
get real people


I love all the guys and girls who try to base all their self esteem and sense of popularity of their houses. All these try hards are just riding their letters. What really matters in Greek life is your own personal popularity. There are 50+ guys who are better looking and more popular than 80% of Pike, Sig Chi, etc and girls more popular and better looking than 50% of Phi and Chi O.

Posted By: Try hards
Page 1 of 1

thanks captain obvious, everyone already knew this, the top 10 percent of most houses is better than 50% of people in top tier houses.

By: thanks bro

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You joined a sorority and you are going to be associated with it. If you have a problem with being associated with your sorority, it's time to disaffiliate because you're clearly "too proud" to be apart of your organization. The whole point of greek life is COMMUNITY and not the individual. You are obviously still yourself, but if you're concerned about "being hotter" than the other members in your chapter, you have your priorities wrong. Work to improve your chapter instead of trying to make yourself feel better on greek rank.

By: k

Goes to show how shallow msu Greek life is. Tiers based solely on looks. No wonder why you guys are the joke of big 10

By: wow
by: Im Confused   

Obviously we aren't a joke to the big 10 if you are checking our greek rank site. Are you really that bored that you're commenting on another schools page? Weirdo

By: Im Confused
by: Agree   

I am a member of the Greek System and yes, unfortunately Greek Life is that shallow at MSU. Sororities are judged totally on looks. Fraternity guys get a little bit of a pass on looks if they know the right people. Not sure it is any different at other schools though but I sure wish it would change here at MSU.

By: Agree
by: Guess   

Top tier houses at all schools are hot obviously but that's not their ONLY asset like at msu

By: Guess
by: LOL   

Ya cause i'm sure alpha phi at university of arizona or DG at FSU give bids out to girls because they are really philanthropic and love helping out the community as well as being smart!

by: ^^   

I transferred to state from an SEC school and the top tier sororities took girls based off 2 things. 1. how attractive they were and 2. where they were from (top sororities only really took girls from the south). It makes me laugh when people talk about how shallow MSU greek life is and how top tier sororities only care about looks when it's like that at every single school, even worse in schools in other regions of the US. The top tier girls at my past college were not the brightest, the nicest or sure as hell didn't contribute much to the community.

By: ^^

1. Greek life at every school is superficial and ranks houses based on looks and their social life. Also other schools I've visited only had positive things to say about MSU's greek life.

2. Top tier fraternities are also made up of mostly good looking guys. You can tell yourself it's because of where they're from but the guys in Pike and Sigma chi are simply better looking than middle tier fraternities. I won't deny that we have better Sororities than the fraternities at MSU but I believe that's largely due to good fraternities getting kicked off campus. My sister who graduated three years ago said it wasn't as bad before sig ep and and SAE lost their house

3. If you're a good looking person in a crappy house, you're most likely a weirdo and if you're not so fortunate in the looks department but end up in a top house then you most likely have a great personality (with the exception of legacies, transfer students or mixup during recruitment)

By: sure

I agree with a lot of what you said. You're right fraternities and sororities everywhere are primarily judged off of looks and I agree that most people would consider about a 3/4 of Pike and Sigma Chi to be good looking. But you act like guys in the next 3 to 4 houses are a huge drop off. Multiple houses like FIJI, Delt Sigs, SAE, and SNU also have "good looking" guys with great personalities. I would say the top quarter of any of these houses I just listed would get a bid at Pike or Sigma Chi and thrive. These guys just felt a better connection to the house they joined. I don't think its fair to say that most guys that aren't in one of the two top houses are either weird or not attractive. Very far from the the truth.

By: not all true
by: .   

Fiji, SNU and SAE also have good amount of attractive guys but sigma chi and pike just have more. Making Pike and Sig chi top of tier 1 and SNU, Fiji bottom of tier one.

Kind of like Phi and XO are considered top of tier one and then Kappa, AXO and theta are bottom of tier 1.

By: .

I dont understand why people automatically throw Sigma Chi in the top tier conversation. Sure, they have Derby Days which is pretty cool, but after their membership review they lost pretty much all their hot guys. I would say they definitely don't have as many good looking guys as a couple of the middle tier houses listed above. My sister also graduated from MSU 5 years ago and said that they were middle tier at best when she first got here. Tiers constantly change every 5-10 years or so and I 100% don't think that Sigma Chi will be in the top 3 conversation in the next couple years.

By: Sig Chi
by: tru   

This is completely true^ Houses don't stay at the top forever, anyone who has been to Sigma Chi lately should clearly be able to realize they aren't nearly as good as they were last year.

By: tru
by: Joke   

Short, not hot, socially awkward. Doesn't seem like top tier to me

By: Joke

Sigma Chi is undoubtedly worse than they were last year since they lost a lot of their attractive seniors but at the same time, those guys were only going to be sticking around for one more year anyway and then would have graduated. Sigma Chi still has multiple one on ones with alpha phi, chi o, kappa, theta, axo each semester and the girls show up and have a fun time. You may say that Sigma Chi is living off of their past reputation but it has been pretty much a year after their membership review and I constantly see top tier sorority girls at their house all of the time. If they get a good pledge class this upcoming year, I think they will be secure in the top tier for a few years to come

By: It Is True
by: fall 13   

Sig Chis fall 13 class was the definition of "average." Don't see them getting any better, I too think the days of EX are done.

By: fall 13

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