


Okay, I'm an older girl on campus and really curious about the unhoused sororities and any possible new expansion... Has anyone paired with these girls? How high do they even pair? Are they getting houses soon? Are we going to have a 22nd sorority on campus and who? I see a lot of TPA's on campus together, not so many ASA's, but I know that ASA technically doesn't have their charter yet and that TPA has a year on them. Would love to get input from girls and guys both. I know what they're doing isn't easy and establishing a reputation is hard, and I really support them!

Posted By: Curious
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Yes, according to Panhellenic IU is going to put out the expansion notice some time this month to see what chapters are interested in coming to IU. There are only a few left: Sigma Kappa, Tri Sigma, Delta Phi Epsilon, Alpha Sigma Tau and Phi Sigma Sigma. My bet is that SK will come next. I had heard they wanted to see how the new chapters did before committing.

By: re:expansion

how about their housing options....anyone have info on that?

By: again
by: 21Party   

I asked similar questions when I visited TPA during 21 party this winter and the girl who rushed me told me that if they do get a house it won't be for a very, very long time. Unfortunately for girls wanting to live in a house, TPA and ASA will not be "on-campus" for a while until Panhel lets them really expand and they get funds for a house.

By: 21Party

I would assume that any new chapter will want to accumulate a building fund for a few years to have a down payment for a loan to build. There are lots now available but the chapters have to have money and plans in hand ready to break ground. IU is not going to allow organizations to buy a lot and let it sit empty for 10 years, hence the money in hand stipulation. Both Theta Phi and ASA are smaller national organizations numbers wise and may not have a national organization wiling or able to step up and build a house. Tri Sigma and Sigma Kappa probably would be able to get their nationals to back a house in a few years. As far as anyone knows, do not expect either of the new chapter to have a house in the next 2-4 years.

By: guessing here

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so what are the unhoused plans for their members housing? r they all on their own?

By: justaskin

Theta Phi has an entire building of the terra trace apartments that they live in together. They have their letters painted on the walls and everything. That's where they meet/hang out/get picked up from for pairs. Not all of them live there though, so there's more freedom, but most do live together.


^^That's really cool. Thanks for posting. I figured that they had a block of apartments somewhere. I am sure ASA will do something similar.

By: Thanks

Tri Sigma was supposed to come this next fall, but backed out of their invitation, so it is doubtful they will come any time in the near future. SK may want a house and that isn't what PHA is offering in expanding right now.

By: Extension

Earlier this month at a Panhel/IFC meeting with current members and alumni members, IU did say there are plots of land available. There are 3-5 spots now and more when the married student housing buildings behind Phi Psi are demolished in a year or two. The demand for married student housing is low so the buildings will not be rebuilt but the land must be used for housing according to some university policy. So that land will be available soon, too. I think this will make SK more interested. That is what kept them from showing interest last time. I agree with the person above who said SK and Tri Sigma are likely to get national support for housing in 1-3 years.

By: re: extension

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