informal recruitment
by: ConfusedHello! I've decided to not do formal recruitment, though I signed up, but I am interested in informal. However, I don't know anything about it. Could anyone give me more information?
#2 by: Unhoused
Email the vp of recruitment for the chapters you're interested in (yup is right, the unhoused typically are the only chapters to participate) after formal is over to see if they are doing spring (sometimes they do, I know DPhiE did last spring) or fall informal. If it's fall, watch their social media accounts for more information. Informal is usually in September. ASA, TPA, and DPhiE all did fall informal this semester. It consists of a variety of more relaxed events like dinners and info nights and usually end with interviews. They don't take everyone, so don't count on a bid just because you participate. Additionally, the bid days are on different days so you have to pick a chapter that you'd prefer to accept a bid from. Just out of curiosity, why did you decide against formal? Formal would give you a better chance of getting a bid and you could get to know all of the chapters not just the unhoused, because you may fit better in a different chapter.
#4 by: ^
Based on the numbers my chapter has been given, there really isn't much of a difference in the number of registered pnms. I can't remember the last time any housed chapter participated in informal, since they fill their quotas through formal. I wouldn't count on any chapters besides the ones that are already listed participating, and even they may not. TPA hasn't always participated in informal, and any of the chapters may decide not to for whatever reason, limiting your chances.
#5 by: ?
I am going to go out on a limb and say that the OP either has a 2.7 GPA and knows she might be heavily cut or she doesn't want to leave home early. My roommate signed up for formal recruitment and decided not to come back right before New Year's. She went through SK colonization and was given a bid. All of the previous posts are correct, if all chapters make quota no one will be participating in informal. With only 55 bids required, that might just happen.
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by: ConfusedDec 28, 2016 2:46:37 PM
I chose against formal because I had some home circumstances that made me unable to rush during formal, but I'm still very interested in Greek life and I'm worried going through formal as a sophomore would be detrimental