
Why Member # Count Matters

by: Facts

Membership count info is very important. The chapters with a lower membership count have to ask back more people at the end of each recruitment day because they will have more membership slots to fill at the end of recruitment.

There has been a question about chapter retention rates and the member count at the end of Spring is all you need to calculate that. To calculate the retention rate, divide the total number of members who stayed with the sorority through a given time period by the headcount you started with on day one. Then, multiply that number by 100. All sororities offer enough bids during Fall Recruitment to start the year at the same number. I believe the Panellenic chapter total after 2023 Fall Recruitment was 154. So if all sororities started the 2023 academic year with 154 members and one chapter, prior to Spring graduation, ended the year with just 132 members, their retention rate would be only 85%, far lower than the average retention rate of 93-95%.

Also a factor to note is Spring Recruitment. Some chapters started the academic year with that 154 total member count and did not recruit in the spring while others did- which would refill them back to the 154. Since Spring Recruitment is optional the number of women “picked up” during Spring is not available, only the total membership for each chapter after Spring Recruitment occurred is available. This means some chapters made it through the entire academic year only losing a handful of women (note: every single house will have a small loss of members due to December graduation) while others lost significant membership during the Fall, forcing them to pick up members to try to get back closer to the starting number during Spring Recruitment. Then, as it also may have lost significant membership in the Spring.

The bottom line is that this is great information to have and you can draw conclusions about the stability of a chapter and the health of their sisterhood, but ultimately how you feel when you walk into a chapter is what matters.

Posted By: Facts
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#1  by: Facts   

I know several chapters do the optional Spring Recuritment. Are there any chapters that didn’t do Spring Rush and didn’t pick up any new members in the Spring of 2024?

By: Facts
by: yaAug 9, 2024 9:01:12 AM

adpi and kd didn’t do it because they didn’t have any or many drops

By: ya
by: ^Aug 9, 2024 3:16:13 PM


By: ^
#2  by: Facts   

ΑΕΦ - Alpha Epsilon Phi, 147 members
ΑΔΠ - Alpha Delta Pi, 146 members
ΚΔ - Kappa Delta, 146 members
ΚΑΘ - Kappa Alpha Theta, 145 members
ΧΩ - Chi Omega, 145 members
ΔΔΔ - Delta Delta Delta, 141 members
ΑΞΔ - Alpha Xi Delta, 140 members
ΠΒΦ - Pi Beta Phi, 135 members
ZTA - Zeta Tau Alpha, 132 members
ΚΚΓ - Kappa Kappa Gamma, 129 members
ΔΖ - Delta Zeta, 102 members
ΓΦΒ - Gamma Phi Beta, 47 members

Larger Chapter Sizes = Higher Member Retention/Happier Sisters 👯‍♀️

By: Facts
#3  by: nice   

tbh it’s the “nice girl” chapters that have higher membership and retention. prob low competition within the chapter promotes a happy environment.

By: nice
by: Yes Aug 9, 2024 7:52:22 AM


By: Yes
by: 2022Aug 9, 2024 10:10:01 AM

Spg 2022

UCF Sorority Membership Totals
1. Alpha Epsilon Phi-158
2. Chi Omega-156
3. Alpha Xi Delta-154
4. Kappa Alpha Theta-152
5. Kappa Delta-150
6. Kappa Kappa Gamma-149
7. Zeta Tau Alpha-148
8. Pi Beta Phi-147
9. Delta Delta Delta-146
10. Delta Zeta-120
11. Alpha Delta Pi-101
12. Gamma Phi Beta-92

UCF Sorority Drops
1. Pi Beta Phi - 0 dropped
2. Kappa Kappa Gamma - 0 dropped
3. Alpha Epsilon Phi - 4 dropped
4. Chi Omega - 6 dropped
5. Kappa Delta - 7 dropped
6. Alpha Xi Delta - 8 dropped
7. Kappa Alpha Theta - 9 dropped
8. Gamma Phi Beta - 10 dropped
9. Delta Delta Delta - 14 dropped
10. Delta Zeta - 14 dropped
11. Alpha Delta Pi - 16 dropped
12. Zeta Tau Alpha - 20 dropped

By: 2022
#4  by: OFSL   

OFSL posts membership numbers, the dropped active member count and dropped new mender count. No calculating is needed. They need to post the data.

by: No problemAug 9, 2024 8:27:40 AM

It’s a simple calculation (provided in op). You don’t need OFSL to do it for you.

By: No problem
by: imoAug 9, 2024 8:54:56 AM

Given we have some chapters with low membership counts, posting the total number of girls dropping at the end of each semester listed by chapter would actually be a horrible idea. It could potentially make Greek Life as a whole look undesirable. I don’t see any positive reason why we would ever want OFSL to list drop numbers again. You can get the retention rate without knowing the hard count of how many girls are dropping and it protects those lower member chapters from displaying their dirty laundry of the true hard count of how many are dropping. It would be a bad look for them but also a bad look for Greek Life collectively.

By: imo
by: tbhAug 9, 2024 9:05:52 AM

drops have always been posted. same with violations. that is why ofsl makes it public record on our scorecards

By: tbh
by: agreeAug 9, 2024 9:13:03 AM

girls deserve to know what girls drop from which chapters. get the updated info…

By: agree
by: WowAug 9, 2024 9:45:44 AM

That’s a very vindictive thought. The lower membership chapters already look bad with the member counts and retention calculation, why would you want them to look worse with an actual tally of how many girls are dropping out of their chapters? It’s not necessary. Leave them with some dignity.

By: Wow
by: ^Aug 9, 2024 9:50:54 AM

This calculation is incorrect. We need the member count before and after recruitment and the drop totals. Not everyone gets to the 154 total. If you want to protect bottom chapters only post top, upper and mid drops

By: ^
by: hiAug 9, 2024 9:55:37 AM

the most drops are not even bottom chapters the last scorecard posted proves that

By: hi
by: scorecard Aug 9, 2024 9:59:03 AM

2022 shows the most drops were zta and adpi

By: scorecard
by: No problemAug 9, 2024 10:07:25 AM

Just because you don’t like the results doesn’t mean the calculation is wrong or more data is needed. 😂 We have membership at the start of the year and membership at the end of the year so no additional data points are needed to produce a true retention rate.
If you’d like a trend like for your specific chapter and are not able to calculate that yourself, I can do it. Just send me how many girls dropped by the end of semester 1, then how many girls you picked up in spring and how many dropped in spring. I can pull that together for you if you’re having a hard time calculating the trend rate and really want it. That won’t change the annual retention rate number that we can now calculate using the numbers already provided above.
It would be a good idea for you to focus on improving your chapter and creating a more tenable environment.

By: No problem
by: okAug 9, 2024 10:17:03 AM

where are the membership totals at the beginning and at the end? someone only posted one set of member numbers

By: ok
by: HereAug 9, 2024 2:36:25 PM

If you did not achieve Pan Total (if you didn’t hit the 154 as a starting number) at the start of the 2023 academic year you can calculate your retention rate with whatever number you did start the academic year at. I didn’t share retention rates, I only shared the membership roster totals at the end of spring 2024 so you can calculate your own. So nothing is incorrect, I just don’t know what your specific chapter started with. Most chapters start at Pan Total as the first data point. The calculation is still correct for you to use even if you did not start as high as the Pan Total (154).

By: Here
by: pan Aug 9, 2024 4:10:37 PM

no chapters have the data. we need the data from ofsl.

everyone knows no chapter is at exactly “chapter total” at the beginning of the year bc of grads and drops, same with the end of the year.

By: pan
by: HuhAug 9, 2024 6:39:49 PM

Ah, no, you are wrong. Every chapter recruits to exactly Pan total at the start of the academic year. If your chapter doesn’t start at Pan total than that means you either had a problem filling your roster to get to pan total or you have a problem retaining girls immediately following bid day. Like we literally all start the year at the exact same number of members on bid day. I’m concerned that this is confusing for someone and you should talk to your finance director because this is an actual fact. No amount of trying to spin it changes it. Sorry you’re having a hard time with the data that you requested but here it is in black and white. You can’t retain members like the rest of us. Period.

By: Huh
by: delusional Aug 9, 2024 6:43:37 PM

at no point do we all have the exact same member numbers. talk to ofsl and pan.

By: delusional
by: ButAug 9, 2024 7:18:24 PM

You can keep saying it but you are wrong. We absolutely all attempt to recruit to hit the cap that is the set pan total membership at the start of every academic year. Then we can pick up again in spring. You are incorrect.

Regardless, the member total count does not change and those totals have been provided. Some are MUCH lower than the chapters want you to see and they are panicking because the data is available. They want you to think they have way more members than they do. But they also asked for accuracy. So, you’re welcome.

You know, OFSL / Greek council uses member roster count and member retention rates to calculate Greek awards. So you really should have assumed certain chapters had higher roster counts and higher retention rates. Unless you didn’t go to Greek awards. I get it, maybe your chapter wasn’t going to win anything so you didn’t bother to go or learn about what those awards meant. They’re not easy to achieve. Try harder next year. Do better. ✅

By: But
#5  by: Pan love   

You can’t calculate the drops that way. The totals for tops are different than the lower tiers, lower tiers don’t get to total.

If you want accuracy you need the numbers before recruitment, after recruitment, drops, graduation number. Ofsl has the data.

By: Pan love
by: MathAug 9, 2024 11:01:43 AM

You can start wherever you want. Since we know pan total at the start of the 2023 academic year that’s where we start from.

Yesterday you wanted retention rates. Now You have them. Now you want the rate trended to dates we don’t have data for because you don’t like what you see. It doesn’t change the retention rate we have with the data available.

By: Math
by: Math Aug 9, 2024 11:05:16 AM

One set of data is good, you need 2 sets to compare memberships rising and falling and dropped members. We need more information.

By: Math
by: Try again Aug 9, 2024 2:17:07 PM

No you don’t need any more data to create a retention rate. You have Pan total from the start of year. You have your chapter year end total from the list provided. With that, you can get your retention rate. Plain and simple. Nothing else is needed.

If a smaller chapter did not achieve Pan Total at the start of the year (154 members) then they can calculate their retention rate using whatever number they were able to get to at the start of the year instead. I didn’t post retention rates, I posted totals.

An alternative problem exists, of course, if you’re not able to achieve Pan Total at the start of the year because then you are constantly recruiting to try to increase your roster. Chapters can experience an issue filling their membership roster while others may have an issue retaining members once they achieve Pan total. So if you didn’t hit Pan Total than calculate your retention based on the number you did get to and continue working to try to hit Pan Total.

There is only one set of membership numbers and they were pulled from Panhellenic’s Official Grade Report for Spring 2024 that anyone can look up on their website. Any other membership roster list floating around should cite the source of their list because it is not an official membership count unless we can all see where it came from.

By: Try again
#6  by: ^   


By: ^

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