
rush tips


To girls who will be freshmen next year and might find this site: I have a few tips for recruitment.
1) Be yourself... you'll find that you want to spend time with people who actually like you for who you are.
2) It isn't the end of the world if you don't always get what you want back... don't think about what could have been. Why waste time thinking about people who aren't thinking about you?
3) Be positive... rushing is hard, but if Greek life is something you want, it'll be worth it in the end.
Good luck next year :)

Posted By: ...
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DO NOT get your hopes up on any house. You may think you know where you would be a good fit, but the girls in the house know WAY more about their house than you do. You might've had a great conversation and felt that you really vibed with the girls, but they know whether or not you'll fit in with the other 200 girls.

Honestly, stay off this site. Don't look at tumblrs. Don't look at instagrams. Go into rush completely open minded and give every house an equal chance.

SERIOUSLY, do NOT pay any mind to the "tier system". I remember going through rush and there were girls who were so focused on "top tier" houses, they dropped rush when they weren't invited back, even though they still had a list full of great houses inviting them back. This is STUPID!!!!! DO NOT DO THIS!!!!! You might be devasted when ones you really like don't invite you back (this literally happens to everyone), but just make it through rush. Even though you might not like a house at first, you may end up realizing that's where you feel most at home in later rounds.

If you make it to bid night and don't get a bid from the house you wanted, please give that house a chance. If you still feel like you can't connect with the girls, then you can drop. I know it's devasting to hope and pray for your top choice and receive your second or third, but keep in mind some girls don't get bids at all. The house that bids you is the one that took a chance on you when your top one didn't. They deserve a chance!

By: Also!!!
by: ...........   

Haha only bottom tiers think tiers don't matter. Sux to be you

By: ...........
by: Prime example   

I would much rather be friends with someone like Also!!! than ....... Clearly ..... thinks that she is in a top tier house and is better than everyone else. Who really wants to spend time with someone like that??

By: Prime example
by: @prime example   

You are also obviously bottom tier, so it isn't like you had any choice in where you ended up. So don't pretend you had a choice to be top tier because you obviously didn't measure up to our high standards.

By: @prime example
by: ????   

@............ & @prime example This is a rush advice post for PNMs, fam. Only a very small portion of PNMs go top tier. A lot of people don't even end up with what they originally wanted in general. I personally have a friend who was so fixated on being in APhi/Tri Delt that she didn't even allow herself to give upper mid/mid tier houses a shot when she wasn't invited back and literally dropped. I'm in a mid tier house and have never really understood why people (especially at the top) are so obsessed with rankings. You do realize no one will care what tier your house was after you leave IU, right??

By: ????
by: X   

Only top tier matters. If you can't get top tier then you become one of these desperate bitter wannabes that come on here all the time and try to tell you tiers don't matter. Haha they do. They're the only thing that matter when it comes to your social life here.

By: X
by: Prime Example   

@@Prime Example and X, I am in a house on 3rd and I certainly hope that you are not one of my sisters. I have friends from freshman year who are in houses considered upper mid/mid and they enjoy their experience absolutely as much as I do. They have great sisterhood and have gained so much out of their respective chapters. Who tf do you think you are to judge anyone? Are you that insecure?? Grow tf up and stop trying to put others down to make yourself feel important! As Maya Angelou said...I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Stop trying to put everyone down. You may find yourself a happier person if you can do that.

By: Prime Example

WATCH how the other girls interact with each other. The fake smiles and laughs will show where you don't want to be.

By: ..

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by: Yo   

Underrated tip

By: Yo
by: 100 percent   

this ^^^^ i just went through rush and made my decision based on this. in one house the girls seemed annoyed to be doing their pref night rituals and just didn't look happy to be there and in another all of the girls were laughing with each other and crying at the end (it was the final round). knew where i wanted to be after that and i'm soooooo happy where i am!!

By: 100 percent

This is great advice. Bump it!

By: Grizzly
by: ...   

Thank you :) thought I'd spread some positivity

By: ...

The only thing that matters is tiers. They will define your entire social experience at IU. If you only have bottom houses and unhoused left then better to drop and be a gdi than be considered sub-human in the Greek system. Sorry, but that's the real truth.

By: The truth
by: @The Truth   

Is that what you did? And you're so content that you came on gr to convert everyone to GDI? Get a life. There's a place for everyone in Greek life and just because you gave up on it doesn't mean someone else can't find their home. Every chapter has a unique sisterhood or brotherhood and in the end that is what matters. You meet your best friends and have connections for life. If you're narrow minded or so narcissistic to thing nothing else matters except a ranking website then I feel sorry for you. You aren't becoming a better person or growing into a fine individual that represents his or her chapter values, you are just trolling for your own sad entertainment.

By: @The Truth
by: The truth   

Cry cry cry those bottom tier salty tears! Lol

By: The truth
by: Truth has to grow up   

Case in point. Immaturity at it's finest.

By: Truth has to grow up

I think everyone should rush and give the sorority where they get a bid a fair shot. However, it's definitely a lot harder joining a "lower tier" sorority. You are looked down up at IU, there's no denying that. If you say "no one cares about your tier" that's wrong. AT IU fraternities and sororities do not pair outside of their respective "tiers." It's a lot like high school actually.

The feeling fades as you become an upperclassmen but the tier system is quite strong here.

Here's my two cents. If you are independent and don't like to be labeled, don't join a sorority. By joining an organization you are essentially labeling yourself as the stereotype of the chapter. So, if you aren't a partier don't join a sorority that does copious amounts of partying. If you pride yourself on your academic and charitable work, join a sorority that excels in those areas and doesn't cut corners.

By: Well.
by: know   

This is the reason picking F/S pairs from a hat instead of by birthright makes sense. This is the continuation of what needs to happen, and be in place for more than four years (graduates-out those who know the old system), before another sorority chapter is brought onto campus.

By: know

Freshmen, make study time a priority first semester or you will not become recruitment-eligible (as happened to around 100 women who had signed-up last fall).

Also if you sign-up, show up. You can't grab that bid if your shoes don't hit the strip.

By: librarian

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