
predictions for fall '13

by: FALL2013

Which sororities/fraternities do you think are going to recruit the best? Who will move up, down or stay the same?

Posted By: FALL2013
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#1  by: Rush KYS   

I'm not a ___, but I think ___ will be the best.

- Person secretly in ___

<i>OP should Rush KY&#931;</i>

By: Rush KYS
#2  by: Truth   

Lambda Chi- Up
Sigma Chi- Up
Sigma Pi- Up
Psi U- Up
Delt Sigs- Down
Sig ep- Up
Delta Chi- Up

By: Truth
by: DumbApr 24, 2013 1:57:29 AM

This is a dumb list, Lambda chi for sure is heading down...they don't even have a house. Pike will stay neutral, Dchi-Just no. Too many flaws to name...

By: Dumb
#3  by: My 2 cents   

Sigma Chi and Pike: Will remain basically the same
SNu: Slowly but surely lose relevance, they are basically a better known ATO
Fiji: Keep getting better, but still will pick up Pike/Sigchi scraps
Theta Chi: Keep chugging along with big numbers, little brotherhood, decent fun
Lambda Chi: No more cool house on Harrison in a year, but probably will remain middle tier.
Delt Sigs: Will do ok, still have no clue what being a fraternity is all about
ATO: Keep sliding down a Slippery Slope
Delta Chi: Same old same old
Sigma Pi: Mix of Cool and Weird, probably get a little less weird this fall
Sig Ep: A mess, occasionally relevant, but the new(old aepi) house helps
SAE: Basically living up to what they used to be before the got the boot, a mini pike
Everyone else = Who cares

By: My 2 cents
by: good jobApr 23, 2013 12:17:18 AM

i got nothin'. this is really on point.

By: good job
#4  by: Some kid   

when is lambda losing their house/where they are living afterwards?

By: Some kid
by: My 2 centsApr 24, 2013 8:23:36 AM

Lambda chi's lease of the SAE house ends in may 2014, so they need a new house by the Fall of 14. They do not have the money or the space to actually build a house, and according to their website they are currently in the process of finding a suitable replacement. Best case scenario is they buy a house(probably a co=op) and renovate it, but to be honest , I dont seeing alot of housing opportunities at all, close enough to campus. Either way, they will not have it as good as they did on Harrison

By: My 2 cents
#5  by: Overlook   

I'm not favoring here, but Triangle Fraternity has been seriously overlooked. In my books they're definitely on the rise because; their recruitment numbers are rising, gaining popularity with sororities/in general, becoming more involved, and many other factors. They may be engineers, but their definitely becoming adapted to the greek/frat life, and integrating more and more.

-secretly a sig chi

By: Overlook
#6  by: sdfsdfs   

Lambda Chi- down
Sigma Chi- same
Sigma Pi- Up
Psi U- Up
Delt Sigs- Down
Sig ep-
Delta Chi- down

By: sdfsdfs
#7  by: false   

lambda getting off harrison will be the best thing to happen to them. moving them away from pi phis and dgs, so they can hang with better houses is whats gonna happen

By: false
by: dumbApr 29, 2013 12:14:57 AM

SAE and Sig Ep did just fine on Harrison. Don't blame your location for Lambda's ineptitude.

By: dumb
#8  by: lambdalove   

actually surprised at how many cute lambdas ive seen lately, really excited to see their new pc! new favorite house for sure

By: lambdalove
by: yuckApr 30, 2013 2:07:55 AM

'sup, Pi Phi?

By: yuck
#9  by: sororities   

houses that will stay the same: kd, kappa, gphi, dg, piphi, phi
houses that will go up: axo, zeta, xo, theta
houses that will go down: sdt, aopi, xo

alpha xi delta will start off around bottom middle tier (dg, gphi, piphi) and move up to middle tier after a few years (kd, sk)

By: sororities

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