
end of the year tiers

by: Zeus


Fraternities: PiKapps, ZBT, Beta, FIJI, SigChi
Sororities: PiPhi, Aphi, Chi O, KKG, AxO


Fraternities: Ksig, Phi Sig, Phi Delt, AEPi, SigPi, SAE, Acacia, DU, Dchi, Theta Chi, SigEp, Lambda, BetaSig
Sororities: DZ, Zeta, Gphi, AxiD, KD, AEPhi, AOPi, DG, Phi Mu, ADPi, AGD, SDT, TPA, SK

Fraternities: Phi Psi, Pike, Skulls, PiLam, etc.
Sorority: ASA

Posted By: Zeus
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Page 1 of 2
#1  by: This   

Don’t agree with the ordering for all of them but overall pretty accurate

By: This
#2  by: Acc   


By: Acc
#3  by: Sororities   

You forgot both Theta and DphiE

By: Sororities
by: whoApr 23, 2018 9:18:13 AM

can’t blame her/him

By: who
#4  by: Boo   

Sig ep over DU

By: Boo
#5  by: ?   

Why do people rank phi mu that high

By: ?
by: uhApr 23, 2018 2:43:24 PM

Bc It’s accurate and not even that high in general lmao

By: uh
by: once againApr 23, 2018 4:51:10 PM

Phi Mu=overrated. I visited that chapter during recruitment for a couple of rounds. Nice girls, absolutely a solid chapter, however there are chapters just as good who don't get the recognition. In reality Phi Mu is really just like AGD, which is just like ADPi, which is just like SK. Phi Mu isn't like AOII or KD or Theta. All of them a strong chapters, not a thing wrong with any of them. There isn't anything wrong with any chapter at IU.

Middle groupings:
DG, AOII, Theta, KD, AXiD

Phi Mu, AGD, ADPi SK



By: once again
by: haApr 23, 2018 6:53:57 PM

thanks for your opinion aopi ( aka self rank queens)

By: ha
#6  by: eh   

SAE over sigpi

By: eh
#7  by: eh   

also gphi over zeta

By: eh
#8  by: kd    

Downvote that all u want DU lol sigep has better pairs, location, bike team, dudes, parties

By: kd
by: LolApr 23, 2018 4:34:49 PM

That’s what happens when you don’t have a pledgeship

By: Lol
by: LolApr 23, 2018 6:25:32 PM

Yeah anyone who knows anything knows that SigEp is better than DU

By: Lol
by: KdApr 23, 2018 6:34:40 PM

I would say the Gap is expanding.. Sigep's pairs have been getting better all year, and their new pcs this year we're really good

By: Kd
by: girl Apr 23, 2018 6:51:51 PM

DU has never been or is not socially on par with sig ep at ALL. Sig ep pairs w/ DG, aopi, theta, kd, axid, aephi, even chi o.. DU has phi mu and similar pairs to lambda and dchi lol

By: girl
by: @girlApr 23, 2018 7:06:26 PM

DU hasn't paired with the same houses as Lambda and Dchi all semester/year. The last pairs before Little 5 were with Theta, AEPhi, DG, AOPi, and Theta again. Not really the same as them at all. As far as I'm concerned that's very similar to Sig Ep. Also, I am calling bs on Chi O.

By: @girl
by: some chickMay 8, 2018 8:28:28 AM

idk dchi pairs with aephi and aopi pretty consistently js. def rising

By: some chick
by: chicksterMay 8, 2018 11:48:19 AM

Dchi on par with sig ep they threw parties with SAE, Sammy, Beta, Gphi, Kappa,DG this year and pair with aephi and aopi on an occasional basis def rising

By: chickster
by: Lmao whatMay 8, 2018 1:00:19 PM

Dchi definitely did not throw parties with half those houses. Know for a fact that they did not throw parties w beta gphi or Kappa. If they were invited out to something that’s different but there were not pairs or quads

By: Lmao what
#9  by: G   

Dchi too high

By: G
by: TruthJun 8, 2018 1:02:54 PM

Theta Chi isn’t as relevant as they used to be, if they ever really were. SigEp should be in front of Dchi, but Dchi, Theta Chi, and DU have the same pairs. Lambda is pairing better than only Beta Sig and they were above TKE too.

By: Truth
#10  by: Hello   

Never will I understand why everyone acts like every house but like 5 are middle tier. Adpi and below are bottom tier and a few houses are missing. Lambda and below are bottom tier and a few frats are missing and a few that don't pair are ranked. If you don't know anything about the bottom tier why bother ranking them inaccurately

By: Hello
by: noApr 27, 2018 8:39:04 PM


By: no
by: FInallyMay 9, 2018 2:48:08 PM

Same this is the worst ranking of the bottom tier I've ever seen

By: FInally

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