
tri delts house


Just like the Delts House post that was created and blew up, why not make one dedicated to Tri Delts?

Posted By: Curious
Page 1 of 2

Most Likely to Happen: DPhiE
Likely to Happen: SK switches to TriDelt, unhoused fraternities get old Phi Psi likely Pike/PiLam
Unlikely: Pilam/Pike
Very Unlikely: TPA switches to TriDelt, Delts opens up to fraternities again which I believe PiLam was the second runner up

Moonshot chance: Tri Sig returns and takes over Tri Delt

By: Trust
by: $$$$   

At this stage 3D probably has more than enough $$$ to let the house sit for a semester or two before leasing it to anyone. They are smart and will take their sweet, due diligence time before signing-up just any group to be in their precious, historic home. Money buys time and time makes for more options.

By: $$$$
by: Sk   

I thought sk already had agds current house bc agd is moving back to old house after construction finishes this year

By: Sk

You're forgetting a chapter

By: um
by: $$$$   

Yes, and ASA has shares a national history with 3D: Ida Shaw Martin. Good answer, @um!

By: $$$$

I doubt the current leadership of ASA would reach out to their Nationals to discuss leasing it. Apparently they've discussed not wanting to pursue housing with their chapter.

By: honestly
by: HonestlyIsWrong   

lol this is not true

By: HonestlyIsWrong
by: nope   

They have not discussed not wanting a house. That is very untrue

By: nope

Pike is huge nationally so they would be better in a position to afford a house.

By: Truth
by: ???   

It's not about their National could afford it, it's about if the chapter members can afford it.

By: ???
by: no   

and their history here... people forget the horrific thing that happened in the 90s

By: no
by: Yep   

How quickly everyone want to shove that under the rug like it never happen. It still will haunt Pike.

By: Yep

The Tri Delt house sleeps fewer than the Delt house. DPhiE actually might be able to fill that one. Also, the house hasn't been recently renovated, so it doesn't have a huge mortgage payment. Between sleeping fewer women and a lower payment, if i was DPhiE I would take a look and then contact every girl who came to preference and didn't match somewhere else.

By: so....

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Skulls has more numbers than pike and pilam.

By: Wait
by: Trust   

Skulls aren't ion position to get a house. Their members can't afford it and I heard half of their print class just dropped because they regretted not being in Pike

By: Trust
by: @trust   

haha what that info is straight garbage

By: @trust
by: ...   

did u rush the house bud? that was never said

By: ...

The next step. Nationals sells house to University. If and when Tri Delta comes back to IU they build new house on Greek Row-Jordan.

By: Really
by: Yes   

I could see that happening. The University could rent it out the an unhoused Org. (Greek or Non Greek).

By: Yes
by: DDD   

Housing corp will never sell that house. They will rent/lease it to someone or some organization. When DDD left Butler they rented the house to students who didn't want to live in a dorm. It was like a boarding house. The IU housing corp people are well aware of this and know it is also an option if a sorority does not want to lease it. They will mostly likely go the boarding house route rather than lease to a frat.


That's why its called a moonshot, mensa.

By: Npc

Housing corp owns the tri delt house, not their nationals so depends on what they want to do with it.

By: Urworstnightmare
by: Land Sells   

You have to understand land values to the University. If really owned by Housing Corp they will not invest that much into a building that needs costly upgrades. Unless it can be used as administration building or office space for long term.

Very unlikely that the 3D house would offer to any other national fraternity or sorority.

By: Land Sells
by: to @landsells   

All the more reason to temporarily rent to a sorority and not a frat, as the frat might tear the house to shreds (your "costly upgrades" perhaps?).

By: to @landsells

Tri delt will be back in 4 or 5 years. The nationals will give time for this to pass and for all the girls who got kicked to graduate and then take in a fresh new pc to reinstate the charter. Any other organization, Greek or not, will not have that house for long.

By: .
by: .   

yeah, there's no way you sell a house when demand (both for sororities and for housing) is as high as it is. they'll be back in five years tops, and it could easily be as few as two or three years. there's no reason to sell.

By: .

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