
sigma nu

by: ?

Why did they get shut down? Serious question and when can they come back? I know they just started up like 2 years ago

Posted By: ?
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#1  by: Onlooker   

they were still on probation, got snitched on by another Signu Chapter from another school and got kicked off campus for alc violations two weeks before they were gonna be let off the hook.

By: Onlooker
by: IFeb 5, 2019 7:51:33 PM

Do they have a date for reinstatement? since the national pulled their recognition not the school I think they can come back more or less on their own schedule

By: I
by: ANONFeb 16, 2019 12:05:23 AM

apparently theyre not coming back anytime soon cuz alot of their guys are either going rogue or rushing sigma chi the upcoming semester. No idea if theyre planning on reinstatement.

by: Social probation Feb 16, 2019 12:39:04 PM

If you’re on social probation or not allowed to have party’s, how do you get caught? Do people spy on ur chapters house? That’s really weird..

By: Social probation
by: GreekFeb 16, 2019 2:37:47 PM

Yeah kinda feel bad it didnt seem like something worthy of getting kicked off for. They got shut down literally a week before they were going to get their charter

By: Greek
#2  by: Not soon   

There are stacked expansions coming up. Plus there are numerous other frats dying to get on campus. The Sig Eps will have to get in line and wait their turn, if they are allowed back. Honestly, I do not see them coming back. They blew their chance.

By: Not soon
#3  by: Notsure   

Since Sig Chi is not doing well after coming back to campus for almost 2 years, there might be room for TKE and Sig Nu to come back.

By: Notsure
by: .Feb 11, 2019 8:05:29 PM

sig chi alumni are building a new house supposedly once the DG lease is up. Think they will be fine. And theres definitely room for more, state is growing and has already had 20+ frats in the past. We only have 14 right now

By: .
#4  by: incoming 2019   

Do the fraternities rush in the summer or in the fall? I'm attending SDSU from out-of-state and don't want to miss rush but I wasn't planning to get to SDSU until August 2019.

By: incoming 2019
by: gFeb 13, 2019 9:43:53 PM

you'll be fine, IFC rush isn't until after the semester starts, usually early-mid september

By: g

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