
if you could be in any other house but your own...


which would you choose and why?
and dont just put your own house down

Posted By: interested
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The other ones I rushed at were Beta and Sigma Chi but "could" is a bad word because it implies I would want to switch if given the opportunity. My house is the best for for me so "if I had" to switch is a better word.

By: T

Interesting topic.
Although I really wish I COULD go back in time and change my pref house, I don't think it'd be smart to say which one.

Ex: Let's say I decided to say "I wish I would've chosen Sigma Kappa as my first pick." People would think I already AM in Sigma Kappa and I'm just trying to show that girls should want to be in SK. Therefore making me look like a liar.

Note: I chose to put Sigma Kappa because we don't have one.

I wish I COULD say though. This has been bothering me. I chose the house I'm in now for a stupid reason, and I really regret putting it first in my pref. BUT Everyone tells me things will get better once I live-in the house this coming semester. Hopefully they're right.

By: hm

Most likely Phi Mu. Almost all the Phi Mus I know are so down to earth and sweet. They're smart, involved on campus, and social. I also love their chapter house and the way it's decorated. I honestly think I'd fit in at Phi Mu just as well as I do in my own chapter.
For shallower reasons, I'd want to be in Kappa just to live in that gorgeous house. By far my favorite on campus.

By: hmmm

I'm a transfer, but if I could rush all over again at IU, I'd want to be a Gphi. They seem so down to earth and like they always have a good time.

By: jsdajsd

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There are lots of chapters other than my own in which I think I could be happy. I think Gamma Phi and AOII girls seem like they're having fun. Kappa and Tri Delts have beautiful houses. Phi Mu seems to genuinely like each other. I think working with the philanthropies of ZTA and AXiD would be rewarding. Honestly, there really is something positive about each chapter on campus if you just take a minute and look around objectively.

By: optimistic

Great response @ optimistic. Every house has its pros and cons and own personality. Most people could be happy in any number of them. and AXO seems like they have a great sisterhood and DG's just seem chill and down to earth. Recruitment is so competitive at IU, so glad I landed somewhere.

By: Agree

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