
Someone wants only 3 tiers


He wants only Top, Mid and Base.

FSU does Top, Upper Mid, Lower Mid, Base.
UF does Top, Upper Mid, Lower Mid, Base.

He wants that so that his favorite sorority isn’t considered “lower” lmao

Posted By: Hm
Page 1 of 1

we all like that 3 tier. we didn’t agree to the 4. we are not fsu and they do all different tiers.

By: ^
by: ?   

There is 1 dislike on both ppl liked the 3. The Zeta hater of course had to try to up rank DDD in both though

By: ?
by: truth    

Top Tier:
1. KD
3. ZTA
4. TriDelt

Mid Tier:
1. Pi Phi
2. Axid, Theta
3. ChiO, Aephi
4. KKG

Base Tier:
1. DZ
2. GPhi

By: truth
by: Lmao   

This is absurd.

Piphi is way ahead of axid. Axid is a better theta not =. Theta is wayyyyy ahead of chio. Chio is a better kkg. Better pairs same socials similar looks

By: Lmao
by: lol   

it is. the motive has to always have chio and aephi up. that’s it. he was 3 to have them up or 5 to have them up. not 4 bc it makes them low lol

By: lol
by: Better   

Top Tier:

ΚΔ - Kappa Delta

ΑΔΠ - Alpha Delta Pi

ZTA - Zeta Tau Alpha
ΔΔΔ - Delta Delta Delta

Mid Tier:
ΠΒΦ - Pi Beta Phi
ΑΞΔ - Alpha Xi Delta
ΚΑΘ - Kappa Alpha Theta

ΧΩ - Chi Omega

ΑΕΦ - Alpha Epsilon Phi

ΚΚΓ - Kappa Kappa Gamma

Base Tier:

ΔΖ - Delta Zeta

ΓΦΒ - Gamma Phi Beta

By: Better

Lower means you have lower socials and pairs. If they have mid pairs they are not lower. Chapter of the Year is not lower. You hate Chio that is all. Chio and Aephi have better membership than most chapters. They are not low.

By: Hello
by: Me   

They are low. You can’t get socials with any of the chapters who actually do socials with mids. No ZBT no DU no DSig no SAE no TKE. We don’t hate them it’s just accuracy. We see ur motive tho. Changing everything to stay up. Gpa tiers 3/5 considerations we see you

By: Me
by: nah   

diversity, involvement, leadership, membership matters too

we see you

By: nah
by: well yes   

u have lower socials. true mids dont have base socials or pairs. only chio aephi kkg have base socials and pairs. also you pairing with fiji doesn’t make u true mid. their only socials are arphi and kkg. that’s ur league

By: well yes
by: ^   

I’m not a chiO or aephi but I agree the constant talk about how it’s “hate” when people think zeta is below TriDelt but no one ever defends chio or aephi and calls it the same is so bizarre. Chio and aephi have legit successes in gpa, membership and Greek awards so the discussion to move them up is very warranted.
But we know who runs this site and gets bent when her chapter isn’t even mentioned but someone has a contrary opinion.

By: ^

dsig, tke & sae were base and all the mids had socials with them. they are mid without houses u are delulu

By: …
by: lmao   

nobody said that doesn’t matter. socials popularity looks matter the most and you have none of those things. 8/10 sororities can get socials but not you bc you are below average.

higher chapters have everything

By: lmao
by: Yes   

You are hating on Zeta, Chi O & AEPhi. They are all great chapters

By: Yes
by: Yeah   

No one ever does that for chio or aephi bc it isn’t bullying…. It’s a rank discussion. You chapter is very obviously lower mid. Like insanely obvious. Ppl don’t defend you bc you do it to yourself. You always bring it up. No one makes any posts to move you down. Just responses. You always set yourself up

By: Yeah
by: Yeah   

Nobody is talking about zeta rn none of us are the zeta hater. No one is hating on chio we are discussing your lack of socials and popularity which are rank considerations. That isn’t hate. No one hates you you are just lower mid

By: Yeah
by: Mid   

Chi O and Aephi are mid or true mid NOT lower. They are different than KKG. You hate on these girls 24-7. We see how you are and we won’t let it happen.

TKE= Fiji= Chi O =AEPhi


ΚΚΓ - ΠΚΦ, /, ΠΚΦ, /

By: Mid
by: lol   

dsig was only base bc homeless and nobody cares about the past. when tke as bottom they only had lower mids lol when fiji was lower mid they only had lowers mids and still only have lower mids

By: lol
by: Lmfao   

Nobody is bullying chio. Zeta haters bump hate of them every single day. No one does that to you. You get hate bc you keep talking about it. You know chio is lower mid and aephi. Ur delusional af if you think they are true mid with theta. Especially chio. They are the most unpopular sorority. Only a fool would think they are true mid. Lower mid af. There are 0 recent posts to bring you down. You get discussion in ur comments when u try and force ranks and changes. U can’t silence us.

By: Lmfao
by: 😂   

TKE DSig and SAE were all base and had true mid socials. You know nothing. No house dies not mean they suck. You have real issues

By: 😂

i like 4. it’s good to have differentiation. piphi is way above chio. phidelt is way above tke.

upper mid and lower mid is the best

By: lol

I like the 4.

With that he can push KSig top like he wants. Even tho he isn’t a KSig 😂

By: Me

I like 5 or 3 not the 4. The rank looked good, unsure about KSig top.

By: Tbh
by: Lmao   

No you like whatever can keep chio as not lower mid lmao.

By: Lmao

4 is better. We don’t need true mid chio is not true mid. You can’t even get sae dsig or tke. U have 1 out of 4.

By: Usah

I like the 3 better. Simpler.

By: $

definitely the 5 we need true mid

By: imo

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