


What sororities are really top tier here? I'm thinking about rushing next year. I know to keep an open mind during rush but i was just curious what ones are stable good ones, not ones that rise quickly or fall quickly.

Posted By: nextyear
Page 2 of 3

Theta is definitely top tier. Maybe 3 people on this site think they are lower, for some reason. lol I don't know who "the many are" that think otherwise. Was there an MSU greek ranking conference I somehow missed??? BTW, I am not in this house, but another top tier house, and we cross-bid with Theta all the time. Top tier houses tend to do that. ;)

These tiers are all personal opinion, in the end. What are the critera to be a Top Tier house, anyway? Biggest physical house, nicest looking house, most members, highest GPA, Most Involved, At Every Party? What? Just because a house has a lot of members does not mean it is a quality organization. They just let in a bunch of people. lol IMHO, a small house can be excellent in every regard.

By: No @ comment 11

Top Tier

1. Alpha phi, Chi Omega
2. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Chi Omega, Kappa Alpha Theta

Middle tier

1. Zeta Tau Alpha, Kappa Delta
2. Sigma Kappa, Pi Phi
3. Gamma Phi Beta, Delta Gamma

Bottom Tier
1. Alpha Omicron Pi
2. Sigma Delta Tau

The houses on the same line are interchangeable

By: By Tier
by: spartan11   

I would switch Theta and Zeta, and Kappa Delta and Sigma Kappa.
other than that it's a pretty well-known ranking

By: spartan11

A Sorority is a top tier house if you have the most attractive females per capita, literally nothing else you mentioned matters. The End

By: @ No @comment 11
by: ^   


By: ^

Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Alpha Chi Omega, Zeta Tau Alpha, and Sigma Kappa are the most stable organizations on campus right now.

By: here
by: too inclusive   

you just chose 60% of the available sororities

By: too inclusive

Top 5 houses are
KKG, Phi, Zeta, XO, AXO

By: .....
by: ha   

I would not consider zeta to be top five in the slightest bit.

By: ha
by: .......   

I would probably switch Phi and KKG, and put AXO, ZTA then XO...

By: .......

Alpha Phi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Chi Omega

By: /topic

Top 5 houses (based on looks) would be Phi, AXO, ChiO, Kappa, and Zeta

By: N/A

It honestly depends what you're looking for, you can find every kind of girl in every house. I think the most real houses are sk, theta, kd, axo and zeta


Zeta get out. stop acting like your a top house when your not!

Top Houses: XO, KKG, Phi, Theta, AXO

no questions asked

By: HA

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by: 8=>   

that exclamation point really showed them !!!!!!!!!!111!!!!111!ONE

Also, it's "you're," you retard.

How some of you sIuts get into college is beyond me.

By: 8=>

KD, Zeta, and theta are great houses. Definitely good looking. Aside from a couple, almost every sorority parties with most good fraternities so just go through recruitment and you'll end up in the right house.

By: .

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