
PNMS People are falsely accusing…


Zeta for every hateful comment on this eye. Its so sad that get are blaming one chapter for every many bad thing in here for no reason and no proof.

To the ones harassing Zeta…
Wait until t braided turns and your chapters the one being dragged. Imagine “Quotes From…” or “Quotes From …” with random bad things said about chapters. You would not like it. This is disgusting and you should be ashamed. It’s embarrassing for all Pan and just plain sad.

Posted By: Sad
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zta we love you. you are fabulous and we all know you aren’t the mean girls.

By: 💗
by: Tbh   

The mean girls are dragging zeta

By: Tbh

Leave ZTA alone! You are that desperate to move up chapters that you feel ok bashing ZTA in order to do it? You need integrity. ZTA has everything but a high gpa.

By: ^
by: Greek Park   

We will say and do whatever we want to. Just as you always have. We won’t be silenced. A second version of the lists are here to stay.

By: Greek Park
by: sad   

zta haters made fake ranks

By: sad

Our chapters DID have bad things said about them - by this Zeta Moderator. That’s why we came together and have our own list now! Because you talk and you don’t listen.

Zeta has said bad things about every chapter! Just read all the quotes from just the past month and Zeta is on record bad mouthing like 8 different chapters! Not to mention how they think it’s ok to list chapters with lower membership as “bottom” or “base” - so offensive!

But you don’t like it when we talk about Zeta, do you? And you don’t like it when we talk and don’t listen to your input, do you? No, you don’t. You’re spiraling.

There’s two versions of the ranks now. Get used to it.

By: Greek Park
by: why blame zta?   

there are bad things said on here every day. XYZ isn’t pretty enough. XYZ has lower socials. XYZ can’t compare. how do you know it’s zta? this is not a joke.

By: why blame zta?
by: Truth   

I just checked the Florida school Greekranks and they all have top, mid and base/bottom ranks. I checked other big schools too it’s not just FL either.

A ranking is a scale. If you you are offended by a lower mid or base tier you don’t have to go on this site. It is full of judgement. Ranks are a position/order of chapters.

By: Truth

Why are you blaming Zeta??????

By: Sooo weird

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by: why   

yes why?

By: why

PNMs- this doesn’t even necessarily represent the entire ZTA chapter but there is a group of girls that have spent the past year faking likes, burying posts and pitting chapters against each other if it would benefit ZTA. Now they’re pressed for being called out and spiraling because they have done so much hating that they don’t know who is finally fighting back against their bullying. We didn’t fight back sooner because no one in Greek life goes on this site. We can’t stand for their tactics as we approach recruitment. We also do not see them as high as they see themselves. They have always inflated data points that help them and then they have controlled the narrative of the site/ranks. We support all of Greek park and they only say and do things that help their own chapter.
No one is falsely accusing. We are simply speaking up now with a different set of data and weighting. They don’t want to own up to their part in any of this. That’s fine, they don’t have to. We think their denial is comical.

By: Yup
by: Fake Ranks    

FAKE Ranks

Upper Mid: PiPhi
, AXiD, Theta
True Mid: Chi O, ΑΕPhi, ΚΚG
Lower Mid: DΖ, GPhi

Everyone wants to hear how your data and your scale shows ADPi and Tridelt above ZTA.

By: Fake Ranks

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