Indiana University Bloomington - IU Discussion

Page 2293 of 2333
car By: Car   Last Post:

Which house has the nicest cars on campus and rich?...Read More

By: Car   Last Post:

Started: May 29, 2014 11:54:47 AM
who By: sorority   Last Post:

Which house got the best spring class? ...Read More

By: sorority   Last Post:

Started: Jun 2, 2014 7:08:10 AM
sigma chi transfer By: affiliate   Last Post:

Does Sig Chi at IU affiliate transfer students? I'm in...Read More

By: affiliate   Last Post:

Started: Jun 4, 2014 3:39:50 PM
pi phis By: LOL right.........   Last Post:

pi phis has tag there OWN pictures cliquey. goes to...Read More

By: LOL right.........   Last Post:

Started: May 31, 2014 2:31:02 AM
sorority new babies By: Rage   Last Post:

Which sororities new babies are the most fun to party...Read More

By: Rage   Last Post:

Started: May 26, 2014 11:05:01 PM
↓ Posts Continued Below ↓
transfer from ball state By: BSU   Last Post:

I'm in a sorority at Ball state but I'm transferring...Read More

By: BSU   Last Post:

Started: Apr 23, 2014 2:58:57 PM
expensive By: stylestarr   Last Post:

How expensive are Indiana's sororities? ...Read More

By: stylestarr   Last Post:

Started: May 29, 2014 2:35:11 PM
when is rush this year? By: Lo   Last Post:

When is fall rush for frats this year...Read More

By: Lo   Last Post:

Started: May 27, 2014 11:01:50 PM
end of year/ 2014 fall frat ranks (on campus) By: End of the Year   Last Post:

Sig Chi/Beta/Pi Kapps FiJi/ATO Phi Psi/Phi Delt/Delts/Sammy Phi Sig/SNU/Sig Pi Sig Ep/DU/Theta Chi Rest...Read More

By: End of the Year   Last Post:

Started: May 13, 2014 2:01:21 AM
who are the guys each house is known for By: B   Last Post:

Each frat has a couple of guys most people know...Read More

By: B   Last Post:

Started: May 28, 2014 5:42:04 PM
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