
new sorority


Could tri Sigma possibly come back to iu? Seems iu could use another sorority, opinions?

Posted By: Tri-s
Page 1 of 1

IU NPC needs to vote for expansion and I could tell you that it is NOT going to happen. Why would we bring another NPC org on campus when DPhiE cannot make quota during formal rush for the last 2 years. And Tri Delta being gone will help increase the quota for some current NPC orgs.


what will increase quota is IU getting rid of any remnants of this bed rush nonsense. having a real quota and bid matching process and EDUCATING everyone on it. PNMs get so much conflicting information and we keep having this one foot in one foot out thing with bed rush vs RFM...

By: No

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by: quota   

@no In January 2017 IU had 22 of 23 groups over the 54 quota, no bed rush there. What conflicting information did you receive as a NM this January? Were you told the unhoused could take fewer due to no beds? What.

By: quota
by: Real quota   

What No means is (to overly simplify) is quota meaning what it does at most schools which is #of women at pref divided by # of sororities. 2200 women at pref divided by 22 sororities = quota is 100. Also setting a total so all the sororities are working to having the same number of members housed or unhoused.

By: Real quota
by: too high   

I think a rational reason for IU not yet having gone to regular RFM quota is within your example @Realquota. One hundred women in a new member class would be quite a jump from the current 54 (average). The IU ideal may be the gradual increase of the quota recommendation, say 5 or 10 additional bids per house each year. Slow quota number increases will still leave women bidless, but it gives the IU sorority system time to expand their member services: to build larger houses for larger chapters; to gather funds for same; to have enough initiated members to allow each new member their own Big; etc. You need to remember these sorority women have a little thing called STUDYING and a COLLEGIATE LIFE to attend to, not just sorority duties/obligations. A sudden influx of new members to each home might tip the system into chaos and cause new members to drop-out before initiation because they can never live in-house when a house sleeps 45 women and their chapter size is 300 members, or because their NM group has to meet in a large conference hall since their house won't hold their 100 member pledge class.

By: too high
by: Real quota   

@ too high - the 100 member pledge class was just an example for easy math. Some people agree with you and some people think if change doesn't happen all at once it won't happen at all. Hard to know which side is right.But just increasing quota without setting a total for everyone (regardless of housing) is only doing half of the job.

By: Real quota
by: to @Real quota   

But when you think about it there IS a very high number of women that go thru IU formal recruitment. If women enter recruitment in even larger numbers than last year because IU has gone to real total and a total based on real RFM there COULD be a sudden influx of large pledge classes, perhaps not 100 each but close to it. More women could choose to stay in recruitment than drop for those same reasons, leading to a higher bid rate percentage than we get now.

By: to @Real quota

What needs to happen is sororities need houses! When you rush that's what you want. No one goes into it saying oh I want to rush an unhoused sorority even though the girls in the unhoused have just as much to offer and in my opinion more, they are usually more down to earth and nice they get attitudes because they are treated like second class just because they don't have a house there are plenty of girls in all sororities that are great unhoused and houses alike if all the sororities could get houses it would help and maybe the frats should step out of their comfort zone and pair a few times with different sororities then usual including the unhoused not all the time but give it a chance maybe it would bring the whole Greek family together be more inclusive than exclusive. just sayin that's my opinion

By: Myopinion
by: ^^ On the right track   

Agree with everything you said. In addition, while I know it has been discussed before, have pairs randomly assigned. Maybe not every week. But, if a couple times a year pairs were assigned and people attended, everyone might surprise themselves at how much fun they could have meeting new people in groups that are not in their "tier".

By: ^^ On the right track
by: too high   

@Myopinion Houses help, but the newer groups knew coming-in housing was not going to be easy. Some are not making housing a priority, and those who are will need a lot of funding and strong alumnae advisory councils to assist in the journey. It is often difficult for smaller national sororities to immediately garner housing on large campuses. Why else do you think these smaller groups have had prior difficulty being chosen to colonize at same, and even keeping chapters they DO have open at same?

IU generously offered small NPC groups the wise opportunity to colonize/recolonize rather than tell the smalls to go away because IU wanted its system to bid more women without causing unwieldy NM classes for its established groups. IU told the smalls housing would be what it is. The smalls are sharing with IU women their sisterhoods and benefits of lifelong membership. The four newest groups now depend on time for their blossoming. Their women are and will be productive members of the IU community regardless of negative greekrank attitudes.

By: too high

There are already a bunch of sororities no one wants to join. We don't need another DPhiE failure!

By: Why?
by: SOROR   

EXACTLY!!!! Work with and strengthen the ones already established on campus before another sorority is added. We DO NOT want to become like the IFC where it's a free for all.

by: quota   

As stated above, 22 of 23 NPC groups made the quota number 8 weeks ago. Has there a been mass exodus by PNMs since Bid Day? Please supply numbers to convince us of same. I agree keeping the number of groups steady for now is proper and fair. Many groups were added in a short time, and many tweaks to the IU recruitment system took place during that same time. Five to seven years of balancing (by 2021 or 2023) seems logical, and by then 3D may again grace us with her presence. Steamrolling another group(s) thru would make the situation a bit out of control when IU's focus should be an equal, steady growth for all current homes.

By: quota
by: @quota   

Not true.

ASA and TPA did not make quota.

This is why they were allowed to add members through informal recruitment.

Stop spewing things you actually know nothing about.

By: @quota
by: Lulu   

it doesn't mean they would fail. They have just as much of Ann opportunity to flourish as any other group, just look at how much theta phi alpha and sigma kappa have changed in the last year

By: Lulu

That is incorrect, 22 of the 23 chapters did not make quota. We know DPhiE did not, ASA tweeted about their 52 new members, TPA's bid night group was in the high 40's. That makes three. So at least 19 of the 23 sororities made quota. Where do you people get these numbers? The official recruitment report includes COBs to make the stats higher.

by: google...   

...is your friend. So are instagram, FB, etc. use them before getting all huffy.

By: google...
by: @google   

Don't be a moron. ^^

Twitter: ASA 52
Insta: DPhiE16
Insta: TPA 47
Insta: SDT put their entire chapter on insta to hide the fact they only had 50 or 51 and had to add people bid night through COB

By: @google
by: missing   

Any new member count from pictures could be missing women who didn't attend bid night and/or/didn't want to be photographed. Some houses include their recruitment chairs and new member educators in their new member pics.

By: missing

Tri Sigs already have newly opened chapters on a few large campuses. Their time, money and interest are already working for them elsewhere. I don't believe they have current plans to send a packet asking to return here, as they did not show interest when the campus last opened.

By: want vs need
by: ugh   

Tri Sigma applied when IU first opened. When TPA was chosen first, ASA next and SSS third, they were butthurt. They felt like they were better than the other two sororities. They pulled out saying that they had the upcoming colony at K State, which never happened. There wasn't enough interest in SSS for a colonization to be feasible. I doubt they will be that interested in IU given the history and the fact that they just colonized at Auburn.

By: ugh
by: Maybe   

Maybe tri sig could come and take over tri delta house

By: Maybe
by: @ugh   

Maybe TriSigs knew that by the time 4 years had passed and they could finally colonize, they had other chapters lined-up to open that specific year. And yes, there have been other campuses that've stacked three NPC groups at one time over a 4-9 year time frame so its not impossible.

By: @ugh

IU told Tri Sigma that they were attempting to get away from the housing system and that if they colonized they would not be given a house anytime soon. Tri Sig knew that not having a house would hurt them recruitment wise and be unfair so they pulled out. No one wants a failing chapter anywhere. Looks bad.

by: oh dear   

IU attempting to get away from the housing system? Like for how long, and will IU be taking away the 3D house and others as soon as they have the funds? So that means the unhoused will forever remain without permanent housing unless another house leaves campus and never returns?

By: oh dear

Isn't is possible for the NPC to approve building a new house? Or, is all the underlying land controlled by the school and it won't give any up to build houses? Other schools have dorm block housing setup for groups that don't have a house and it actually can work out well and give many of the benefits of a house. Seems like there is a lot of defeatist thinking on this site. There must be other options.

By: yep

Has panhel voted on bringing tri Sigma? That's the real question

By: Interested
by: No ^   

IU has not voted to open for expansion. If they had Tri Sigma would have to submit an interest packet. Then they would have to present to Panhellenic and representatives from each of the current chapters and then those who attended the presentation would report back to their chapters. A vote would be taken about whether or not to invite the chapter who presented to come to IU. None of these steps has occurred, so there will NOT be a new chapter at IU next school year.

By: No ^
by: affiliation   

Someone else responded that TriSigs chose not to colonize since they were given third slot (and a 4-6 year wait) after presenting seven years ago. Currently there appears no inkling of allowing other groups to present.

The whole housed/unhoused situation hasn't resolved, and the campus greek life is also evolving. A clear pattern of greek unity vs tiers has to show itself before the final three NPC groups would ever truly take a look at colonizing here. Ever-escalating quotas are also at play, and may result in no need for another group.

It pays to recall 3 of the 4 groups not here are smaller in alumnae and financial size.

By: affiliation

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