due process?

I used to think universities were intended as places for open discussion and inquiry....I guess that is no longer the case at IU. If the SLL or Dean of Students employee who keeps deleting my posts would like to open up a debate or discussion on here, I am game. Feel free to challenge any ideas or concepts I put forth. I am fully prepared to defend my positions on the issues. Are you?

By: IFC Exec Alum
by: Alum   

I agree. Very disappointed in IU. I'll spend my money elsewhere.

By: Alum

Hey administration,

You don’t like dissent, do you? But you’re getting it...& on top of that, IU’s fraternities wanting disassociation as well. What you gonna do about that? Crush that notion too?

By: Just try to delete this

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