
cant find anywhere

by: curious

which sororities do not have a live-in requirement?

Posted By: curious
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#1  by: Unhoused   


By: Unhoused
#2  by: ^^^^   

Short answer: ASA Long answer: what makes IU’s recruitment process so competitive is that every single chapter but one has housing and every single chapter has either a one or two year live in requirement which keeps our pledge classes around 55 despite the fact that we are a huge school and a little less than ~2,000 girls usually sign up for rush. If you’re a freshman or not interested in informal then SK is also going to be unhoused starting next year (fall 2019-) so they are another unhoused option though they likely won’t be advertising themselves that way

By: ^^^^
by: HelpJul 15, 2018 5:57:40 PM

Why the downvotes? What’s inaccurate here? Why downvote a post with a ton of different info and not explain yourself lol

By: Help
#3  by: sorority   

I know that Theta and SK don't have a live in requirement although I know girls in those chapters and it's still pretty much a must if you want to make friends.

ASA is a great option if you want to go unhoused. They will definitely not always be the only unhoused chapter as SK will likely not have a house after this year.

By: sorority
#4  by: Why   

Why the down votes? Not because you were informative , but because of the information. IU recruitment needs serious reform. When you have over 2000 girls wanting to be in in Greek life and they cut half that is ridiculous! I get it, not everyone is cut out for certain cutthroat mean degrading top houses. But they shouldn’t cut 50-60%! Do what Other large schools do, take more and allow more upperclassmen to live out. It’s a win win! Chapter gets more money and more girls get opportunities to be a part of an organization that promotes charity, friendship, etc. And while your at it change recruitment to the fall. Winter recruicruitment walking a mile in dress clothes in below zero weather, standing outside for an hour is straight up hazing!

By: Why
by: Wrong...Jul 18, 2018 6:29:15 PM

@Why...the chapters don't cut 50%. The women that don't make it through are the ones with the issues. They drop when they don't get the chapters that they think they deserve. The system is fine. The women that drop are the ones that have issues.

By: Wrong...
by: LmaoJul 18, 2018 10:04:00 PM

It’s not hazing to do deferred recruitment are you crazy omg. People have to walk to their classes in the cold too and there are buses specifically for rush the entire time. Also almost no girls are cut entirely from rush. Any girl who goes through rush here and doesn’t end up in a house 99% of the time it’s bc she thought she was too good for the houses she got back. Sorry I don’t feel bad for these girls if you’d rather be a geed than be in a chunk of houses that’s a you problem yeah our system could use a change but most girls are still choosing to drop instead of joining a house

By: Lmao
by: ..Jul 18, 2018 10:51:58 PM

sooo many opinions on this. I for one, completely am for deferred recruitment. When I first came to IU I was annoyed because I wanted to be in a sorority, but not being in one first semester was an amazing experience. I met my best friends and have so many friends in chapters other than my own. I think it also made sure that girls weren’t pressured to rush unlike in big southern schools where it’s rhe first thing you do. And I also knew if I didn’t end up in Greek life, I would be ok because I was first semester. Walking in the cold sucks, but if it was in the fall we’d be walking in the Indiana heat. And after doing my hair and make up, I honestly wouldn’t want to sweat it out in front of a girl who’s rushing me.
Also, you literally do not understand the definition of hazing.
Finally, our recruitment is not messed up. In order to allow more girls to rush we would have to completely rebuild every house on campus. A lot of girls rush and drop because they decide it’s not for them, or because THEY didn’t like their houses. Every girl I knew who dropped it was because they ended up with 4 houses they didn’t like. Which is fine but they were not completely cut. And something that’s really nice about our houses is how close knit it is. You would not get that with pledge classes of 200

By: ..
#5  by: Hmmm   

A. When you walk to class you walk fast and maybe are out in the cold for 15 minutes. During recruitment you are told to be at the house an hour before the time and you wait outside. Last year they made minor improvements and did add the busses but some groups were still told they had to walk only. The previous year no busses and not allowed inside any house until the set time in a snowstorm with windchills below zero for an hour = hazing, but stay in denial and say it wasn’t. Keep making those improvements tho. Nobody should be in below zero windchill for more than 10-15 minutes, they are at risk for frostbite.

B. Yes, every house has a slightly different set of values and mission statement, and philanthropies they support. But hey guess what, even if you place 100% of the pnms it doesn’t mean you got it right placing them into a house with the best match for them as you say you do. So of course when you force feed certain girls with opposite values into a house they are going to drop. Get over yourselves in always blaming the pnms. Rush committees ges are just as much to blame. The underground clicks who hang up on girls to degrade and make fun of girls to ensure their picks go thru are to blame. Y’all are missing out on some amazing high quality women that would be perfect fits for your house, but you let clicks of loud mouth mean girls talk everyone out of these girls. Then you try to place them in a sorority that they have nothing in common with. Yes. Change needs to happen. Girls arnt getting cut because u think they will drop so get over the bs lies you keep putting out here.

C. There is nothing wrong with being in a sorority and there is nothing wrong with being a GEED. One isn’t better than the other. Both options at IU have pros and cons. Maybe if y’all stopped bashing women every chance you have feeling the need to destroy others to feel better about yourself, and instead start lifting women up IU would be a more respected pace and 11,000 people a year wouldn’t be needing to visit CAPS.

By: Hmmm
#6  by: Nah    

Lol I don’t know of one house that is “super close knit”. Houses have super clicky close knit separate groups within the house that would be a more accurate statement. Sorority life has lost its original purpose of true sisterhood with likeminded women sharing true friendship and commonalities. It has sadly become overly superficial which overshadows the Philanthropy and community it claims it supports. The non Panhellenic organizations are closer with tight knit groups of people coming together sharing common interests and fit the description of what original sisterhood and brotherhoods were meant to be. I am not bashing just feel like it’s time to get back to some of the original ideals and foundations. I believe in progress but not all progress is healthy for an organization if it strays too far from what made it successful and revered in the first place

By: Nah
#7  by: Yeesh    

Damn girls really are crazy lmao

By: Yeesh

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