
if you see a ranking with….


if you see a ranking with tridelt top tier it is not accurate. i’m tired of seeing ppl trying to drag down a very liked and successful chapter. we love all of our pan sisters and we treat everyone fairly. these are our ranks based on actual rank considerations.

2024 ucf sorority ranks
Top: KD, ZTA, ΑDPi

Upper Mid:, DDD, PiPhi

True Mid: AXiD, Theta, Chi O
Lower Mid: ΑΕPhi, ΚΚG
Base: DΖ, GPhi

Sisterhood: ΖΤΑ = ΔΔΔ
Reputation: ΖΤΑ = ΔΔΔ

Popularity/Socials: ΖΤΑ > ΔΔΔ

Looks: ΖΤΑ > ΔΔΔ

Diversity: ΖΤΑ > ΔΔΔ

Leadership: ΖΤΑ > ΔΔΔ

Involvement: ΖΤΑ > ΔΔΔ

Comp Wins: ΖΤΑ > ΔΔΔ

Greek Achievements: ΖΤΑ = ΔΔΔ

Philo Event: ΖΤΑ > ΔΔΔ



= 3

Posted By: rational person
Page 1 of 1

We used the same data you used and judged your chapter’s looks, social life, diversity and reputation lower than you rank yourself. Those data points are biased. We feel you’re lower in all those categories than you feel you are. You claim other chapters self rank but no one more so than you. Other chapters aren’t even posting ranks.
We also merged data points that you leave broken out (hoco pairing) and weighted categories lower than you weight them.
Finally, we added and weighted achievements and GPA.
We had plenty of data, just as you do, but our rankings are still biased just as yours are. The only difference is we decided that we should not influence pnms with our personal opinions so we would stop posting them for the good of all of the Greek community. You benefit the most from our decision to stop posting “ours”. You continue to post “yours” because you think you are somehow helping your chapter

By: Here

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by: rational person   

not a zta we support all chapters 💗

By: rational person
by: Lol    

No comparisons would show DDD above ZTA

By: Lol
by: No we    

There’s no we. The Greek park girls are just one singular psychotic person.

By: No we

1. KD - 12.8k followers, host kd shakedown-the top sorority philo event, won 4 philo comps, gpa-3.22, have a pan leadership position

2. ZTA - 10.4k followers, host zeta lip sync-a top 3 philo event, won 6 philo comps, gpa-3.24, have a pan leadership position

3. ADPi - 10.7k followers, host cheers for charity-a top 3 philo event, won 1 philo comp, won the greek olympics, won a greek council award for five star chapter, won knight-thon chapter of the year, high gpa-3.44, have 2 pan leadership positions (president)

- - -


4. Tridelt - 9.5k followers, host st. jude golf tournament philo event, won 2 philo comps, gpa-3.39, no pan leadership

5. PiPhi - 5.8k followers, host arrowspike philo event, won 4 philo comps, gpa-3.28, have a pan leadership position 

By: info
by: Pairs    

1. ΚΔ

hoco pair 2023 - ΣΧ
hoco pair 2022 - ΘX

2. ΖΤΑ
hoco pair 2023 - ΘΧ
hoco pair 2022 - ΦΔΘ

3. ΑΔΠ
hoco pair 2023 - ΖΒΤ
hoco pair 2022 - ΑΤΩ


4. ΔΔΔ

hoco pair 2023 - ΦΔΘ
hoco pair 2022 - ΔΥ

5. ΠΒΦ

hoco pair 2023 - ΑΤΩ
hoco pair 2022 - ΣΧ

By: Pairs

Girls going through Rush- this website is not a scientific source of information so the “UCF rankings” you view on here are completely biased. The ranks here blend some facts with lots of subjective opinions and frivolous or unmeasurable categories. These rankings are never (ever) discussed at the individual chapter level and not discussed, voted on, or approved by Panhellenic Council. You’ll get to form your own opinions during recruitment and you will learn that UCF sorority women do not visit this website.

UCF’s Panhellenic Council has instructed active sisters not to post “rankings” but one member refuses to comply. Take caution as she will obviously be posting here to paint her own chapter in a better light.

The ranking of women into “tiers” is disgraceful in this day and age and not meant to inform you, it is an immature and pathetic attempt to position one chapter where it doesn’t stand irl. One single member of one house posts multiple times a day, has convo posts with herself to appear like other people agree with her, upranks her own posts 30+ times to appear as though others agree, etc. She has a lot of time on her hands. Consider the source of this “information” and ask yourself if it’s something that is an opinion or a fact.

By: ^^^
by: ^^   

This right here.

Also I have reason to believe this person is not an active member. This person is an alum which makes it even sadder.

By: ^^
by: 💕   

you will choose your chapter for your own personal reasons. you will know when you meet your tribe.

if you are on here you will see rankings. that’s what it’s for. ucf chapters are ranked on greekrank by sisterhood, popularity, leadership, achievements, looks, diversity, philanthropy events, involvement and reputation. we want fair and accurate info shared, not just info about socials or all about success, we want to share unbiased info that combines everything.

have a great recruitment! we all can’t wait to meet you! trust the process and you will run home to the best sorority chapter for YOU.

(the person above us clearly not pan. panhellenic does not call sorority recruitment rush.)

By: 💕
by: Yes!    

GPG happen to be one person with a lot of time on her hands. She is not the embodiment of a UCF woman. Ignore her.

By: Yes!
by: ^^   

I was saying the GPG happen to be one alum. She graduated recently. She’s gone psycho on greekrank before. Ignore her.

By: ^^

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