what now?
by: sadI might sound very dramatic but I am absolutely heartbroken. No house that I liked called me back and I dropped out of rush an hour ago. I don't know what to do. Realistically, is there any chance of a snap bid or informal rush I could do?
#1 by: Tough
You've dropped, that's it. The chapters that invited you back are the ones that typically do informal. Snap bids are virtually nonexistent. You can choose to go through again as a sophomore, or choose to participate in informal for the chapters that offer it (if they do this year, it's never guaranteed).
#3 by: Uh
No need to be nasty a lot of people drop when they only get one has back and it's one that they have no connection with. Snap bids and spring informal from other houses are very uncommon so you shouldn't count on it but I would encourage you to do informal at any houses that offer it in the coming weeks! Even the houses you didn't love during formal
#4 by: Mistake
You really shouldn’t have dropped. Better to be in an organization then nothing at all. This is why your encouraged to go into recruitment open minded. Some chapters if given the chance will surprise you and I guarantee if you didn’t click with 1 girl in the house, that out of 100+ members you would have found your best friends and felt more at home.
#5 by: :(
Sorry to hear that this was your experience. But, as has been shared, you really should have continued in the process and given the houses that you did have in play another look. Recruitment, like life, can be very disappointing. Unfortunately, the favorite houses can't offer bids to every girl that they may like. Lots of great girls get cut. Unfortunately, since you dropped, the process is over for you. You could try again next year, or you can brush off the bruised ego, and go back to any house that would give you a shot if informal happens. Should you be fortunate enough to get a bid, you will find friends and a fabulous experience there, no matter what you think now.
#6 by: Noooooo
I wouldn’t count on informal this year. Historically it was unhoused chapters that did it but with TPA and DphiE getting houses, and ASA just being the strong organization that it is I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Snap bids are rare too and go just as fast as (and if) they pop up. At this point you’ll just have to hope a chapter will do informal or rush as a sophomore. You really shouldn’t have dropped.
#8 by: Advice
Thats the thing about sorority’s and what’s somewhat bad about recruitment. You talk to a small handful of sisters in a chapter and those sisters you base your opinion of the organization off of. That and unfortunately Greek rank (which you shouldn’t trust. A lot of bias, bitter people, and GEEDS that want to cause issues). However, you didn’t meet the other 100+ wonderful sisters in that house that may have made you think different. Most chapters are organizations of independent and diverse women. They have sisters from all over the country, have different likes, looks, and different backgrounds. I wish I could say that you’d be 100% bffs with every sister in your chapter but no one can promise that. However I bet if you gave these chapters that saw something in you a real chance and rode out bid day then you would have be surprised what you would get in return from them. It’s too late now but for future reference and any other PNM thinking of dropping. Don’t do it. Go to bid day, give it a week or two and give it a real shot. If it doesn’t work out or feel right after some time you can always drop before initiation and rush again next year.
#9 by: sad
For everyone being negative, the two options I got back: one was unhoused and I did not want that, and another I did not feel comfortable with and I was not going to make my parents pay thousands of dollars for something that I don't love. I'm sorry but I still have the right to be upset and ask for alternative ways to be in a house. Thanks to everyone who actually understands.
#10 by: M
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by: Informal Jan 17, 2018 10:27:16 AM
Yes, you can go through again as a sophomore or join in informal - talk to your RhoGam