
the greek rank girls/greek park girls

by: remember

the greek rank girls/greek park girls started in order to down rank zeta and move sorority chapters up in the name of “pan love”. they believed that zeta made the ranks and only cared about social aspects. that’s untrue. our rank considerations factor many important things that pan women care about.

as you can see by reading the many posts and ranks they made they are not against ranking. they are not above comparing chapters. they are not above lying about zeta. they posted their own objective and subjective info since everything on greekrank is a mix of fact and opinion.

just calling out the greek rank girl hypocrisy. have a great day.

Posted By: remember
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#1  by: Facts    

Keep showing everyone the receipts

By: Facts
#2  by: Greek Park Girls   

Oh, hun, we already owned that. We stated clearly that we had been working on an unbiased list and said that we have been unable to produce one and so we won’t be posting anymore. You didn’t have to go through all that trouble, we admit our original posts were biased and have been trying to statistically create one that is not but after two weeks of trying we are unable. That’s why we won’t be posting any longer. Hope this helps.

By: Greek Park Girls
by: WowJul 24, 2024 10:59:21 AM

Greek Rank Girls are so desperate to be bumped up. You couldn’t get bumped up so now you are saying ranking Pan chapters is disgraceful. Make it make sense

By: Wow
by: positiveJul 24, 2024 11:41:00 AM

the bottom line is that they hate zta and made new ranks to hurt them. you moved up others in order for them to support you. no one but you respected those ranks because they were based on zero data and zero majority opinions.

take your hate somewhere else. we are keeping things positive for recruitment

By: positive
#3  by: tru   

ucf ranks are fairly based on facts and opinions. we don’t deceive anyone or lie about any chapters to move others up. we give all the data available and post majority opinion in chapter comparisons.

By: tru
by: ranks Jul 24, 2024 1:09:43 PM

these were the ranks the greek rank girls were pushing which were never backed up with any information:

Greek Rank Girls Sorority Ranks
Top: KD, ΑDPi, DDD

Upper Mid: ZTA, PiPhi
, AXiD, Theta
True Mid: Chi O, ΑΕPhi, ΚΚG
Lower Mid: DΖ, GPhi

these are the agreed on ranks based on actual criteria- popularity, looks, leadership, involvement, diversity, achievements, philo events, etc:

UCF Sorority Ranks 2024
Top: KD, ZTA, ΑDPi 

Upper Mid: DDD, PiPhi
True Mid. AXiD, Theta, Chi O

Lower Mid: ΑΕPhi, ΚΚG 

Base: DΖ, GPhi

By: ranks
by: honest viewpointJul 24, 2024 1:36:01 PM

their ranking was based on pure hatred of zta and to gain favor of the mids, lower mids and base by moving them higher.

btw axid is going to be moved to upper mid honestly and fairly by regaining relations, hoco and their chapter’s success.

By: honest viewpoint
by: :(Jul 24, 2024 3:10:30 PM

Oh my gush that is so sad

By: :(
#4  by: Stop being mean    

You lied on ZTA and tried to slander their name. You blamed them for bad posts and comments. You are mean girls.

We are posting our own ranks
We love ADPi and TriDelt and see them higher. So, yeah, still gonna post our ranks.

Sorority Ranks

Upper Mid: PiPhi
, AXiD, Theta
True Mid: Chi O, ΑΕPhi, ΚΚG
Lower Mid: DΖ, GPhi

By: Stop being mean
by: pan 💗Jul 24, 2024 11:05:05 AM

thank you for speaking up. we won’t allow mean girls to spread false things about any chapter

By: pan 💗
by: Greek Park GirlsJul 24, 2024 11:20:40 AM

We won’t post lists or ranks anymore.
That said, we still don’t like you and it’s never been clearer that you are a Zeta because you constantly reject and bury posts that do not benefit your chapter. It’s painfully obvious.
We don’t see your chapter higher than other chapters, that also remains true. What is changing is that we are no longer going to post our lists or ranks because that would be posting our personal opinions and we don’t want our personal opinions to be perceived as “fact” or “previously agreed upon” to PNM’s. None of our chapters discuss Greek Rank and most of our sisters never come on this site so we don’t want to misrepresent our opinions as something that is bigger than they are because our lists were simply opinions of a few friends from different chapters.
We prefer not to engage with you and as long as you don’t post nasty things about other chapters then we shouldn’t have to. You have been doing better, not perfect, but better. We hope you’ll continue to improve.

By: Greek Park Girls
by: <3Jul 24, 2024 11:28:06 AM

we will bury any mean posts about anyone. we are kind girls and will stand up to your hate.

you are saying you don’t talk to each other about greekrank yet you came together to talk about making better ranks for pan women. which is it?

By: <3
by: but againJul 24, 2024 11:29:48 AM

and again ur blaming zeta for a comment on an anonymous site. that's exactly what started this whole thing in the first place. in order to out a bully, you became an even bigger bully. you still fail to recognize this.

By: but again
by: Not a ZTAJul 24, 2024 11:32:05 AM

The GPG literally made 3 separate posts about how ZTA is the WORST and then you listed all the bad comments from Greekrank and blamed them all on ZTA. You are a bad person.

I’m not a ZTA but you are a bully disguising as a sweet and caring Panhellenic girl.

By: Not a ZTA
by: kind person Jul 24, 2024 12:00:12 PM

you don’t haven’t be zeta to defend them or their rank. you don’t have to be a zeta to speak the truth and stop the constant spamming of posts lying about their chapter. how can you sleep at night knowing you blamed zeta for all those bad posts and comments?

you pretended to make nicer ranks weighted less on socials but all you did was slander zeta’s name. not one time did you ever post a fair ranking using any of your supposed objective data. we see you and we exposed you. this is not ok.

By: kind person
by: IMOJul 24, 2024 12:48:23 PM

Character matters and the Greek Ranks Girls did not seek to make things better. If you truly wanted to make a difference you would have been fair.

by: weJul 26, 2024 8:58:06 AM

we see you

By: we
#5  by: Pan Love   

We love you zta. You don’t deserve this. You are great girls and are super successful leaders. Bullying will not be tolerated we will support you!!!

By: Pan Love
#6  by: GPG   

The GPG are terrible people. End of story.

#7  by: tired    

we are tired of you acting as if you are above all of us and you are complying with pan. you do not obey pan bc you are in this site.

not only are you in gr you allow many things in your chapters that pan does not allow. stop acting self righteous you are no better than anyone else.

By: tired
by: facts Jul 26, 2024 9:41:29 AM

truth!! everyone is on greekrank. almost everyone posts and shares opinions so none of us are complying. this smear campaign is disgusting

By: facts
#8  by: stop    

stop blaming zeta. stop bullying zeta. you are the mean girls. zeta is the victim in all this.

By: stop
#9  by: facts    


By: facts

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