
dropping after getting a bid and rushing as a soph


the recruitment process hasn't been the best for me. however, I've tried to keep an open mind and went ahead and preffed in order to give the chapter I have left a chance. if I were to get a bid and decide it's not right for me and drop, will this negatively affect me if I decide to rush again next year? like I said I'm trying to keep an open mind but I'm also trying to think realistically. thanks

Posted By: stressed
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If you want that chapter again, probably. But if not, then no. When you re-rush as a sophomore, you can opt to not visit that house during 22 party

By: No

It may. Chapters are often wary of a girl who can't commit. Who's to say you wouldn't take a spot and do the same thing next year?

If you do go this route, be prepared to make some huge changes over the next year. Get super involved, make friends with as many sorority members as you can, and be a standout example of the kind of girl every chapter should want to have. Most girls who rush twice get the same or worse results the second year so you'll need to really change up how you approach life at IU and recruitment.

By: Maybe

I would avoid rushing as a sophomore because you usually get the same results as your freshman year and it might be another waste of time/money. Greek life might seem like it’s everything but there’s so much more to a college experience than going to frats and partying.

By: Truth

Why do you think your results would be any better as a sophomore?

By: Me
by: Well   

I rushed as a freshmen and got into a chapter I loved but a lot of my friends are sophomores in the pc below me. You change a lot between freshman and sophomore year so there’s definitely a lot that can change with your recruitment experience. However as a sophomore you should have a story. If people ask if you rushed as a freshmen don’t ever say “I didn’t like what I got back and dropped”. We’d rather hear things like “I wasn’t the person I was last year and I’ve grown to have an open mind” or something like that.

By: Well

honestly i rushed as a sophomore this year and got houses back that I loved. do not feel pressured to stay in one that you dont like. it's not worth it to pay and spend time/money in something that your heart isnt in. giving it a chance is the best thing that you can do, you might end up liking it!

By: wouldnt hurt you

I went through this exact same thing. Got a big from a chapter i wasn’t crazy about but tried it out for a week because i wanted to give it a chance, before dropping. Rushed again as a sophomore and got my dream chapter.

By: Same
by: stressed   

this is awesome to hear and gives me hope! thanks so much for sharing!

By: stressed
by: rushing twice    

do you know if it shows up that you have previously got a bid and didnt stay in?

By: rushing twice

Rushing as a sophomore and getting back more houses you like is the exception not the rule. Check out informal options for what will be you last chance to go Greek for a year

By: No

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Girls in my rush group were sophomores and for the ones who stayed thru to the end mostly got into lower middle to bottom tier houses but were just as happy. Definitely will be a great experience no matter the house or tier and is worth having an open mind.

By: Sis

I rushed last year and it was something I decided to do really last minute. I wasn't happy with the houses I had towards the 3rd round. I was trying to keep an open mind so i stayed until i got a bit. Unforchuantly I didn't really feel like I was at home with that house so I dropped before I was initiated. I know I am eligible to rush again my sophomore year and is something I want to do. I just want to know if it shows up that I had previously got a bid the year before to all the chapters when i rush again? I know that might look bad that I previously rushed .I really want to be in a sorority so any advice in rushing my second time.

By: rushing twice
by: wrong ^   

^ whoever said you'll be asked at every house why you're not rushing as a sophomore is trying to freak you out. I rushed as a sophomore this year and not ONCE was I asked why. The girls are actually not allowed to ask you why, and if they do, they're violating the rush rules why've been taught. I'm 1000% happier having rushed the second time. Don't pay/spend so much time being a part of something you don't enjoy. It's YOUR college experience, do what you want with it

By: wrong ^
by: wrong ^   

also, I rushed as a sophomore after receiving a bid freshman year and participating in the sorority for a week or so. Going through rush the second time, they aren't aware that you've rushed once before. It might spread around that you're re-rushing just depending on if you know people in houses and they happen to tell their friends, but that shouldn't keep you from rerushing at all. I highly encourage you to rush again and not to be self conscious going through it. Be yourself and you'll end up where you were meant to

By: wrong ^

Whoever said they weren’t asked if they were a sophomore except once is straight up lying lmao. The first thing they ask you after your name is if you’re a freshman or a sophomore. I’m not saying this is a negative thing or will make or break your rush but they ask every person whether they’re a freshman or a sophomore why they decided to rush so you can definitely jut not bring up you got a bid last year if you don’t want to (and I wouldn’t). Not sure if the other person misunderstood but you definitely get asked why you decided to rush or want to join a sorority at every house. If you’d gone through rush you’d remember getting asked these questions lol nothing too deep the first round usually. Most people say the sisterhood or my sister was in Greek life or something pretty basic when asked why they are rushing they aren’t looking for a last years rush sob story or anything like that. When you tell them you’re sophomore some people do ask if you rushed last year but I did not rush as a freshman and did as a sophomore so I don’t know really where they take it from there if your answer is that you did rush last year

By: Wrong
by: wrong ^   

maybe my last answer was too vague. They do ask you if you are a freshman or sophomore, but (when you respond sophomore) they will not ask you if you rushed last year or why you're rushing again. They might say generally "why are you rushing/why do you want to be in a sorority" but they're expecting answers like you stated above (sisters in houses, want more friends, etc). If they do ask you "did you rush last year" or "why are you rushing again" they're going against rush rules and they're probably just bad conversationalists/don't know what else to say to you.

HOWEVER, sometimes I willingly brought up that I rushed last year (didn't mention that I technically accepted a bid from a house) and they were never weirded out/seemed to judge me. More often than not, they'd talk about how they love the sophomores in their pledge class, how their friends also rushed as sophomores, etc. you'd actually be surprised as to how many girls responded "I rushed as a sophomore too!" They know where you're coming from and don't judge you. If you fit in the house, you fit in the house and they're never going to drop you solely because you're a year older than everyone else.

By: wrong ^

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