
post quals rankings


Fraternities- Pi Kapps, ZBT, FIJI, Sig Chi, Beta
Sororities- APhi, Pi Phi, KKG, Chi O

Chi O slipping by never going out, heard Beta kind of blew it too. That’s about it


Fraternities- AEPi, Ksig, Phi Delt, Phi Sig, Sammy, SigPi, SAE, Acacia, DU, Theta Chi, Dchi, SigEp, Lambda
Sororities- GPhi, DZ, AXO, Zeta, AXiD, KD, AOPi, DG, Phi Mu, ADPi, SK, AGD, SDT, TPA

Aepi killed it with their quad on Saturday night, Ksig didn’t have a pair. AXO with Fiji was promising for them.


Fraternities- BetaSig, Skulls, Pike, PiLam, Phi Psi, etc.
Sororities- DphiE, ASA

Posted By: Yea
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Why does SK keep getting ranked above AGD they don’t even have a pair???? Stop self ranking. Anything ADPi and lower is bottom anyways so why fight what part of bottom u are lmao

By: Wtf
by: sooooo   

Because AGD wen pairless for three events in a row and staked their reputation on renovating their house. The house is awesome, no doubt, but it didn't help them in recruitment like they thought it would. Took almost exactly the same pledge class they would have taken in the old house. Basically SK and AGD are the same house: both like to party, some hot girls, some average girls. Both are slightly ahead of ADPi, who seems to study all the time and don't really care who they pair with, but also a solid house. Then you have SDT and TPA, both respectable houses too, just not on par socially or looks wise as the other three.

By: sooooo
by: ...   

When did AGD go pairless?

By: ...
by: AGD pairless   

They were painless for HC, Little 5 and HC back when the upperclassmen pledged. Whenever DU was on probation a couple of years ago, it was the HC, Little 5 and HC after that because no one wanted to pair with AGD after that.

I am a senior and I remember it well.

By: AGD pairless
by: Hhha   

I’m pretty sure this is false?? They were pairless for one HC abut pretty sure they were with acacia for little 5 and either lambda or sig ep the hc after. Either way this was long ago...

By: Hhha
by: hahahaha   

^^ and there is AGD trying to save a rep their new house couldn't.

By: hahahaha
by: Lol   

Okay AGD

By: Lol

What does this even go off of? Sammy was with Zeta at a house behind Sig chi and the cops came twice and made them disperse the party. How do you even judge this?

By: What lol
by: lololol   

Two has beens getting run out of an off campus house....how either house can be anything but bottom or lower middle is beyond me. Start letting the rankings reflect this. Both houses have definitely seen better days.

By: lololol

Bottom tier needs a long-needed makeover.

TPA and SDT belong in bottom, both of them have little 5 pairs in the bottom tier and neither of these chapters are quite the same as the other mid tier chapters.

For bottom tier frats, everyone constantly puts Pike and Skulls up at the top just because that is what everyone is used to and they've been around longer. Neither of these two even have a pair for little 5 this year. Especially since this is a "Post-Quals" ranking, I would go ahead and put Beta Sig, PiLam, and Phi Psi as the first three in the list, followed by Skulls, Delta Sig, and then Pike. Beta Sig first for pairing with TPA as well as having their new house. PiLam is paired with DphiE, who has been doing great this year, and PiLam is also doing very well with their bike team this year. Then Phi Psi for pairing with SDT even though they have just started back up, plus they will have SK's house in a year or two. Delta Sig is also notable for having a pair with ASA, while Skulls and Pike were left unpaired.

In summary this is what bottom tier should be in my opinion:

Fraternities: Beta Sig, Pilam, Phi Psi, Skulls, Delta Sig, Pike
Sororities: SDT, TPA, DphiE, ASA

By: Bottom tier


By: Hdjsn


By: dfxvgh

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