
rushing fall 2013 - frats


What's your general opinion about SAE, Sigma Chi, Psi Upsilon, and Delta Sigs. These are the houses I will potentially rush in the Fall. Elaborate on sorority relations, brotherhood, hazing, and overall house reputation. Also, how you think they will do in the coming years.

Posted By: SharpDressedFrosh
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stfu gdi

By: i will haze you

Well why did you choose those 4 over the other 26ish?

By: .

Random list of fraternities... IMO

By: Random

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by: Kinda   

Also I forsee a bashing thread here.....

By: Kinda

Rush every house. You are missing some of the better ones on this campus and nationally. And no fraternity hazes anymore... you will be fine.

By: look
by: .   

No one hazes anymore? ha speak for yourself, i actually earned my letters

By: .
by: ha   

think he missed the sarcasm.

By: ha
by: tl;dr   

it's impossible to rush every house. there are way too many for that to be feasible. you need to narrow it down to 2-4 going into rush week

By: tl;dr
by: well   

you can check out a good amount on nights 1 and 2. If you want to get into one of the better houses, you are looking in the summer. If you know how to send out an adequate form or email to a recruitment chair then it will help you.

By: well

im in a sorority here and i can PROMISE you i have friend in other houses, sororities and frats, that haze. not all houses do though

By: ^false
by: Sarcasm   

We don't tolerate hazing at such a fine institution as Michigan State.

By: Sarcasm

Delta Sig
House: Great Yard, probably the second nicest looking house. It is extremely old and surprisingly small on the inside. Location is not ideal.
Social: done better than usual, but mainly party with the upper middle tier sororities (zeta, SK), have yet to really get close to any top tier houses. like to rage
Reputation: One of the oldest chapters at MSU, TONS of alumni but still stuck in the middle tier mess of 5 other houses. Have some what of a little brother mentality. Good, not great national fraternity.

By: . Part duce

Sigma chi is one of the top fraternities. I love going there, but it's probably one of the harder ones to get a bid from. Almost every sorority loves Sigma Chi
Delt sigs is more of a middle tier sorority type of place. They're really nice though and have a sweet house.
Psi U is very unknown. I went there once and the house was AWESOME but it was small and a little awkward. Some middle tier and some lower tier sororities are close with them.
SAE is small and new back on campus but literally every girl loves them. Depends whether you're okay with being in a small house and not having a real fraternity house yet.

By: sororitygirl
by: oh hey SAE   

way to talk yourself up and make it sound like a girl. you're irrelevant, get off this site.

By: oh hey SAE

you'll be hazed no matter what

By: almost

Honestly, this is probably a terrible website to determine which houses you're going to rush. You'll encounter a lot of biased opinions only trying to persuade you two join a particular frat. Your best bet would be to just go to the MSU Greek Life website and look at the houses information on the website and contact the rush chairs of the houses that interest you.

By: Chopper

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