
ZTA > KD and here’s why


I’m not tryin to change the rank. KD should be ranked above ZTA simply because they have more diversity and a bigger event.

ZTA is more popular than KD. They are the most desired by frats and they hang out with all tiers. They hang with Theta Chi Phi Delt to TKE SAE Fiji. They have the most socials every semester of any sorority.

They have WAY better sisterhood. The moderator is pro KD and thinks they’re the idealistic sorority but they are not. They have the WORST sisterhood of all tops. They don’t even acknowledge a specific PC and they’re the only sorority who’s taken it physical.


Posted By: Greekrank is so lol
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diversity, event, looks
kd > zta

kd = zta

By: not a paragraph
by: ^   

this is true. zta kicked ass in comp wins

By: ^
by: compared    

kd & zta are almost equal

Reputation: ΚΔ > ΖΤΑ

Popularity/Socials: ΚΔ = ΖΤΑ 

Hoco Pairs: ΚΔ = ΖΤΑ

Social Life: ΖΤΑ > ΚΔ 

Looks: ΚΔ > ΖΤΑ

Diversity: ΚΔ > ΖΤΑ

Leadership: ΚΔ = ΖΤΑ

Involvement: ΖΤΑ > ΚΔ

Comp Wins: ΖΤΑ > ΚΔ

Event: ΚΔ > ΖΤΑ 

By: compared

zeta and kd are both amazing! they don’t want this.

By: <3
by: -   

Someone is ZTA does because thats who posted this

By: -

the moderator is a zta or zta fan bc that’s all we hear about. he or she loves zta and hates axid

By: lol
by: Lmao   

Nah bro the moderator LOVES axid. U can’t spin the narrative bro we can all see

By: Lmao
by: lmao   

no one bought up acid bc they are the most talked about, defended and self ranked on this site. zeta hasn’t been talked ab in a min.

By: lmao
by: tbh   

i don’t know every day there are bad axid posts and comments nothing positive ever. there are always positive posts about zta and adpi.

By: tbh
by: !!   

We all are happy to be discussing top chapters

By: !!
by: Lmao   

“bad comments about axid positive about zeta and adpi”

For one adpi doesn’t do anything so it’s hard to say anything bad. They also don’t have any hype up posts so idk where that comes from.

Zeta is loved.

Axid will have bad comments bc you constantly put them places they don’t belong forcefully. U saw it with theta you’ll see it with axid

By: Lmao

we can’t have rank discussions or comparisons anymore bc if the active girls doesn’t agree then ur a “moderator” or “hating” lol

By: lmao
by: Active   

There are a few active girls on this site, tops and upper mids care about the ranks. Who cares who agrees or disagrees? Say your views.

By: Active

gr is so lol bc we all have different opinions

By: facts

Zeta isn’t better than KD. Zeta is only in second bc they are always on here and have “relations” w the frats and a good event. Positioning to be higher is absurd. Everyone knows there are 2-3 chapters currently “ranked” below them that every girl going through rush would rather be in.

Diversity is no better than any other chapter. It’s a made up stat to allow the people commenting on here all the time to inflate their position because we can’t measure diversity and everyone knows it.

By: .
by: :/   

Yeah it sucks because as far as I know zeta is a great chapter but more than one pnm has told me they don't want zeta because of their "reputation" with guys

By: :/
by: log off fiji   

no one in sororities discusses what chapters pnms want. that’s like rule #1

By: log off fiji
by: tbh   

bffr we talk to pnms about different chapters they are interested in. pnms are our friends and they are at clubs and parties. zta and kd both have reps it’s not just zta

By: tbh

if zta was actually better than kd, they wouldn't have to make these posts every few weeks insisting that they're better. and i thought we confirmed the kd fight wasn't physical and the pc thing was made up by that girl who kept posting rumors? can we move on?

By: the truth
by: Lmfao   

The fight is not a lie and the pc thing is very much true. This is what we mean, you need to stop giving ur input on things u don’t know. Look how phi delt win. KD is above zeta but u don’t have to lie to prove it.

By: Lmfao

fr y’all both have bad sisterhood

By: facts

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Pick me’s

By: Always

Remember when zeta posted this four days ago and got literally no support and then everyone started expressing how they really feel about zeta? Then zeta posted about other chapters trying to deflect the attention but they can’t shake it. It all started here with whatever marketing genius in zeta thought this was a good idea. 😂

By: Backfire
by: ^   

tru, they started it and now they want it to end cause they got no support - lol. Imagine if people had agreed- they wouldn’t have shut up about it.

By: ^
by: No change    

Same tactic, different week. Picking on two chapters today. Alum Moderator so transparent.

By: No change

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