
ranking by money raised by most recent philanthrop


Because there should be more than just looks considered, here is a list of the chapters that announced how much their events made. If there were multiple events, the highest amount was used, as well as the most recent. This does not include IUDM, which should be another ranking.

Zeta $176,144.72
ASA $30,000
KD $20,000
ChiO $14,000
SK $10,640
PiPhi $8,000
AOPi $6,000
SDT $5,620
DG $5,000
Kappa $5,000
GPhi $4,000
AXO $3,967
AEPhi $3,582
ADPi $2,200

Phi Mu was vague with "thousands of dollars." Again, this is just what is available. The numbers may not be accurate, but as a pnm I wanted to know which chapters were raising the most money.

Posted By: Different
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Thanks Zeta for sharing your success. No PNM would put this much time into this.

By: Not by PNM
by: Op   

No, I'm an active, but not in zeta. I could see why you'd think that, though.

By: Op

I think forgot a few houses!

By: Need to finish
by: Op   

I know, I looked up every chapter and that's what was available on social media and the websites. If anyone knows for the others, feel free to add.

By: Op

zeta only raised that much because they were forced to by their nationals because of all the trouble last year

By: duh
by: im not even a zeta   

thats not true lol they raised more the year before that

By: im not even a zeta

I think it goes without saying that all sororities raise an enormous amount of money for their philanthropies. You did leave off several sororities though. The only reason Zeta raises so much more is because nationally, all their chapters do BMOC and it has grown into an event that all greeks houses participate in. I am not saying that is a bad thing, but please put it into perspective. All chapters work very hard all year long to raise awareness, raise money for their philanthropies along with many volunteer and service hours.
I am curious as to why you felt the need to start this thread, unless of course you are a Zeta and need to boost your self esteem. By saying you aren't a Zeta proves you probably are.

By: $$$
by: Op   

I started this because it's information that I wanted to know when I was going through recruitment. I wanted a strong philanthropic chapter and I wasn't given much evidence of that anywhere. I wanted the number of service hours and how much they made for their philanthropy. I spent time on this because I know someone else out there wants this too. I don't have all the chapters because that would require contacting them, as they didn't post the numbers anywhere online or on social media, and I simply don't have the time for that. I figured other chapters would add their numbers if they wanted on here instead. I think it would be good to rank service hours, IUDM, Little 500 placement, and grades as well, because those are things that are also important to consider.

By: Op
by: Not   

Not all ZTA chapters do BMOC.

By: Not

The second someone on this website ranks based on something other than looks y'all loose your damn minds.

By: lmao

lmao everyone so mad that a top house is ranked highest on this list. If you want your house to raise more money for your philanthropy then raise more money for your philanthropy. Zeta raises so much because they are a very important chapter to their nationals which is the same reason they still exist after the events of last year. Everyone on this website is always crying about how chapters are ranked by looks but the second that a chapter that is highly ranked in looks is also highly ranked in philanthropy they're the worst chapter out there and it's not fair. Newsflash: raising money for charity isn't bad and trying to bash zeta for raising money for breast cancer research is absolutely insane.

By: jlz

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