
unpopular opinion


Fraternity & sorority edition

Posted By: Haha
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Pledging a lower mid frat was NOT worth it

By: Lol
by: tru   

Same with a lower mid sorority. Always wish I would’ve dropped and re-rushed

By: tru
by: ^^   

unpopular but true opinion: you would've ended up in the same or a similar chapter the second time around

By: ^^
by: ^    

just to that comment, you’re completely wrong. I myself dropped a lower mid and ended up upper mid sophomore year. I have a friend who got SK, dropped and got AXO, another friend who dropped Phi Mu and got Chi O this year and someone who got TPA and is now in G Phi . That’s just a rumor made up by girls so people don’t drop their houses after rush honestly. If you don’t feel like you fit in, you shouldn’t feel pressured to stay by fear! I didn’t drop Bc I didn’t like the teir, I dropped Bc I felt like I didn’t fit in my house and then the next year I just happened to get a “better” house Bc I did better in rush. Some ppl just slip through the cracks. Literally if you don’t like it just drop. I hate that rumor that it’s not worth it Bc sometimes it is for a lot of ppl. That’s my unpopular opinion.

By: ^
by: ^^   

I don't believe you or do believe you don't understand recruitment terminology. You make it sound like the number of women who drop is high and they all have successful second recruitments. I don't believe these women dropped their chapters, I believe they didn't accept their bids. WHICH IS DIFFERENT. If a girl goes through even part of the pledge process, drops and re-rushes everyone knows. Believe me it gets around. Not showing up for bid day, goes pretty much unnoticed. And I do know that two recruitments ago TPA had a handful of girls not accept their bids. So I can believe that. Not sure I believe the others.

By: ^^

That Alpha Phi is still a top tier sorority. Can't hold a candle to Pi Phi or XO.

By: hahaha

People of all tiers use Greek rank discussion forums and act like they’re above it but no one actually rates in the house pages

By: Aye

Rush is so varied for people and not always horrible. I and most people I know did not have a horrible rush and everything ended up working out for us in our houses, even if there were disappointments at first. Of course I was sad when some houses dropped me and was nervous at times but I never dwelled on it. From what I’ve seen, a lot (not all) girls who have horrible rushes go in with expectations (like they belong in chi o, they’re too good for houses, think they’re fav 22 round will be their house, etc) and don’t just go with the flow

By: Truth

Who is ZBT

By: Everyone
by: Lo   


By: Lo

YOU'RE TIER LEVEL DOES NOT SIGNIFY HOW COOL YOU ARE. Everyone automatically assumes that you're tier level signifies how cool you are. The top tier guys must be so cool, while the bottom tier guys must suck.

People pass up on top tier houses to join lower tier houses where they fit in.

I talked to a girl who thought this guy in an upper tier house was so cool and hipster because he was into all these weird things that most guys weren't. I had to remind her, "No, the tier is affecting your judgement. He straight up sounds wack af." After a little while, she saw it herself. There is definitely a bias about this concept.

By: Hot Take

Sorry but the person telling people to just drop if they even consider it is straight up stupid. If getting a higher tier house is your only goal then don’t even bother rushing because that is not at all what Greek life is about. The majority of chapters at IU have a diverse population there are only like 4-5 max that take a super specific type that you probably wouldn’t fit in if you’re not that type. And you probably wouldn’t get a bid from one of those chapters if you don’t fit in bc those girls know what they’re doing and they know who they want. I’m not saying you HAVE to take a bid if you’re not feeling a house but be ready to except a bid from a similar house the second time around because it is very VERY likely that that would be the outcome for you. No there’s not a 100% chance you won’t get into a higher tiered house obviously that’s not what anyone is saying no one can predict exactly what will happen to you but just bc it worked for three girls out of 500 doesn’t mean it will happen to you. Stop rushing for tier and start rushing to be in a sorority where you can actually make friends have fun and be yourself. If you’re too uppity for that then don’t join a house at all

By: Whaaaat

Proper hazing builds character and creates strong relationships / bonds / brotherhood

By: True

Literally everyone gets in this site by doesn’t want to admit it

By: truth

Bottom/lower houses don't have better sisterhood than top houses.

By: #

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