
Potential New Member - Please Read

by: Sorority

Dear Potential New Members,

This site does not represent the best of what Sorority Life offers. We do not rank other chapters or our friends in other chapters because it’s not a competition. The chapter you join will be the best chapter in your eyes and no one will be able to, or should want to, change that. If you are on this site, I urge you to trust the recruitment process and follow your heart instead and I absolutely promise you that you will rarely ever be going to this site once you are Greek because, as you can probably tell, these are just the opinions of a few people posting with the word “official” in front of it to grab your attention.

I cannot wait to meet all of you and for you to find your home! Even if you aren’t my future sister you will be my Pan sister and I am so excited for you to Go Greek!

Posted By: Sorority
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#1  by: Yes   

Always trust your heart.

By: Yes
#2  by: :)   

you will choose your chapter for your own personal reasons. you will know when you meet your tribe.

if you are on here you will see rankings. that’s what it’s for. ucf chapters are ranked on greekrank by sisterhood, popularity, leadership, achievements, looks, diversity, philanthropy events, involvement and reputation.

have a great recruitment! we all can’t wait to meet you! trust the process and you will run home to the best sorority chapter for YOU.

By: :)
by: Unfortunate to seeJul 23, 2024 11:03:01 AM

Consider the source of these rankings and if you wish to listen to people that participate on this toxic website, even after they have been instructed not to do so by Panhellenic Council. 🫤
I think it’s disgraceful that Panhellenic women would post “true ranks” or “fact lists” about each other as though these things are discussed when they are not discussed at all because we don’t come on here - ever.
I’m relieved that my chapter is very obviously not active on this site. I really thought all Panhellenic women had the same amount of class but even the response above encouraging women to read these lists shows me that is not the case.
No need for anyone to respond with thumbs down because it just proves my point. I am reminded why I haven’t looked at this site in months and won’t be signing back on so save your energy.
Wishing you all a great recruitment. I hope those of you posting these ranks get the new members you deserve and that the non-easily influenced new members make it to our chapters where they will flourish.

By: Unfortunate to see
by: To be clearJul 23, 2024 11:31:50 AM

If you want everyone to respect Pan then you should be a role model and not be on here and should certainly not be posting. Abiding by Pan goes for all.

By: To be clear
by: PanJul 23, 2024 12:37:30 PM

Pan does not allow:

Greekrank usage
Underage drinking
Inappropriate behavior
Public drunkenness
Bid promising
Buying followers
Buying likes
Contacting and befriending PNMs on social media
Recruiting for looks only aka values based recruitment

By: Pan
by: boomJul 23, 2024 12:49:32 PM

holier than thou. greekrank is so evil lol. some chapters are budgeting ahead to pay for their recruitment violation fines they know they will get. 😈 we all can’t wait to hear where you will be drinking during dry week. no frat parties for you. pan love.

By: boom
by: 💥Jul 24, 2024 11:03:28 AM


By: 💥
by: pan 💗Jul 24, 2024 11:07:17 AM

we all know the truth about chapters and we will keep sharing all the info we have available

By: pan 💗
#3  by: panhellenic    

if any pnm wants information and not ranks they should ask their rho gam and also visit the official ucf ofsl website. there are pages of info about our panhellenic sororities.

By: panhellenic
#4  by: c   


By: c
#5  by: fr   

I honestly do feel bad for anyone using these ranks that don’t know that this is just one single person’s opinion. It’s a full time job for her constantly liking/disliking, posting responses to herself to look like convos, bumping, burying posts.

By: fr
#6  by: Greek Park Girls   

We have spent two weeks trying but are unable to produce a fully objective list - personal biases always creep in. You will not see any further lists or ranks posted by GPG.

We started this journey to develop a truly unbiased list but whoever wrote this op is correct, it’s not possible. Zero lists about our fellow Pan sisters is better than a biased list/rank.

Agree this site is toxic. It does not promote unity. That is probably why Pan advises active sisters to stay off it. We wish no one would post anything on here so we would not feel the need to defend our fellow Pan sisters but as long as nasty comments are posted we are forced to occasionally check. It’s a shame it has to be this way. Other college’s GR sites are dormant. Wish that could be us.

By: Greek Park Girls
by: ThxJul 24, 2024 3:45:50 PM

No matter how you all arrived at this decision, thank you for no longer posting and for keeping your opinions private and not sharing or discussing them here. Appreciate this.

By: Thx
#7  by: GPG   


#8  by: Luv    

So true❣️

By: Luv
#9  by: Irl    

The house you choose is the best house for you and you will never ever come back to this site after you pledge.

By: Irl
#10  by: Bump   


By: Bump

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