
rankings make no sense


the rankings for the sororites make no sense. The top tier sororities are on the bottom of the list which is probably because other sorority girls rankt them low because they are jealous.... extremely pathetic.
The top tier houses (no particular order) are pi phi, chi o, tri delta, alpha phi, and zeta
If you are rushing those are the houses you want to be in

Posted By: weird
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Sure, the houses that the OP listed are desirable. But let's take a second and think about the fact that on average, each of these chapters only takes 30-40 girls per PC, per year. There are close to 2,000 girls who go through recruitment every year. Not all of them are going to be in Alpha Phi or Pi Phi.

There are 21 sororities on IU's campus (more than any other college), and they are all full of smart, fun, awesome young women.

Going through recruitment and banking on only several chapters is not only stupid... it's also extremely unrealistic. If you get into a "top tier," then great. If you don't, then chances are you're there for a reason and you are still going to have just as wonderful of an experience in the Greek system as anyone else who joins.

By: message to PNMs

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I know PNMs read this stuff and go into rush with a terrible mindset because of it. All of the chapters are fantastic and full of gorgeous, talented, awesome girls, but by no means will you have a terrible experience if you're not in one of these sororities. It's all about fit, so if you "fit" better in a sorority not listed here, guess what-you'll still have fun in college. This sort of stuff is why girls drop rush after first round because they can't bear the idea of being in a "bad" sorority, without realizing that to the majority of the well-adjusted people of this campus, the tiers aren't all that important. I don't think that my experience is somehow better or more important than that of a girl's experience in a sorority not listed here. They're not sitting at home crying every night because they're not a member of one of these groups, I promise. So, if you're a PNM, please go into rush with a completely open mind: Honestly, the less of this BS you read, the better. Just go through rush, see who you like regardless of the tiers, and know that the bid you get is the bid you need.

By: Seriously?
by: for real doe   

that's the truest thing I've ever read on here

By: for real doe

why are you assuming people are jealous of your listed "top tier" chapters?
I guarantee you I am not even close to being jealous. 4 of those chapters I didn't rank after 21 party. 1 of those I had in pref round and ranked it last. I am so happy in my chapter and I know I picked the right one for me.

If someone is not in YOUR list of top houses, that could mean they have their own view of top houses. The house I chose was the top house FOR ME. I felt a strong bond with the girls and could tell they all genuinely got along.

This post confuses me because there is no way people are that self centered to believe others are jealous.

I guarantee you those in your opinion of "lower tier" houses are thrilled with their pick because it was best for THEM. Tiers shouldn't matter to anyone if they are enjoying their time with their sisters. Clearly you are a little paranoid of what people think. And I'm sorry for you.

By: so tired of this..

You are delusional.
I am in NO way jealous. Just as the person above me, I didn't rank most of the chapters you listed because I didn't like them.
Maybe people rank them low on here because they don't like them.
I kept one through pref as well, however just as the person above me, I didn't rank them first either. I'm so happy with the one I picked.
It's considered middle tier but to me I couldn't imagine myself anywhere else. Which is why I think tiers are dumb. Which is also why you seem to be too worried about what others think of your house. You don't seem happy. I hope it works out for you.

By: umm

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