
i only got houses i hate back

by: Why me?

I only got DPhiE and ASA back and I can't believe this happened to me. I had every top tier house plus these two bad ones for 16 party. I tried to cut them because those girls are just so weird and awkward but for some reason they wanted me back, maybe because I can boost their image? I'm going to drop, I can't be in the worst house on campus.

Posted By: Why me?
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#1  by: Hmmm   

Sounds like a troll post to me. But if not, then your attitude in this post is probably an awakening as to why you were cut from all of the so called “good” houses. Good thing none of these chapters need your help to “boost their image.” Best of luck, geed.

By: Hmmm
#2  by: bye   

Please do drop. We don’t want anyone like you.

By: bye
#3  by: NPC WOMAN   

Why Me.....Obviously, Greek Life is NOT for you. Maybe try a service or professional organization.

#4  by: Active   

Sorry you faced cuts but the good news is that you still have two houses, both with very strong sisterhoods.

You can drop but most houses here have a cut once, cut always policy so your chances of getting in are slim.

I recommend giving asa and dphie another try. You can always drop later if it doesn't work out.

By: Active
#5  by: Lol   

Are you a troll?

By: Lol
#6  by: Lol   

Wow no wonder you were dropped by so many houses. You should be thankful for what you got and not so quick to judge. Your shutting down 2 strong chapters with good sisterhoods, academics, and a variety of personality’s without even giving them a chance. Obviously if you can’t get your attitude in check then you shouldn’t have a place in IU’s Greek system at all.

By: Lol
#7  by: Mean Girl Much?   

Girls like you have no place in Greek life. Have fun being a GEED with no sisterhood.

By: Mean Girl Much?
#8  by: Right : (   

GTFO erased tri delt. You are gone and no longer relevant.

By: Right : (
#9  by: hiya   

This is so stupid. Those two houses are incredible sororities and you should give them a chance; you'd be lucky to be part of one of them. (if you really are a PNM or just another troll).

By: hiya
by: .....Jan 12, 2018 9:42:11 PM

Well, I wouldn't go that far, but they're fine for some girls who weren't higher house material.

By: .....

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