
How many girls are chapters taking in spring?

by: help

How many people are each of the houses taking for spring COB? I reached out to multiple houses but my top house mentioned that they already found people and could only take a small amount. I was just wondering how many people they took.

Posted By: help
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#1  by: ^   

No one is going to answer this because a high number reflects bad retention of members. The chapters with bad retention don’t want the other chapters to know how many girls they had to take.

You probably heard back from KD or ADPi because they never have a lot of slots to fill in the spring. They didn’t even do spring recruitment last year. Their spring mc will be small and they probably already had their list of girls they wanted to pick up.

By: ^
by: ^Jan 14, 2025 9:30:26 AM

AEPhi and ChiO also have great retention and don’t usually pick up a lot of girls in the spring/have a lot of slots. Don’t assume it’s KD or ADPi that said they can only take a small number.

By: ^
by: lolJan 14, 2025 10:20:44 AM

u think ur throwing shade for the 8,927,137 time this month but pan upped the membership total. all sororities will have a large spring pc. ❤️

By: lol
by: LmaoJan 14, 2025 10:40:39 AM

Loser boy hating yet again for months straight. If they don’t have slots to fill they won’t reply. KD and ADPI are replying. Just like zeta and tridelta 💕

By: Lmao
by: ^Jan 14, 2025 10:41:55 AM

The ZTA hater won’t stop she is a sad jealous lifeless girl

By: ^
by: fyiJan 14, 2025 10:46:29 AM

zeta doesn't have a ton of spots to fill. i know that will surprise people but they don't.

By: fyi
by: Luzr Jan 14, 2025 12:21:02 PM

“Everyone is replying”? What’s the number? You first lmao

By: Luzr
by: worst partJan 14, 2025 12:46:41 PM

the worst part is forcing up alphaxi when all tops and uppers don't want it and he doesn't even know them. forcing up chio when mids don't even want them up. hating on zeta without even knowing them and thinking his way is right or accurate. anyone who disagrees is one mean girl in zeta who hates mids when zeta is the first top sorority to mix with mids. all sororities are taking large pcs bc pan allows for more now. we are no longer capped at 150 girls.

u doing all this not even knowing whats up or any girls lol. he need a life

By: worst part
by: ^Jan 14, 2025 1:05:08 PM

a bunch of men is sorority business
thx but they don’t want it. all sororities have a ton of spots to fill because panhellenic and ucf gave us much more spots and you can get fined if you are far below.

By: ^
by: ?Jan 14, 2025 1:11:33 PM

we all love zeta and we want the hate to stop. this has nothing to do with a boy. she wants to humiliate zeta do you read her comments? she’s not hyping axid she’s just hating. ignore her she loves stirring up trouble

By: ?
by: LmaoJan 14, 2025 1:15:49 PM

The man who is obsessed with forcing up axid chio and aephi also wants zeta down. There are some girls who hate zeta but he is the one making the constant hate comments. Zeta doesn’t care its greek rank ppl will hate and have opinions. Only fiji chio aephi kkg pretty much the softie lower mid chapters want hate to stop and take greek rank seriously. We all (tops and uppers and real true mids) like it bc it keeps it fun, interesting, competitive and shows where we can improve. We just want HIM to know we see HIM and all of what HE is doing. HE is a loser MAN who is caught. Actually exposed by his oh so favorite sorority axid who literally hates him and his frat lol

By: Lmao
by: NoJan 14, 2025 1:27:07 PM

I don’t know who you are but your narrative is all wrong. There’s a psycho who drags ZTA daily, she wants ZTA below Tridelt. She talks about ZTA only being good for socials, have low membershi and can’t retain, it’s a girl and she is hateful. You need to report her posts to out her. She has been going non stop for months.

The Axid and mid lovers just started a month or two ago and they are fighting for fairness. One girl is hating and the mid hypers are not hating. Every post is not the same person but the ZTA bully repeats all the same things.

I don’t know why anyone is blaming one ZTA mod all the chapters are on here hit won’t admit it. The point is you need to stop the hater because she gets off on this.

By: No
by: ur a joke Jan 14, 2025 1:30:49 PM

axid exposed a frat guy who was glazing axid a while ago. not one person exposed a guy for any hate, if they did they would have proved it and named him and it would have stopped. we all know it’s a girl even zeta. u keep trying to blame a guy for it and u look dumb

By: ur a joke
#2  by: Sisters   

How do you have a “top house” already picked out and haven’t met with them? All of our chapters are amazing. You will probably look back a year from now and be so grateful they didn’t have anymore spots because you will land where you are meant to be. Keep an open mind and talk to the others.

By: Sisters

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